Condividi tramite

Metodo IHttpFileInfo::GetFileBuffer

Restituisce un buffer in memoria caricato dal file corrispondente.


virtual const BYTE* GetFileBuffer(  
) const = 0;  


Questo metodo non accetta parametri.

Valore restituito

Puntatore const``BYTE che contiene i dati del file in memoria; in caso contrario, NULL.


Se il puntatore restituito BYTE non è NULL, il puntatore conterrà una matrice di byte caricati dal file corrispondente. Questi dati corrispondono al corpo della risposta HTTP.

Il comportamento del metodo è specifico dell'implementazione GetFileBuffer . È consigliabile usare le informazioni seguenti come linee guida, ma potrebbe non essere corretta in tutti gli scenari:

  • Implementer che fanno riferimento a un file Internet restituiscono NULL.

  • Gli implementatori che fanno riferimento a un file non Internet restituiscono un BYTE puntatore in memoria che contiene dati dal file, se tale file può essere aperto. In caso contrario, questi implementer restituiscono NULL.

Note per gli implementatori

Gli implementatori IHttpFileInfo sono responsabili della gestione della memoria con questi dati; pertanto, IHttpFileInfo gli implementatori che usano l'allocazione dinamica della memoria devono rilasciare o chiamare delete[] sul BYTE puntatore quando non è più necessario.

Note per i chiamanti

IHttpFileInfo gli implementatori sono responsabili della gestione della memoria con questi dati; pertanto, IHttpFileInfo i client non devono rilasciare o chiamare delete[] sul puntatore restituito BYTE quando questi dati non sono più necessari. Inoltre, i client non devono eseguire il cast di questi dati in un puntatore che non è un const oggetto o modificare lo stato della memoria a cui fa riferimento questo BYTE puntatore. In caso contrario, verrà generata una violazione di accesso o i dati non saranno validi.


Testare sempre null prima di controllare i dati contenuti nel puntatore restituito BYTE , perché alcune implementazioni restituiscono NULL.


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrato come usare il metodo IHttpContext::GetFileInfo per creare un modulo HTTP che recupera un puntatore a un'interfaccia IHttpFileInfo per la richiesta corrente. L'esempio chiama quindi il GetFileBuffer metodo per recuperare le informazioni sul file richiesto e visualizza queste informazioni in un client Web.

#pragma warning( disable : 4290 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4530 )

#define _WINSOCKAPI_
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <sal.h>
#include <httpserv.h>

#include <string>
using namespace std;

// The CConvert class mirrors the Convert class that is 
// defined in the .NET Framework. It converts primitives 
// and other data types to wstring types.
class CConvert
    // The ToString method converts a PCSTR to a wstring.
    // pcstr: the PCSTR to convert to a wstring.
    // return: the PCSTR as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(PCSTR pcstr)
        // Return the empty string 
        // if the PCSTR is NULL.
        if (NULL == pcstr)
            return L"NULL";

        // Get the length of the string to copy.
        size_t length = strlen(pcstr);
        // Create a new double-byte character 
        // array of length plus 1.
        wchar_t* newText = new wchar_t[length+1];

        // Copy the source into the sink string.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            newText[i] = pcstr[i];

        // Terminate the string with the NULL character.
        newText[length] = '\0';
        // Get a wstring from the new double-byte string.
        wstring wText = newText;
        // Call delete on the newText pointer 
        // and set this pointer to NULL.
        delete[] newText;
        newText = NULL;

        // Return the wstring copy.
        return wText;

    // The ToByteString converts a double-byte 
    // character string to a single-byte string.
    // str: the double-byte string to convert.
    // return: a single-byte string copied from str.
    static string ToByteString(const wstring& str)
        // Get the length of the 
        // double-byte string.
        size_t length = str.length();

        // Create a temporary char pointer.
        char* byteChar = new char[length+1];
        byteChar[0] = '\0';
        // Copy the double-byte character string
        // into the single-byte string.        
        size_t charsReturned = 0;
        wcstombs_s(&charsReturned, byteChar, 
                   length+1, str.c_str(), length+1);
        // Create a string to return.
        string retString = byteChar;
        // Delete the temporary string and
        // set that string to NULL.
        delete[] byteChar;
        byteChar = NULL;

        // Return the single-byte string.
        return retString;

    // The ToString method converts a 
    // const BYTE pointer to a wstring.
    // bytes: the BYTE pointer to convert.
    // return: the value of bytes as a wstring.
    static wstring ToString(const BYTE* bytes)
        return (ToString((PCSTR)bytes));    

// The CResponseWriter class writes 
// text to the response stream.
class CResponseWriter
    // Creates the CResponseWriter class.
    // response: the IHttpResponse 
    // pointer to write to.
    // throws: a _com_error exception if
    // the IHttpResponse pointer is NULL.
    CResponseWriter(IHttpResponse* response)
        throw (_com_error)
        // If the response is NULL,
        // throw an exception.
        if (NULL == response)

        // Set the internal response.
        m_response = response;

    // The destructor for the CResponseWriter
    // class. The CResponseWriter method 
    // sets the IHttpResponse pointer to NULL.
    virtual ~CResponseWriter()
        m_response = NULL;
    // The Write method writes the 
    // PCSTR to the response stream.
    // pszValue: the PCSTR to write.
    // throws: a _com_error if the 
    // Write method fails.
    void Write
        PCSTR pszValue        
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // The string must not be 
        // NULL, and its length must 
        // be greater than 0.
        if ((NULL == pszValue) || 
            (strlen(pszValue) < 1))            
            // Throw an invalid argument
            // exception.

        // Create a data chunk structure.
        HTTP_DATA_CHUNK dataChunk;
        // Set the chunk to a chunk in memory.
        dataChunk.DataChunkType = 

        // Set the chunk to 
        // the pszValue parameter.
        dataChunk.FromMemory.pBuffer = 
        // Set the chunk size 
        // to the pszValue length.
        dataChunk.FromMemory.BufferLength = 
        // Declare and initialize OUT 
        // parameters for the WriteEntityChunks 
        // method.
        DWORD pcbSent = 0;
        BOOL pfCompletionExpected = FALSE;

        // Write the entity chunks to
        // the response stream.
        HRESULT hr =

        // Throw an exception if the call
        // to WriteEntityChunks is not a 
        // success.
    // The WriteLine method writes a string
    // and newline characters to the response steam.
    // pszValue: the PCSTR string to write.
    // throws: a _com_error if the PCSTR 
    // or the newline characters are not 
    // written to the response stream.
    void WriteLine
        PCSTR pszValue        
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // Try to write the pszValue parameter.
        // Try to write the newline characters.
    // Convenience method that writes a name 
    // and value pair to the response stream.
    // name: the name of the parameter.
    // value: the value of the parameter.
    // throws: a _com_error exception if
    // the response stream is not written.
    void WriteLine
        const wstring& name,
        const wstring& value
    ) throw (_com_error)
        // Convert the UNICODE strings 
        // to mutlibyte strings.
        string nameMulti = 
        string valueMulti = 

        // Create the string to write.
        string writeString =
            nameMulti + 
            string(":  ") + 

        // Write the line to
        // the response stream.

    // Tests an HRESULT for success.
    // hr: the HRESULT value to inspect.
    // throws: a _com_error if the HRESULT
    // parameter is not S_OK.
    static void ThrowOnFail(HRESULT hr)
        if (FAILED(hr))
            _com_error ce(hr);
            throw ce;
    // Specify the IHttpResponse
    // pointer to write to.
    IHttpResponse* m_response;

// The MyHttpModule class extends the CHttpModule 
// class and handles response processing.  This 
// class handles retrieving an IHttpFileInfo pointer 
// from the IHttpContext pointer during the overridden 
// OnSendResponse method, and writes the IHttpFileInfo 
// data to the response stream.
class MyHttpModule : public CHttpModule
    // The MyHttpModule method is the public 
    // constructor for the MyHttpModule class.


    // The OnSendResponse method 
    // handles respose processing.
    // pHttpContext: an IHttpContext pointer.
    // pProvider: an ISendResponseProvider pointer.
    // IHttpFileInfo pointer can be retrieved from the 
    // pHttpContext parameter; otherwise, 
        IN IHttpContext* pHttpContext,
        IN OUT ISendResponseProvider* pProvider
        // Use the UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER macro since
        // the pProvider parameter is never used.

        if (NULL == pHttpContext)
            return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE;

        // Get an IHttpFileInfo pointer 
        // from the IHttpContext pointer.
        IHttpFileInfo* fileInfo = 

        // Get the IHttpResponse pointer 
        // from the IHttpContext pointer.
        IHttpResponse* response = 

        // Both the IHttpFileInfo pointer
        // and IHttpResponse pointer are
        // required for processing.
        if ((NULL == fileInfo) ||
            (NULL == response))
            return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE;

        // Clear the existing response stream.        

        // Set the response header to plain text.
        HRESULT hr = 

        // If the SetHeader method fails,
        // call the SetStatus with an error code.
        if (FAILED(hr))
                                0, hr);
            return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE;

        // The CResponseWriter will throw a 
        // com_exception if it cannot be created, 
        // or if the response stream cannot be written. 
        // Create a new CResponseWriter, and wrap 
        // all calls into that CResponseWriter,
        // with a try-catch statement.
            // Declare a writer for 
            // the response stream.
            CResponseWriter writer(response);

            // Call the GetFileBuffer method
            // on the IHttpFileInfo pointer.
            const BYTE* fileBuffer = 

            // Convert the const BYTE 
            // pointer to a wstring.
            wstring fileString =

            // Write the file buffer to
            // the response stream.
            writer.WriteLine(L"File Buffer", fileString);            
        catch (_com_error& ce)
            // Attempt to get the 
            // description of the error.
            _bstr_t description = 

            // Print the description if 
            // it is not empty.
            if (0 == description.length())
                description = ce.ErrorMessage();            
            // Set an error status on the 
            // IHttpResponse pointer.
            response->SetStatus(500, description, 0, ce.Error());            

        // Return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST, which 
        // will terminate any additional request processing.
    // The MyHttpModule is the protected virtual
    // constructor for the MyHttpModule class.
    virtual ~MyHttpModule()


// The MyHttpModuleFactory class implements the IHttpModuleFactory 
// interface, and creates a new MyHttpModule pointer, where this
// MyHttpModule listens for RQ_SEND_RESPONSE events.
class MyHttpModuleFactory : public IHttpModuleFactory
    // The RegisterGlobalModule method creates a new 
    // MyHttpModuleFactory pointer, assigns that pointer 
    // as the factory on the pModuleInfo parameter, and
    // registers for RQ_SEND_RESPONSE events.
    // dwServerVersion: the current server version.
    // pModuleInfo: the IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo 
    // used for requesting notifications.
    // pGlobalInfo: the IHttpServer pointer.
    static HRESULT RegisterGlobalModule
        DWORD dwServerVersion,
        IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo* pModuleInfo,
        IHttpServer* pGlobalInfo
        // Create a new MyHttpModuleFactory pointer.
        MyHttpModuleFactory* factory =
            new MyHttpModuleFactory;

        // If the factory is NULL, return a
        // return a ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 
        // errror.
        if (NULL == factory)

        // Return the value from calling the 
        // SetRequestNotifications method by 
        // passing the factory for RQ_SEND_RESPONSE
        // events.
        return pModuleInfo->SetRequestNotifications(

    // The GetHttpModule method creates a new MyHttpModule 
    // pointer and sets the ppModule with this pointer.
    // ppModule: the OUT parameter which 
    // accepts a new CHttpModule subclass.
    // pAllocator: the IModuleAllocator pointer, 
    // which is unused in this implementation.
    virtual HRESULT GetHttpModule
        OUT CHttpModule** ppModule, 
        IN IModuleAllocator* pAllocator
        // Call the UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER with 
        // the IModuleAllocator pointer, because
        // this parameter is never used.

        // Create a new MyHttpModule pointer and assign
        // it to the dereferenced ppModule pointer.
        *ppModule = new MyHttpModule;

        // If the dereferenced ppModule is NULL 
        // then heap memory is exhausted. Return
        // an ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY error.
        if (NULL == *ppModule)

        // Creating a new MyHttpModule pointer 
        // was successful; return S_OK.
        return S_OK;       

    // The Terminate method must be implemented
    // by IHttpModuleFactory implementers, 
    // and calls delete on this.
    virtual void Terminate()
        delete this;

    // The MyHttpModuleFactory is the 
    // protected constructor for the 
    // MyHttpModuleFactory class.


    // The MyHttpModuleFactory method is the 
    // protected virtual destructor for the 
    // MyHttpModuleFactory class.
    virtual ~MyHttpModuleFactory()


// The RegisterModule method is the 
// main entry point for the DLL.
// dwServerVersion: the current server version.
// pModuleInfo: the current 
// IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo pointer.
// pGlobalInfo: the current IHttpServer pointer.
// return: the HRESULT value returned from 
// the MyHttpModuleFactory::RegisterGlobalModule
// static method.
    DWORD dwServerVersion,
    IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo* pModuleInfo,
    IHttpServer* pGlobalInfo
    // Register for global events using the MyHttpModuleFactory 
    // class' static RegisterGlobalModule method.
    return MyHttpModuleFactory::RegisterGlobalModule
        (dwServerVersion, pModuleInfo, pGlobalInfo);  

Il testo seguente è un esempio dell'output dei dati dell'esempio di codice precedente.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0  
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 22:22:09 GMT  
Content-Length: 348  
File Buffer:   
<html>. . .  

Il modulo deve esportare la funzione RegisterModule . È possibile esportare questa funzione creando un file di definizione del modulo (con estensione def) per il progetto oppure è possibile compilare il modulo usando l'opzione /EXPORT:RegisterModule . Per altre informazioni, vedere Procedura dettagliata: Creazione di un modulo HTTP Request-Level tramite codice nativo.

Facoltativamente, è possibile compilare il codice usando la __stdcall (/Gz) convenzione chiamante anziché dichiarare esplicitamente la convenzione chiamante per ogni funzione.


Tipo Descrizione
Client - IIS 7.0 in Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 in Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 in Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 in Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 in Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 in Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 in Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 in Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 in Windows Server 2016
Prodotto - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
- IIS Express 7,5, IIS Express 8.0, IIS Express 10.0
Intestazione Httpserv.h

Vedere anche

Interfaccia IHttpFileInfo