SupportsBatchCreation<ResourceT> Interface

Type Parameters


the top level Azure resource type

public interface SupportsBatchCreation

Providing access to creating a batch of Azure top level resources of same type.

(Note: this interface is not intended to be implemented by user code)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract CreatedResources<ResourceT> create(Creatable<ResourceT>[] creatables)

Executes the create requests on a collection (batch) of resources.

abstract CreatedResources<ResourceT> create(List<Creatable<ResourceT>> creatables)

Executes the create requests on a collection (batch) of resources.

abstract rx.Observable<Indexable> createAsync(Creatable<ResourceT>[] creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.

abstract<CreatedResources<ResourceT>> createAsync(ServiceCallback<CreatedResources<ResourceT>> callback, Creatable<ResourceT>[] creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.

abstract<CreatedResources<ResourceT>> createAsync(ServiceCallback<CreatedResources<ResourceT>> callback, List<Creatable<ResourceT>> creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.

abstract rx.Observable<Indexable> createAsync(List<Creatable<ResourceT>> creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.

Method Details


public abstract CreatedResources create(Creatable[] creatables)

Executes the create requests on a collection (batch) of resources.


creatables - the creatables in the batch


the batch operation result from which created resources in this batch can be accessed.


public abstract CreatedResources create(List> creatables)

Executes the create requests on a collection (batch) of resources.


creatables - the list of creatables in the batch


the batch operation result from which created resources in this batch can be accessed.


public abstract Observable createAsync(Creatable[] creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.


creatables - the creatables in the batch


an observable for the resources


public abstract ServiceFuture> createAsync(ServiceCallback> callback, Creatable[] creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.


callback - the callback to handle success and failure
creatables - the creatables in the batch


a handle to cancel the request


public abstract ServiceFuture> createAsync(ServiceCallback> callback, List> creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.


callback - the callback to handle success and failure
creatables - the list of creatables in the batch


a handle to cancel the request


public abstract Observable createAsync(List> creatables)

Puts the requests to create a batch of resources into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.


creatables - the list of creatables in the batch


an observable for the resources

Applies to