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updateService: Updates an existing web service.


Updates an existing web service on an R Server instance.


  updateService(name, v, code = NULL, model = NULL, snapshot = NULL,
    inputs = NULL, outputs = NULL, artifacts = c(), alias = NULL,
    destination = NULL, descr = NULL, serviceType = c("Script", "Realtime"))



A string representing the web service name. Use quotes such as "MyService".


The version of the web service you want to update.


(optional) For standard web services, the R code to publish if you are updating the code. If you use a path, the base path is your local current working directory. code can take the form of:

  • A function handle such as code = function(hp, wt) { newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt) predict(model, newdata, type = "response") }
  • A block of arbitrary R code as a character string such ascode = "result <- x + y"
  • A filepath to a local .R file containing R code such as code = "/path/to/R/script.R" If serviceType is 'Realtime', code has to be NULL.


(optional) For standard web services, an object or a filepath to an external representation of R objects to be loaded and used with code. The specified file can be:

  • Filepath to a local .RData file holding R objects to be loaded. For example, model = "/path/to/glm-model.RData"
  • Filepath to a local .R file that is evaluated into an environment and loaded. For example, model = "/path/to/glm-model.R"
  • An object. For example, model = "model = am.glm" For real-time web services (serviceType = 'Realtime'), only an R model object is accepted. For example, model = "model = am.glm"


(optional) Identifier of the session snapshot to load. Can replace the model argument or be merged with it. If serviceType is 'Realtime', snapshot has to be NULL.


(optional) Defines the web service input schema. If empty, the service will not accept inputs. inputs are defined as a named list list(x = "logical") which describes the input parameter names and their corresponding data types:

  • numeric
  • integer
  • logical
  • character
  • vector
  • matrix
  • data.frame If serviceType is 'Realtime', inputs has to be NULL. Once published, service inputs automatically default to list(inputData = 'data.frame').


(optional) Defines the web service output schema. If empty, the service will not return a response value. outputs are defined as a named list list(x = "logical") that describes the output parameter names and their corresponding data types:

  • numeric
  • integer
  • logical
  • character
  • vector
  • matrix
  • data.frame Note: If code is defined as a function, then only one output value can be claimed. If serviceType is 'Realtime', outputs has to be NULL. Once published, service outputs automatically default to list(inputData = 'data.frame').


(optional) A character vector of filenames defining which file artifacts should be returned during service consumption. File content is encoded as a Base64 String.


(optional) An alias name of the prediction remote procedure call (RPC) function used to consume the service. If code is a function, then it will use that function name by default.


(optional) The codegen output directory location.


(optional) The description of the web service.


(optional) The type of the web service. Valid values are 'Script' and 'Realtime'. Defaults to 'Script', which is for a standard web service, contains arbitrary R code, R scripts and/or models. 'Realtime' contains only a supported model object (see 'model' argument above).


Complete documentation:

Updates an existing service by name and version v.

See Also

Other service methods: deleteService, getService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, publishService, serviceOption, summary.serviceDetails


 ## Not run:

# Updates a service's `descr` description field
  descr = "Update the description field."

# Updates a service's `descr` description field using optional `serviceType`
  descr = "Update the description field.",
  serviceType = "Script"

# Updates a real-time service's `descr` description field using `serviceType`
descr = "Update the description for `kyphosisLogRegModel` Realtime service.",
# --- `serviceType` below is required for this web service --- #
serviceType = "Realtime"
## End(Not run)