This page lists the ways to customize Microsoft Edge DevTools.
Settings > Preferences contains many options for customizing DevTools.
To open Settings, in DevTools, click the Customize and control DevTools icon (), and then click Settings (). Or, while DevTools has focus, press F1.
Quick View
In the Quick View toolbar in the bottom of DevTools, you can select which tools to display.
To open (or close) the Quick View panel, press Esc when focus is on DevTools.
You can move tools between the Activity Bar (at the top) and the Quick View toolbar (at the bottom).
To move a tool from the Quick View toolbar to the Activity Bar, right-click a tool, and then select Move to top Activity Bar:
To move a tool from the Activity Bar to the Quick View toolbar, right-click a tool, and then select Move to bottom Quick View:
Reorder tools
To change the ordering of tabs on a toolbar, drag a tool's tab to the desired location. Your custom tool order persists across DevTools sessions.
For example, by default, the Network tool is the fifth tab on the Activity Bar. You can drag the Network tab to become the first tab:
Tabs that are added by DevTools extensions are always added to the end of the Activity Bar. You can reorder them during a DevTools session, but they will always be at the end of the Activity Bar again when DevTools is opened.
Open and close tools
To keep the DevTools interface streamlined, many of the tools aren't opened by default. To open a tool in the Activity Bar or the Quick View toolbar, click the More Tools () button to the right of the tabs, and then select a tool from the list:
To close a tool, right-click a tool's tab and then select Remove from Activity Bar or Remove from Quick View:
Change where DevTools is docked in the browser
To change where DevTools is docked in the browser, click the Customize and control DevTools icon () and choose one of the options in the Dock location submenu:
To restore the default theme, placement, tools order, and any other customized settings, select Settings > Preferences, scroll down, and then click Restore defaults and refresh:
Customizing Microsoft Edge Developer Tools and quick feature access
Published on 5 May 2022.
Learn how to customize DevTools to fit your needs.
This video covers how to dock or undock DevTools, open new tools, and close those you don't need. It describes how to move tools in the Drawer (now Quick View panel) at the bottom of DevTools, and how to customize the text size and theme. The video also explains how you can use the Command Menu keyboard shortcuts to quickly customize DevTools.
Understand the DevTools user interface
Published on 1 September 2022.
Understand how the Microsoft Edge DevTools UI is organized. If you are confused about what tools are available, and what the main parts of the DevTools interface do, this video will help get more comfortable.
In this video, we go over the UI structure, with its main toolbar and panel, and the Drawer (now Quick View panel). We also go over how to find, open, and close tools, restore the default settings, and go over the list of available tools.
Check out this video to learn about the main parts of the DevTools UI, how to customize it to meet your needs, learn about the different tools that are available, and where to go for help.
Set up Microsoft Edge to support learning and teaching. Customize your browser using features like Favorites, Extensions and more so it supports security and productivity.
Questa certificazione misura la capacità di eseguire le attività tecniche seguenti: Progettare ed implementare processi e comunicazioni, progettare e implementare il controllo del codice sorgente, progettare e implementare pipeline di compilazione e versione, sviluppare un piano di sicurezza e conformità e implementare una strategia di strumentazione.