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_NameTableIndex( ) API Library Routine

Returns the name table index that corresponds to a given name, or returns – 1 if that name isn't in the name table.

NTI _NameTableIndex(char FAR *name)
char FAR *name;            /* Name. */


The name may be found in the name table even though a variable with the name name doesn't exist. To determine whether a variable with the name name exists, use _FindVar( ), specifying the name table index returned by _NameTableIndex( ) as the nti parameter.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Accessing the Visual FoxPro API.


The following example releases a memory variable whose name is given as a character argument. Note that _NameTableIndex( ) finds the variable name after it has been released. Therefore, _NameTableIndex( ) is used in combination with _FindVar( ) to make sure the memory variable is currently defined.

Visual FoxPro Code

x = 123

C Code

#include <pro_ext.h>

FAR ReleaseEx(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   NTI nti;
   char FAR *name;
   int exitCode;
   Locator loc;

   //   Null terminate character string, name of variable
   if (!_SetHandSize(parm->p[0].val.ev_handle,
      _Error(182); // "Insufficient memory"
   name = (char FAR *) _HandToPtr(parm->p[0].val.ev_handle);
   name[parm->p[0].val.ev_length] = '\0';

   if ((nti = _NameTableIndex(name)) == -1)
      _UserError("Cannot find variable in name table.");

   if (_FindVar(nti, -1, &loc))
      _PutStr("\nVariable exists prior to _Release().");
   if ((exitCode =_Release(nti)) < 0)

   name = (char FAR *) _HandToPtr(parm->p[0].val.ev_handle);
   name[parm->p[0].val.ev_length] = '\0';

   if ((nti = _NameTableIndex(name)) != -1)
      _PutStr("\n_NameTableIndex() still finds variable \
         after it is released.");

   if (!_FindVar(nti, -1, &loc))
      _PutStr("\nVariable does not exist after _Release().");

FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] = {
   {"XRELEASE", (FPFI) ReleaseEx, 1, "C"},
FoxTable _FoxTable = {
   (FoxTable FAR *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

See Also


API Library Routines A-Z


_ALen( ) API Library Routine

_FindVar( ) API Library Routine

_Load( ) API Library Routine

_NewVar( ) API Library Routine

_ObjectRelease( ) API Library Routine

_Store( ) API Library Routine

Other Resources

Accessing the Visual FoxPro API

API Library Routines by Category