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WshUnnamed Object

Provides access to the unnamed arguments from the command line.


Wsh Unnamed Object graphic

The WshUnnamed object is a read-only collection that is returned by the Unnamed property of the WshArguments object. Individual argument values are retrieved from this collection using zero-based indexes.

There are three ways to access sets of command-line arguments.

  • You can access all of the arguments (those with and without names) with the WshArguments object.

  • You can access the arguments that have names with the WshNamed object.

  • You can access the arguments that have no names with the WshUnnamed object.


The following JScript example displays the following:

  • All command-line arguments that are in the WshArguments object.

  • Unnamed command-line arguments that are in the WshUnnamed object.

  • A named command-line argument that is in the WshNamed object.

// Show all of the arguments.
WScript.Echo(WScript.Arguments.length + " arguments")

for (var i = 0; i <= WScript.Arguments.length - 1; i++) {
    WScript.Echo(" " + WScript.Arguments.Item(i));


// Show the unnamed arguments.
WScript.Echo(WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.length + " unnamed arguments")

for (var i = 0; i <= WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.length - 1; i++) {
    WScript.Echo(" " + WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(i));

// Show the named arguments.
WScript.Echo (WScript.Arguments.Named.length + " named arguments")
WScript.Echo (" ab: " + WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("ab"));

To run this example, perform the following steps.

  1. Paste the code into a file named ShowArgs.js.

  2. Type the following at a command prompt:

    cscript showargs.js /ab:cd 123 "scripts are wonderful"

Following is the output:

3 arguments
 scripts are wonderful
2 unnamed arguments
 scripts are wonderful
1 named arguments
 ab: cd

The following Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) example displays the following:

  • All command-line arguments that are in the WshArguments object.

  • Unnamed command-line arguments that are in the WshUnnamed object.

  • A named command-line argument that is in the WshNamed object.

Dim i

' Show all of the arguments.
WScript.Echo WScript.Arguments.Count & " arguments"

For i = 0 to WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
    WScript.Echo " " & WScript.Arguments.Item(i)

' Show the unnamed arguments.
WScript.Echo WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Count & " unnamed arguments"

For i = 0 to WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Count - 1
    WScript.Echo " " & WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(i)

' Show the named arguments.
WScript.Echo WScript.Arguments.Named.Count & " named arguments"
WScript.Echo " ab: " & WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("ab")

To run this example, perform the following steps.

  1. Paste the code into a file named ShowArgs.vbs.

  2. Type the following at a command prompt:

    cscript showargs.vbs /ab:cd 123 "scripts are wonderful"

Following is the output:

3 arguments
 scripts are wonderful
2 unnamed arguments
 scripts are wonderful
1 named arguments
 ab: cd


Item Property | Length Property


Count Method

See Also


WshArguments Object

WshNamed Object

Change History




September 2010

Enhanced the examples.

Customer feedback.