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Membri WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse

Represents the configuration of a web site.

Nella tabella seguente sono elencati i membri esposti dal tipo WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse.

Pubblico Costruttori

  Name Descrizione
  WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse Initializes a new instance of the WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse class.

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Pubblico Proprietà

  Name Descrizione
AlwaysOn Optional. Indicates if site's Always On feature is enabled.
AppSettings Gets or sets a collection of name and value pairs that contain application settings for a web site.
ConnectionStrings Gets or sets a collection of ConnectionStringInfo objects that defines the connection strings for database and other external resources.
DefaultDocuments Gets or sets a collection that contains, in order of preference, the names of the files that a web site returns when the web site's domain name is requested by itself.
DetailedErrorLoggingEnabled Gets or sets whether detailed error logging is enabled.
DocumentRoot Optional. The document root.
HandlerMappings Gets or sets a collection of HandlerMapping objects that define the custom executable programs for handling requests for specific file name extensions.
HttpLoggingEnabled Gets or sets whether HTTP error logging is enabled.
LogsDirectorySizeLimit Optional. The size limit of the logs directory.
ManagedPipelineMode Optional. The managed pipeline mode.
Metadata Gets or sets a collection of name and value pairs for source control or other information.
NetFrameworkVersion Gets or sets the .NET Framework version.
NumberOfWorkers Gets or sets the number of web workers that are allotted to the web site.
PhpVersion Gets or sets the PHP version of the web site.
PublishingPassword Gets or sets the hash value of the password that is used for publishing the web site.
PublishingUserName Gets or sets the name of the user account that is used for publishing the web site.
RemoteDebuggingEnabled Optional. Indicates if remote debugging is enabled.
RemoteDebuggingVersion Optional. The remote debugging version.
RequestId  Gets the identifier of the request that was made to the service. (ereditato da OperationResponse)
RequestTracingEnabled Gets or sets whether request tracing is enabled.
RequestTracingExpirationTime Gets or sets the time that remains until request tracing expires.
RoutingRules Optional. List of routing rules for the website.
ScmType Gets or sets the source control method that the web site is using.
StatusCode  Gets the status code. (ereditato da OperationResponse)
Use32BitWorkerProcess Gets or sets whether 32-bit mode is enabled.
WebSocketsEnabled Optional. Indicates if Web Sockets are enabled.

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Pubblico Metodi

Vedere anche Protetto Metodi

  Name Descrizione
Equals  (ereditato da Object)
GetHashCode  (ereditato da Object)
GetType  (ereditato da Object)
ToString  (ereditato da Object)

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Protetto Metodi

  Name Descrizione
Finalize  (ereditato da Object)
MemberwiseClone  (ereditato da Object)

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Vedere anche


Classe WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.Models