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Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService.Exchange2007 Namespace

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

This namespace supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

The Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Mail.ExchangeWebService.Exchange2007 namespace provides proxy classes that enable the desktop implementation of the Microsoft Exchange Server mail transport to communicate with Exchange Web Services.


  Class Description
Public class AndType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that enables you to perform a Boolean AND operation between two or more search expressions.
Public class ArrayOfGroupedItemsType Infrastructure. Represents a collection of items that are the result of a grouped FindItem call.
Public class ArrayOfRealItemsType Infrastructure. Represents a collection of generic items in the Exchange store.
Public class ArrayOfResponseMessagesType Infrastructure. Represents a collection of response messages for an Exchange Web Services request.
Public class AttachmentIdType Infrastructure. Identifies an item or file attachment.
Public class AttachmentInfoResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains attachment properties for a ResponseMessageType object of type AttachmentInfoResponseMessageType in the Exchange store.
Public class AttachmentResponseShapeType Infrastructure. Provides additional properties that are returned in the response to a GetAttachment request.
Public class AttachmentType Infrastructure. Represents an attachment.
Public class AvailabilityProxyRequestType Infrastructure. Identifies whether a proxy request is cross-site or cross-forest.
Public class BaseEmailAddressType Infrastructure. Serves as a base class for derived classes that represent an e-mail address.
Public class BaseFolderIdType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior for classes that represent a folder identifier, and provides a base for BaseFolderIdType derivations.
Public class BaseFolderType Infrastructure. Base class for derived classes that represent a Microsoft Exchange folder.
Public class BaseItemIdType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior of item identifiers, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BaseNotificationEventType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior of notification events, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BaseObjectChangedEventType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior for events that modify objects, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BasePagingType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior of page view objects, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BasePathToElementType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior of objects that represent Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to properties, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BaseRequestType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior of requests, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BaseResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior for Exchange Web Services responses and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BaseSubscriptionRequestType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior of subscriptions to push-based and pull-based event notifications and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class BodyType Infrastructure. Represents the actual body content of a message.
Public class ConnectingSIDType Infrastructure. Represents an account to impersonate when using the ExchangeImpersonation SOAP header.
Public class ConstantValueType Infrastructure. Identifies a constant value in a restriction.
Public class ContainsExpressionType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that determines whether a given property contains the supplied constant string value.
Public class CreateAttachmentResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a CreateAttachment request.
Public class CreateAttachmentType Infrastructure. Represents a request to attach an item or file to a specified item in the Exchange database.
Public class CreateItemResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a CreateItem request.
Public class CreateItemType Infrastructure. Represents a request to create an item or response object.
Public class DeleteItemResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a single DeleteItem request.
Public class DeleteItemType Infrastructure. Represents a request to delete items from a Microsoft Exchange database.
Public class DistinguishedFolderIdType Infrastructure. Identifies Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 folders that can be referenced by name.
Public class EmailAddressType Infrastructure. Defines the primary Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of a mailbox user.
Public class ExchangeImpersonationType Infrastructure. Represents an attempt by a caller to impersonate an account, based on the presence of the ExchangeImpersonation element in the SOAP header of a request.
Public class ExchangeServiceBinding Infrastructure. Contains the methods and properties that are used to send and receive the SOAP messages, set up Exchange impersonation, maintain user credentials, and identify the Exchange Web Services endpoint.
Public class ExcludesType Infrastructure. Performs a bitwise mask of the specified property and a supplied value.
Public class ExcludesValueType Infrastructure. Represents a hexadecimal or decimal mask to be used during an Excludes restriction operation.
Public class ExistsType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that returns true if the supplied property exists on an item.
Public class ExtendedPropertyType Infrastructure. Identifies extended MAPI properties on folders and items.
Public class FieldOrderType Infrastructure. Represents a single field by which to sort results, and indicates the direction for the sort.
Public class FieldURIOrConstantType Infrastructure. Represents either a property or a constant value to be used for comparison with another property.
Public class FileAttachmentType Infrastructure. Represents a file attached to an item in the Microsoft Exchange store.
Public class FindFolderParentType Infrastructure. Contains the results of a search of a single root folder during a FindFolder operation.
Public class FindFolderResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains the status and result of a single FindFolder request.
Public class FindFolderResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a FindFolder request.
Public class FindFolderType Infrastructure. Represents a query to find folders in a mailbox.
Public class FindItemParentType Infrastructure. Contains the results of a search of a single root folder during a FindItem operation.
Public class FindItemResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains the status and result of a single FindItem request.
Public class FindItemResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a FindItem request.
Public class FindItemType Infrastructure. Represents a query to find items in a mailbox.
Public class FolderIdType Infrastructure. Identifies a folder.
Public class FolderResponseShapeType Infrastructure. Identifies the folder properties to include in a GetFolder, FindFolder, or SyncFolderHierarchy response.
Public class FolderType Infrastructure. Defines a folder to create, get, find, synchronize, or update.
Public class FractionalPageViewType Infrastructure. Describes where the paged view starts and the maximum number of items returned in a FindItem request.
Public class GetAttachmentResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a GetAttachment request.
Public class GetAttachmentType Infrastructure. Represents the root element in a request to get an attachment from the Exchange store.
Public class GetEventsResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains the status and result of a single GetEvents request.
Public class GetEventsResponseType Infrastructure. Represents a response to a GetEvents request.
Public class GetEventsType Infrastructure. Represents the operation used by pull clients to request notifications from the server.
Public class GetFolderType Infrastructure. Defines a request to get a folder from a mailbox in the Exchange store.
Public class GetItemResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a GetItem request.
Public class GetItemType Infrastructure. Defines a request to get an item from a mailbox in the Exchange store.
Public class GroupedItemsType Infrastructure. Represents a collection of items that are the result of a grouped FindItem call.
Public class IndexedPageViewType Infrastructure. Describes how paged item information is returned for a FindItem request.
Public class InternetHeaderType Infrastructure. Represents the Internet message header for a given header within the headers collection.
Public class IsEqualToType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if they are equal.
Public class IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is greater than, or equal to, the second item.
Public class IsGreaterThanType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is greater.
Public class IsLessThanOrEqualToType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is less than, or equal to, the second.
Public class IsLessThanType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is less than the second item.
Public class IsNotEqualToType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns true if the values are not the same.
Public class ItemAttachmentType Infrastructure. Represents an item that is attached to another item in the Exchange store.
Public class ItemIdType Infrastructure. Contains the unique identifier and change key of an item in the Exchange store.
Public class ItemInfoResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains the status and result of a single UpdateItem request.
Public class ItemResponseShapeType Infrastructure. Identifies a set of properties to return in a GetItem, FindItem, or SyncFolderItems response.
Public class ItemType Infrastructure. Represents a generic item in the Exchange store.
Public class language Infrastructure. Represents the language culture that is used when Exchange mailboxes are accessed.
Public class MessageType Infrastructure. Represents an Exchange e-mail message in a mailbox.
Public class MimeContentType Infrastructure. Contains the native MIME stream of an object that is represented in base64Binary format.
Public class ModifiedEventType Infrastructure. Represents an event in which an item or folder is modified.
Public class MovedCopiedEventType Infrastructure. Represents an event in which an item or folder is moved from one parent folder to another parent folder.
Public class MultipleOperandBooleanExpressionType Infrastructure. Represents the base class for search expressions that allow Boolean operations between two or more search expressions.
Public class NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType Infrastructure. Contains the items to create in the Exchange store.
Public class NonEmptyArrayOfPropertyValuesType Infrastructure. Contains the MAPI properties to create on folders and items in the Exchange store.
Public class NotificationType Infrastructure. Contains information about the subscription and the events that have occurred since the last notification.
Public class NotType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that negates the Boolean value of the search expression that it contains.
Public class OrType Infrastructure. Represents a search expression that performs a logical OR operation on the search expression that it contains.
Public class PathToExceptionFieldType Infrastructure. Represents Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to properties that identify particular errors in a request.
Public class PathToExtendedFieldType Infrastructure. Represents Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to properties that identify extended MAPI properties.
Public class PathToIndexedFieldType Infrastructure. Represents Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to properties that identify individual members of a dictionary.
Public class PathToUnindexedFieldType Infrastructure. Represents Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to properties that identify frequently referenced properties by URI.
Public class PullSubscriptionRequestType Infrastructure. Represents a pull-based event notification subscription.
Public class ReplyToItemType Infrastructure. Contains a reply to the sender of an item in the Exchange store.
Public class RequestAttachmentIdType Infrastructure. Identifies a single attachment.
Public class ResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Provides descriptive information about the response status for a single entity within a request.
Public class ResponseMessageTypeMessageXml Infrastructure. Provides additional error response information associated with the response status for a single entity within a request.
Public class ResponseObjectCoreType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior for classes that represent a response to an e-mail message in the Exchange store, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class ResponseObjectType Infrastructure. Defines behavior for classes that represent a response to an e-mail message in the Exchange store, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class RestrictionType Infrastructure. Represents the restriction or query that is used to filter items or folders.
Public class SearchExpressionType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior for classes that represent the substituted element within a restriction, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class SearchFolderType Infrastructure. Represents a search folder that is contained in a mailbox.
Public class SearchParametersType Infrastructure. Represents the parameters that define a search folder.
Public class SendItemResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a SendItem request.
Public class SendItemType Infrastructure. Reresents the root element in a request to send an item in the Exchange store.
Public class SendNotificationResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains the status and result of a single SendNotification request.
Public class SerializedSecurityContextType Infrastructure. Represents a class that is used in the SOAP header for token serialization in server-to-server authentication.
Public class ServerVersionInfo Infrastructure. Represents the Exchange Server 2007 version number.
Public class SidAndAttributesType Infrastructure. Represents a single security identifier and attribute for an Active Directory directory service object group of which the account is a member.
Public class SingleRecipientType Infrastructure. Identifies the sender of an item in the Exchange store.
Public class SmartResponseBaseType Infrastructure. Defines the behavior of classes that represent a response to an item in the Exchange store, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class SmartResponseType Infrastructure. Defines the behavior of classes that represent a response to an item in the Exchange store, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class SubscribeResponseMessageType Infrastructure. Contains the status and result of a single Subscribe request.
Public class SubscribeResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to a Subscribe request.
Public class SubscribeType Infrastructure. Contains the properties used to create subscriptions.
Public class TargetFolderIdType Infrastructure. Represents a target folder for operations that create, save, copy, move, or synchronize items or folders.
Public class TwoOperandExpressionType Infrastructure. Defines the core behavior for classes that represent the substituted element within a restriction, and provides a base for derived classes.
Public class UnsubscribeResponseType Infrastructure. Defines a response to an Unsubscribe request.
Public class UnsubscribeType Infrastructure. Contains the properties that are used to unsubscribe from a subscription.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BodyTypeResponseType Infrastructure. Specifies how the body or attachment text is formatted in a response.
Public enumeration BodyTypeType Infrastructure. Specifies how the body of the item is formatted.
Public enumeration ContainmentComparisonType Infrastructure. Indicates whether the search distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters, and ignores spaces.
Public enumeration ContainmentModeType Infrastructure. Identifies the boundaries of a search.
Public enumeration DayOfWeekIndexType Infrastructure. Identifies the week in a month that is used in a relative recurrence pattern.
Public enumeration DayOfWeekType Infrastructure. Identifies the days of the week that are used in item recurrence patterns.
Public enumeration DefaultShapeNamesType Infrastructure. Identifies the set of properties to return in an item or folder response.
Public enumeration DictionaryURIType Infrastructure. Identifies frequently referenced dictionary properties by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
Public enumeration DisposalType Infrastructure. Describes how an item or folder is deleted.
Public enumeration DistinguishedFolderIdNameType Infrastructure. Identifies Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 folders that can be referenced by name.
Public enumeration DistinguishedPropertySetType Infrastructure. Defines the well-known property set IDs for extended properties.
Public enumeration ExceptionPropertyURIType Infrastructure. Identifies particular errors in a request.
Public enumeration FolderQueryTraversalType Infrastructure. Identifies the types of subtree traversals for deletion and enumeration.
Public enumeration ImportanceChoicesType Infrastructure. Specifies the levels of importance for an item.
Public enumeration IndexBasePointType Infrastructure. Specifies whether the page of items will start at the beginning or the end of the set of items that are found by using the search criteria.
Public enumeration ItemQueryTraversalType Infrastructure. Defines whether the search finds items in folders or in the dumpsters of folders. In Microsoft Exchange, folder dumpsters are used for deleted item recovery.
Public enumeration ItemsChoiceType Infrastructure. Identifies the event type for each event that is returned in a notification.
Public enumeration ItemsChoiceType1 Infrastructure. Identifies the change types for each folder in a SyncFolderHierarchy operation, which synchronizes folders between the client and the computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server.
Public enumeration ItemsChoiceType2 Infrastructure. Identifies the change types for each item in a SyncFolderItems operation, which synchronizes folders between the client and the computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server.
Public enumeration ItemsChoiceType3 Infrastructure. Defines the set of response types for an Exchange Web Services request.
Public enumeration MailboxTypeType Infrastructure. Describes the type of mailbox that is represented by the e-mail address.
Public enumeration MapiPropertyTypeType Infrastructure. Identifies the type of an extended MAPI property.
Public enumeration MessageDispositionType Infrastructure. Specifies how a message item is handled after it is created or updated.
Public enumeration MonthNamesType Infrastructure. Specifies the month in which an annually recurring item occurs.
Public enumeration NotificationEventTypeType Infrastructure. Identifies the event types that are reported in a notification.
Public enumeration ResponseClassType Infrastructure. Identifies the status states of a response.
Public enumeration ResponseCodeType Infrastructure. Provides status information for the request.
Public enumeration ResponseTypeType Infrastructure. Represents the types of recipient responses that are received for a meeting.
Public enumeration SearchFolderTraversalType Infrastructure. Identifies the options for searching a folder hierarchy.
Public enumeration SensitivityChoicesType Infrastructure. Specifies the sensitivity level types that are available for an item.
Public enumeration SortDirectionType Infrastructure. Identifies the ordering options for the groups in the grouped item array that is returned in the response.
Public enumeration UnindexedFieldURIType Infrastructure. Identifies frequently referenced, unindexed properties by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).