Classe ObjectListCommandCollection
Rappresenta un insieme di oggetti ObjectListCommand.
public class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListCommandCollection :
L'oggetto di classe rende disponibile il contenitore per i comandi di un controllo ObjectList. L'accesso alla proprietà Commands di un controllo ObjectList consente di recuperare un oggetto ObjectListCommandCollection. Un'applicazione può aggiungere o rimuovere comandi a livello di codice.
La classe ObjectListCommandCollection implementa l'interfaccia System.Collections.ICollection tramite la classe System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ArrayListCollectionBase.
Nell'esempio riportato di seguito, un matrice di attività persiste in più caricamenti di pagina e viene associata a un elenco di oggetti da visualizzare.
<%@ Page Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage"
Language="c#" debug="true" %>
<script runat=server>
System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListItem item;
System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListItemCollection itemColl;
// Persist the array through subsequent page loads.
ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
class Task
private string _TaskName;
private string _Editable;
private int _ Priority;
public Task(string TaskName, string Editable, int Priority)
_TaskName = TaskName;
_Editable = Editable;
_Priority = Priority;
public string TaskName { get { return _TaskName; } }
public string Editable { get { return _Editable; } }
public int Priority { get { return _Priority; } }
public void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Create and fill the array.
arr.Add (new Task ("Tomorrow's work", "yes", 1));
arr.Add (new Task ("Today's work", "yes", 1));
arr.Add (new Task ("Yesterday's work", "No", 1));
// Associate and bind the array to ObjectList for each postback.
Session["MyArrayList"] = arr;
ObjectList1.DetailsCommandText = "MoreDetails";
arr = (ArrayList)Session["MyArrayList"];
ObjectList1.DataSource = arr;
ObjectList1.LabelField = "TaskName";
void SelectCommand(Object sender, ObjectListCommandEventArgs e)
String myCommand;
myCommand = e.CommandName;
switch (myCommand)
// Remove selected item from the ObjectList using the array.
case "Delete":
int i = ObjectList1.SelectedIndex;
Label2.Text = ObjectList1.Selection["TaskName"] + " deleted";
Session["MyArrayList"] = arr;
// Edit selected item (code below is non-functional).
case "Edit":
{ insert code to edit the item }
Label2.Text = ObjectList1.Selection["TaskName"] + " edit";
void ShowTaskDetail(Object sender, ObjectListSelectEventArgs e)
// Check for aguments that start with "ShowMore" so you can view
// the details of an item.
//Add or remove commands in the details view.
if(e.ListItem["TaskName"].ToString()=="Tomorrow's work")
// If an argument for a selected item does not exist,
// then do not show the details view.
e.UseDefaultHandling = false;
<mobile:Form runat=server id="Form1" >
<mobile:ObjectList runat="server" id="ObjectList1"
OnItemSelect="ShowTaskDetail" >
<Command Name="Delete" Text="Delete" />
<Command Name="Edit" Text="Edit" />
<mobile:Label runat=server id="Label1" />
<mobile:Label runat=server id="Label2" />
Spazio dei nomi: System.Web.UI.MobileControls
Assembly: System.Web.Mobile