Condividi tramite

Classe ResponseSubmittedEventArgs

Aggiornamento: novembre 2007

Fornisce i dati per l'evento ResponseSubmitted.

Spazio dei nomi:  Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms (in Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll)


Public Class ResponseSubmittedEventArgs _
    Inherits EventArgs
Dim instance As ResponseSubmittedEventArgs
public class ResponseSubmittedEventArgs : EventArgs
public ref class ResponseSubmittedEventArgs : public EventArgs
public class ResponseSubmittedEventArgs extends EventArgs


L'evento ResponseSubmitted si verifica quando la finestra del messaggio viene chiusa mediante l'input dell'utente. È possibile utilizzare la proprietà Response per determinare i valori immessi in un modulo HTML nella finestra del messaggio o per determinare il nome di un pulsante o di un collegamento selezionato dall'utente.


Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito viene analizzata la stringa di risposta per determinare quali elementi sono stati selezionati dall'utente nella finestra di notifica. Questo esempio di codice fa parte di un esempio più esaustivo fornito per la classe Notification.

' When a ResponseSubmitted event occurs, this event handler
' parses the response to determine values in the HTML form.
Private Sub OnResponseSubmitted(obj As Object, _ 
   resevent As ResponseSubmittedEventArgs) Handles Notification1.ResponseSubmitted

   ' Use a StringBuilder to create a log of the response.
   Dim LogResponse As New StringBuilder()

   ' If the response contains the name specified for the action value
   ' of the HTML form, in this case "notify," get the value of the
   ' selected option from the SELECT list. An example of the
   ' response string would be notify?lstbx=0.
   If resevent.Response.Substring(0, 6) = "notify" Then
      Dim choice As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(resevent.Response.Substring(13, 1))
      Select Case choice
         Case 0
         Case 1
            LogResponse.Equals("opt 1")
         Case 2
            LogResponse.Equals("opt 2")
         Case 3
            LogResponse.Equals("opt 3")
         Case 4
            LogResponse.Equals("opt 4")
      End Select
      ' If the checkbox in the form is checked, the response
      ' string could be as follows: notify?lstbx=0chkbx=on
      ' You can determine whether the check box is selected
      ' by checking whether the response ends with "on".
      If resevent.Response.EndsWith("on") Then
      End If

   ' If the user clicked the settings link,
   ' log the response. This example could display
   ' a dialog box by activating another form.
   ElseIf resevent.Response = "settings" Then
      ' Display a settings dialog by activating
      ' a form named 'Settings':
      ' Settings.Activate
      LogResponse.Equals("Postponed by clicking link")

      ' The user needs to respond to the notification
      ' after checking the settings, so set the
      ' InitialDuration and Visible properties so
      ' that the icon appears in the title bar.
      Notification1.InitialDuration = 0
      Notification1.Visible = True
   End If

   ' Display the response on the status bar.
   StatusBar1.Text = LogResponse.ToString() + " HTML: " + resevent.Response.ToString()
End Sub
// When a ResponseSubmitted event occurs, this event handler
// parses the response to determine values in the HTML form.
private void OnResponseSubmitted(object obj, ResponseSubmittedEventArgs resevent)

    // Use a StringBuilder to create a log of the response.
    StringBuilder LogResponse = new StringBuilder();

    // If the response contains the name specified for the action value
    // of the HTML form, in this case "notify," get the value of the
    // selected option from the SELECT list. An example of the
    // response string would be notify?lstbx=0.

    if (resevent.Response.Substring(0, 6) == "notify")
        int choice = Convert.ToInt32(resevent.Response.Substring(13, 1));
        switch (choice)
            case 0:
            case 1:
                LogResponse.Equals("opt 1");
            case 2:
                LogResponse.Equals("opt 2");
            case 3:
                LogResponse.Equals("opt 3");
            case 4:
                LogResponse.Equals("opt 4");
        // If the checkbox in the form is checked, the response
        // string could be as follows: notify?lstbx=0chkbx=on
        // You can determine whether the check box is selected
        // by checking whether the response ends with "on".
        if (resevent.Response.EndsWith("on"))

    // If the user clicked the settings link,
    // log the response. This example could display
    // a dialog box by activating another form.
    else if (resevent.Response == "settings")
        // Display a settings dialog by activating
        // a form named 'Settings':
        // Settings.Activate
        LogResponse.Equals("Postponed by clicking link");

        // The user needs to respond to the notification
        // after checking the settings, so set the
        // InitialDuration and Visible properties so
        // that the icon appears in the title bar.
        notification1.InitialDuration = 0;
        notification1.Visible = true;

    // Display the response on the status bar.
    statusBar1.Text = LogResponse.ToString() + " HTML: " + resevent.Response.ToString();

Gerarchia di ereditarietà


Codice thread safe

Qualsiasi membro static (Shared in Visual Basic) pubblico di questo tipo è thread-safe. I membri di istanza non sono garantiti come thread-safe.


Windows Mobile per Pocket PC

.NET Framework e .NET Compact Framework non supportano tutte le versioni di ciascuna piattaforma. Per un elenco delle versioni supportate, vedere Requisiti di sistema di .NET Framework.

Informazioni sulla versione

.NET Compact Framework

Supportato in: 3.5, 2.0

Vedere anche


Membri ResponseSubmittedEventArgs

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms

Altre risorse

Procedura: inviare una notifica