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Metodo InkAnalyzerBase.FindLeafNodes

Aggiornamento: novembre 2007

Restituisce tutti i nodi che sono gli oggetti ContextNodeBase che non dispongono di alcun nodo figlio.

Spazio dei nomi:  System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore
Assembly:  IACore (in IACore.dll)


Public Function FindLeafNodes As ContextNodeBaseCollection
Dim instance As InkAnalyzerBase
Dim returnValue As ContextNodeBaseCollection

returnValue = instance.FindLeafNodes()
public ContextNodeBaseCollection FindLeafNodes()
ContextNodeBaseCollection^ FindLeafNodes()
public ContextNodeBaseCollection FindLeafNodes()
public function FindLeafNodes() : ContextNodeBaseCollection

Valore restituito

Tipo: System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.ContextNodeBaseCollection
Oggetto ContextNodeBaseCollection contenente tutti i nodi foglia.


Nell'esempio seguente vengono riprodotti a ciclo continuo tutti i nodi foglia di un oggetto InkAnalyzerBase, theInkAnalyzerBase e viene rilevato quello con il limite inferiore più basso.

' Find the leaf context node that has the lowest bottom bound.
' In the ink coordinates system a higher value is physically lower.
Dim lowest As Integer = Integer.MinValue
Dim lowestNode As System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.ContextNodeBase = Nothing

Dim leafNode As System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.ContextNodeBase
For Each leafNode In theInkAnalyzerBase.FindInkLeafNodes()
    ' Find lowest node. Note, AnalysisRegionBase.GetBounds() returns an
    ' array containing the left, top, right, and bottom bounds in order.
    If leafNode.Location.GetBounds()(3) > lowest Then
        lowestNode = leafNode
        lowest = leafNode.Location.GetBounds()(3)
    End If
Next leafNode
// Find the leaf context node that has the lowest bottom bound.
// In the ink coordinates system a higher value is physically lower.
int lowest = int.MinValue;
System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.ContextNodeBase lowestNode = null;
foreach (System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.ContextNodeBase leafNode
    in theInkAnalyzerBase.FindInkLeafNodes())
    // Find lowest node. Note, AnalysisRegionBase.GetBounds() returns an
    // array containing the left, top, right, and bottom bounds in order.
    if (leafNode.Location.GetBounds()[3] > lowest)
        lowestNode = leafNode;
        lowest = leafNode.Location.GetBounds()[3];


Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003

.NET Framework e .NET Compact Framework non supportano tutte le versioni di ciascuna piattaforma. Per un elenco delle versioni supportate, vedere Requisiti di sistema di .NET Framework.

Informazioni sulla versione

.NET Framework

Supportato in: 3.0

Vedere anche


InkAnalyzerBase Classe

Membri InkAnalyzerBase

Spazio dei nomi System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore



