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Proprietà InkRecognizerBase.Capabilities

Aggiornamento: novembre 2007

Ottiene le funzionalità del sistema di riconoscimento.

Spazio dei nomi:  System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore
Assembly:  IACore (in IACore.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property Capabilities As InkRecognizerCapabilities
Dim instance As InkRecognizerBase
Dim value As InkRecognizerCapabilities

value = instance.Capabilities
public InkRecognizerCapabilities Capabilities { get; }
property InkRecognizerCapabilities Capabilities {
    InkRecognizerCapabilities get ();
/** @property */
public InkRecognizerCapabilities get_Capabilities()
public function get Capabilities () : InkRecognizerCapabilities

Valore proprietà

Tipo: System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.InkRecognizerCapabilities
Combinazione bit per bit dei valori Capabilities.


Questo valore è costante per ogni InkRecognizerBase.


Nell'esempio seguente viene definito un metodo che restituisce una stringa contenente informazioni su un oggetto InkRecognizerBase specificato. In questo esempio non vengono illustrati i metodi di supporto ListCapabilities e GetPropertyName che utilizzano la riflessione per restituire informazioni su funzionalità e proprietà specifiche di InkRecognizerBase.

''' <summary>
''' Generates a string containing information about the specified InkRecognizer.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="theInkRecognizer">
''' The InkRecognizer from which to gather the information.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A string containing information about the specified InkRecognizer.
''' </returns>
Private Function GetInkRecognizerData( _
    ByVal theInkRecognizer As System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.InkRecognizerBase) As String

    ' Create a StringBuilder in which to collect the information.
    Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder

    ' Add the name of the recognizer.
    result.AppendLine(String.Format("Name: {0}", theInkRecognizer.Name))

    ' Add the GUID of the recognizer.
    result.AppendLine(String.Format("   Guid: {0}", theInkRecognizer.Guid))

    ' Add the vendor of the recognizer.
    result.AppendLine(String.Format("   Vendor: {0}", theInkRecognizer.Vendor))

    ' Add the languages the recognizer supports.
    result.AppendLine("   Supports the following languages:")
    If (0 = theInkRecognizer.GetLanguages().Length) Then
        result.AppendLine("      No languages supported.")
        For Each lcid As Integer In theInkRecognizer.GetLanguages()
            Dim theCultureInfo As New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(lcid)
            result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
                "      0x{0:x4}: {1}", lcid, theCultureInfo.EnglishName))
    End If

    ' Add the capabilities of the recognizer.
    result.AppendLine(String.Format( _
        "   Capabilities: 0x{0:x}", theInkRecognizer.Capabilities))

    ' List each capability separately, using a helper method.

    ' Add the properties the recognizer supports.
    result.AppendLine("   Supports the following properties:")
    If (0 = theInkRecognizer.GetSupportedProperties().Length) Then
        result.AppendLine("      No properties supported.")
        For Each theGuid As System.Guid In theInkRecognizer.GetSupportedProperties()
            ' Use the helper method to get the name of the property.
            result.AppendLine("      " + Me.GetPropertyName(theGuid))
    End If

    Return result.ToString()
End Function
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a string containing information about the specified InkRecognizer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theInkRecognizer">
        /// The InkRecognizer from which to gather the information.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing information about the specified InkRecognizer.
        /// </returns>
        private string GetInkRecognizerData(
            System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore.InkRecognizerBase theInkRecognizer)
            // Create a StringBuilder in which to collect the information.
            System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Add the name of the recognizer.
                "Name: {0}", theInkRecognizer.Name));

            // Add the GUID of the recognizer.
                "   Guid: {0}", theInkRecognizer.Guid));

            // Add the vendor of the recognizer.
                "   Vendor: {0}", theInkRecognizer.Vendor));

            // Add the languages the recognizer supports.
            result.AppendLine("   Supports the following languages:");
            if (0 == theInkRecognizer.GetLanguages().Length)
                result.AppendLine("      No languages supported.");
                foreach (int lcid in theInkRecognizer.GetLanguages())
                    System.Globalization.CultureInfo theCultureInfo =
                        new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(lcid);
                        "      0x{0:x4}: {1}", lcid, theCultureInfo.EnglishName));

            // Add the capabilities of the recognizer.
                "   Capabilities: 0x{0:x}", theInkRecognizer.Capabilities));

            // List each capability separately, using a helper method.

            // Add the properties the recognizer supports.
            result.AppendLine("   Supports the following properties:");
            if (0 == theInkRecognizer.GetSupportedProperties().Length)
                result.AppendLine("      No properties supported.");
                foreach (System.Guid theGuid in theInkRecognizer.GetSupportedProperties())
                    // Use the helper method to get the name of the property.
                    result.AppendLine("      " + this.GetPropertyName(theGuid));

            return result.ToString();


Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003

.NET Framework e .NET Compact Framework non supportano tutte le versioni di ciascuna piattaforma. Per un elenco delle versioni supportate, vedere Requisiti di sistema di .NET Framework.

Informazioni sulla versione

.NET Framework

Supportato in: 3.0

Vedere anche


InkRecognizerBase Classe

Membri InkRecognizerBase

Spazio dei nomi System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore

