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Procedura: creare un'entità POCO con proxy (Entity Framework)

Nell'esempio di questo argomento viene illustrato come creare entità POCO con proxy. Per creare entità POCO con proxy, la classe POCO deve soddisfare i requisiti descritti in Requisiti per la creazione di proxy POCO (Entity Framework).

Nell'esempio di questo argomento vengono utilizzati le classi POCO definite in Procedura: definire entità POCO (Entity Framework) e un modello di dati basato su AdventureWorks definito in Procedura: personalizzare i file di mapping e di modellazione per l'utilizzo con oggetti personalizzati (Entity Framework).


In questo esempio viene creato un nuovo oggetto LineItem tramite il metodo CreateObject; il nuovo LineItem viene quindi aggiunto a un'entità Order esistente.

' Specify the order to update. 
Dim orderId As Integer = 43680

Using context As New POCOAdventureWorksEntities()
        ' Enable lazy loading. 
        context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = True

        Dim order As Order = context.Orders.Where(Function(o) o.SalesOrderID = orderId).First()
        ' Create a new item and add it to the order. 
        ' The Entity Framework is going to generate 
        ' proxy object for the newItem object. 
        Dim newItem As LineItem = context.CreateObject(Of LineItem)()
        newItem.SalesOrderDetailID = 0
        ' Assign the order to the new LineItem. 
        newItem.SalesOrderID = orderId
        newItem.OrderQty = 1
        newItem.ProductID = 750
        newItem.UnitPriceDiscount = 0
        newItem.UnitPrice = 2171.2942D
        newItem.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Today
        newItem.rowguid = Guid.NewGuid()
        newItem.SpecialOfferID = 1

        ' Add the new item to the order. 
        ' The order will be added to the context because 
        ' we are working with POCO proxies. 

        ' The state of the newItem is Added. 

        ' Change the status and ship date of an existing order. 
        order.ShipDate = DateTime.Today

        ' The sate of the order item is Modified. 

        ' The newItem is set to Unchanged.

        ' Change the newly added item. 
        newItem.OrderQty = 2

        ' The changes are tracked as they occur and the state of the object is Modified. 

        ' Delete the newly created object. 

        ' Save changes in the object context to the database 
        ' after first detecting changes again. 
    Catch ex As UpdateException
    Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
    End Try
End Using
// Specify the order to update.
int orderId = 43680;

using (POCOAdventureWorksEntities context =
        new POCOAdventureWorksEntities())
        // Enable lazy loading.
        context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;

        Order order = context.Orders.
                          Where(o => o.SalesOrderID == orderId).First();
        // Create a new item and add it to the order.
        // The Entity Framework is going to generate 
        // proxy object for the newItem object. 
        LineItem newItem = context.CreateObject<LineItem>();
        newItem.SalesOrderDetailID = 0;
        // Assign the order to the new LineItem. 
        newItem.SalesOrderID = orderId;
        newItem.OrderQty = 1;
        newItem.ProductID = 750;
        newItem.UnitPriceDiscount = 0;
        newItem.UnitPrice = 2171.2942M;
        newItem.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Today;
        newItem.rowguid = Guid.NewGuid();
        newItem.SpecialOfferID = 1;

        // Add the new item to the order.
        // The order will be added to the context because 
        // we are working with POCO proxies.

        // The state of the newItem is Added.

        // Change the status and ship date of an existing order.
        order.ShipDate = DateTime.Today;

        // The sate of the order item is Modified.

        // The newItem is set to Unchanged.

        // Change the newly added item.
        newItem.OrderQty = 2;

        // The changes are tracked as they occur and the state of the object is Modified.

        // Delete the newly created object.

        // Save changes in the object context to the database 
        // after first detecting changes again.
    catch (UpdateException ex)
    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)

Vedere anche


Procedura: stabilire se un'entità POCO è un proxy (Entity Framework)


Utilizzo di entità POCO (Entity Framework)
Rilevamento delle modifiche nelle entità POCO (Entity Framework)
Personalizzazione di oggetti (Entity Framework)