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Classe OrganizationResponse

Si applica a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online

Contains the response from a request and the base class for all organization responses.

Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (in Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)


<SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Security", "CA9881:ClassesShouldBeSealed", Justification:="This class need to be instantiated by clients and be able to derive from it.")> _
<DefaultMemberAttribute("Item")> _
<DataContractAttribute(Name:="OrganizationResponse", Namespace:="")> _
Public Class OrganizationResponse
    Implements IExtensibleDataObject
[SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Security", "CA9881:ClassesShouldBeSealed", Justification="This class need to be instantiated by clients and be able to derive from it.")] 
[DataContractAttribute(Name="OrganizationResponse", Namespace="")] 
public class OrganizationResponse : IExtensibleDataObject


This is the base class for all organization Web service responses. An instance of a response class is returned from the Execute method.

Some messages do not have a return value. In those classes the Results collection will be empty.

Gerarchia ereditarietà

     Classi derivate

Thread Safety

Tutti i membri statici pubblici (Shared in Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono thread-safe. Non è garantito che i membri di istanza siano thread-safe.


Piattaforme di sviluppo

Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e

Piattaforme di destinazione

Windows Vista,Windows XP

Vedere anche


Membri OrganizationResponse
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk
Classe OrganizationRequest

Altre risorse

Use Messages (Request and Response Classes) with the Execute Method

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