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Dimension Table

What is a dimension and a dimension value?

Why should you use dimensions?

Dimension types

Setting Up Dimensions

Entering/Using dimensions in journals and documents

Using Dimensions as Filters

What is a dimension and a dimension value?

A dimension is data that you can add to an entry as a kind of marker so that the program can group entries with similar characteristics and easily retrieve these groups for analysis purposes. Dimensions can be used throughout the program on entries in journals and documents, as well as budgets. The term dimension is used to describe how analysis occurs. A two-dimensional analysis, for example, would be sales per area. However, by using more than two dimensions when creating an entry, you can carry out a more complex analysis at a later time, for example, sales per sales campaign per customer group per area.

Each dimension can have an unlimited series of dimension values that are sub-units of that dimension. For example, a dimension called Department can have departments called Sales, Administration and so on as subunits. These departments are dimension values. Dimensions and dimension values are user-defined and unlimited, which means you can create dimensions tailored to your company's needs and business processes. However, some dimensions, such as account number and date, are already defined for you by the program.

Why should you use dimensions?

A company's accounts are made up of many entries from many different sources and are associated with numerous activities within the company. It is often necessary to create statements, statistics and analyses that are extracts of the complete financial statements. These extracts can be created using individual dimensions or combinations of dimensions.

If you set up a dimension called Department, and then use this dimension and a dimension value when posting an entry, you can later retrieve information on, for example, which items have been sold by which departments. If more than one dimension has been used on posted entries, the user can create a richer analysis of a company's activities. For example, a single sales entry can include multiple dimension information about which account the item sale has been posted to, where the item was sold, who sold it, and what kind of customer made the purchase.

By using dimensions, you can analyze trends and compare various characteristics across a range of entries. The analysis view functionality is particularly effective for this purpose, but you can also use filters, account schedules and reports to create informative dimensions analyses.

It is also possible for you to use dimensions to support business rules by influencing how a user can combine dimensions and how dimensions can be posted. This may be useful if certain departments are not allowed to use particular accounts or sell to particular customers. For more on this, see Dimension Combinations and Default Dimensions.

Dimension types

You can define as many dimensions as you need in your company, and you can define an unlimited number of dimension values for each dimension. All dimensions defined by you can be used on entries in journals and documents, as well as in dimensions-related reports and batch jobs.

You can also attribute extra functionality to some of the dimensions, as explained in the following:

Dimension Type Description

Global dimensions

You can select two global dimensions from the dimensions already set up. The dimensions selected by you to be global dimensions are available for use through out the program. This means that global dimensions can be used as filters for G/L entries, as well as on all reports, account schedules and batch jobs. Both global dimensions are also automatically made available by the program for use on entry lines and document headers as shortcut dimensions.

Global dimensions are typically a company's most used and important dimensions because of their availability throughout the program. You can change the dimensions that are defined as global dimensions in a batch job that updates all records. This process can take some time.

Shortcut dimensions

With shortcut dimensions, the user can enter dimensions and dimension values directly on the lines in journals, and sales and purchase documents. For example, each individual user can set up a purchase document for their own specific needs. On the Lines FastTab, you click Actions, Choose Columns, and select the shortcut dimensions you use frequently in that particular document to be shown on the document line. You can specify a total of eight shortcut dimensions. The program defines the first two shortcut dimensions as being the same dimensions used as global dimensions. You can select the remaining six shortcut dimensions from among the dimensions your company has set up. These six shortcut dimensions can also be changed regularly to suit company needs.

To enter dimension information for dimensions not selected as shortcuts, you must use a separate Dimensions window.

Budget dimensions

When you create a budget, you can define four dimensions for each budget. These budget-specific dimensions are called budget dimensions. You select the budget dimensions for each budget from among the dimensions you have already set up.

Budget dimensions can be used to set filters on a budget and to add dimension information to budget entries.

When you select a dimension to be a global, a shortcut or a budget dimension, the program will automatically rename all fields that use that dimension type with the code caption you have entered for the selected dimension in the Dimension table.

However, you should note that the online Help will continue to use the generic names for the dimension types, for example, Global Dimension 1 code rather than the company-defined code name for that dimension.

Setting Up Dimensions

You must define which dimensions and dimension values you want to use in your company.

You should also define which dimensions you wish to use as global and shortcut dimensions. You should consider carefully which dimensions will be most effective as global and shortcut dimensions for your company.

Furthermore, you can use dimensions functionality to support the business rules used in your company. For example, you can define which dimension combinations are allowed in a journal or document so that a specific project team cannot post certain expense types or that a certain item cannot be sold in a particular area. You can also define default dimensions for account types such as customer accounts or for each individual account.

Entering/Using dimensions in journals and documents

On a journal line you can enter information about an entry, such as an account number, a customer number and so on. You can also add dimension information to an entry in the same way, if you have set up shortcut dimensions as fields directly on journal lines.

Alternatively, you can enter dimension information in the Dimensions window by clicking Related Information, Line, Dimensions in a journal. You can use the Dimensions window either as an alternative to using the shortcut dimension fields or for entering information for dimensions not defined as shortcut dimensions.

When you post a journal entry, the program also posts all dimension information.

In a document, dimension information can be entered for both a document line and a document header. You can enter dimension values for the first two shortcut dimensions directly on the document header and add further dimension information for the header in the Dimensions window, for example, by clicking Related Information, Quote, Dimensions, in a quotation document.

You can make each shortcut dimension available directly on document entry lines. You can then enter dimension values for a dimension directly on the line. Alternatively, you can enter dimensions information in the Dimensions window by choosing Related Information, Line, Dimensions.

For both the document header and line, you can use the Dimensions window either as an alternative to using the shortcut dimension fields or for entering information for dimensions not defined as shortcut dimensions.

When you post a document, all dimension information is also posted by the program and can be viewed in the related posted document.

If you have defined default dimensions for some accounts or account types, the program automatically determines which dimensions and dimension values should be filled in on a line or header and enters this information as you enter lines in both journals and documents. The program bases the dimension information it enters on the account numbers and account types you have entered.

Using Dimensions as Filters

You can use dimensions as filters in a number of ways. You can filter on all G/L entries using the two dimensions you have defined as global dimensions. You can filter budget entries using budget dimensions. Furthermore, you can filter by any dimension using analysis views. In this way, you can analyze entries and create informative reports that gather dimension information from all your entry data.

If a dimension filter field contains a dimension value, the filtered fields will show amounts based only on these dimension values.

You can enter a maximum of 20 characters, both numbers and letters. As with other filters, there are certain rules for how dimension filters can be combined. These rules are illustrated in the following examples, which use dimension values for a dimension that a user has defined as Department:

Meaning Sample Expression Dimension Values Included

Equal to






From dimension value Administration to the dimension value Production in the value code list

Up to and including the dimension value Production in the value code list



Administration and Sales dimension values



Dimension values that come before Administration and after Production in the value code list

Different from


All dimension values except Administration



Dimension values above Administration in the value code list

Greater than or equal to


Dimension values with a number code 1200 or greater

Less than


Dimension values with a number code less than 1200

You can also combine the various format types:

Type Description


Dimension value code 2999 and dimension value codes 2100 through 2490


Dimension value codes up to and including 1299 and dimension value code 1400 and above; that is, all dimension value codes except 1300 through 1399

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
Consolidation Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Description Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Name Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Map-to IC Dimension Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Filter Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Consolidation Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Description Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Name Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Map-to IC Dimension Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Filter Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Consolidation Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Description Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Name Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Map-to IC Dimension Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Filter Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Consolidation Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Description Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Name Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Map-to IC Dimension Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Code Field, Dimension Table General Ledger
Filter Caption Field, Dimension Table General Ledger

See Also


Dimension Value
Analysis View
Dimension Combination
Analysis View
Analysis by Dimensions