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Installation and Configuration

Aggiornamento: novembre 2009

Si applica a: Operations Manager 2007 R2

The most common cause of problems with Operations Manager 2007 R2 Connectors is installation or configuration errors. Follow these steps before you troubleshoot individual connector problems.

Preliminary Checklist

Follow these steps to make sure initial system values are correct.

Server Names

Make sure that you correctly entered the names of servers to be used for deployment. Fully qualified domain names (FQDN)are not supported for Enterprise Management Systems (EMS) names, so you must specify the hostname as part of the server name.

Username and Password

Make sure that all usernames and passwords are correct and that users have the correct security level for the tasks they will be doing. Examine the provider logs for login errors and validate username entries in the user interface.

Port Settings

Make sure that all of the port settings for your specific environment are correct. (Sometimes the default settings will need to be changed.) For more information, see the section of this guide specific to your individual Enterprise Management System.

Component Connectivity

Check that the connector and provider can communicate with each other. You can verify communication by enabling tracing for providers and connectors and examining the trace logs for errors. When the connector polls the provider for updates or forwards alerts, communication activity is captured in the trace logs. Any connectivity problems will show up as errors in the trace logs.

You can also check connectivity to the provider with the following WinRM commands.

Receive events from a UNIX provider:

winrm e -r:https://<hostname>:1270 -u:<user> -p:<pass> -auth:basic -encoding:utf-8 -skipCAcheck -skipCNcheck -filter:"select * from SCX_Connector where ManagementGroupName = "<mgmtgrp>"

Receive events from a Windows provider:

winrm e* -r:https://<hostname>:1270 -u:<user> -p:<pass> -auth:basic -encoding:utf-8 -skipCAcheck -skipCNcheck -filter:"select * from SCX_Connector where ManagementGroupName = "<mgmgrp>"

To specify a domain user name when receiving events from a Windows provider, change auth:basic to auth:Kerberos in the sample code above.