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MSExchangeTransport 1036


Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2011-03-19

In questo articolo vengono fornite una spiegazione e delle possibili soluzioni per uno specifico evento Exchange. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida di Exchange 2010.


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID


Event Source




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Inbound direct trust authentication failed for certificate %1. The source IP address of the server that tried to authenticate to Microsoft Exchange is [%2]. Make sure EdgeSync is running properly.


This Error event indicates that Domain Security, which uses mutual Transport Layer Security (TLS) authentication, failed for the connection attempt by the indicated source IP address. Domain Security requires that an Edge Subscription is configured for the receiving Edge Transport server.

For more information about Domain Security, see Informazioni sulla protezione del dominio.

User Action

To resolve this problem, do one or more of the following:

Verify that the Edge Transport server is subscribed to the Microsoft Exchange organization. For more information, see Gestione delle sottoscrizioni Edge.

  • Verify that the Edge Transport server is receiving synchronization updates through the EdgeSync process. You can check whether the Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service is running on all Hub Transport servers in the subscribed site. You can use the Test-EdgeSynchronization cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to verify EdgeSync results.
  • Verify that the domain is included in the list of remote domains that is specified in the TLSReceiveDomainSecureList parameter and in the TLSSendDomainSecureList parameter. These parameters are configured on the TransportConfig object for the Exchange organization. You can use the Get-TransportConfig cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to view these parameters. If the domain is not included in the list, you can use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet to add the domain to the list. These parameters are synchronized to the Edge Transport server during the EdgeSync process.
  • Review other related Error events and Warning events in the Application log. These related events may help you find the cause of this problem.
  • If the recommended steps do not resolve this problem, contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. For more information about how to contact support, visit the Microsoft Help and Support Web site.

For More Information

Se necessario, eseguire gli strumenti disponibili in Exchange per aiutare gli utenti ad analizzare e risolvere i problemi dell'ambiente di Exchange. Oltre a permettere di verificare se la configurazione è conforme alle procedure consigliate di Microsoft, permettono di identificare e risolvere i problemi relativi alle prestazioni e di migliorare il flusso di posta. Per eseguire questi strumenti, accedere al nodo Casella degli strumenti di Exchange Management Console. Per ulteriori informazioni su questi strumenti, vedere Gestione degli strumenti nella Casella degli strumenti.