Condividi tramite

MSExchangeTransport 12014


Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2011-03-19

In questo articolo vengono fornite una spiegazione e delle possibili soluzioni per uno specifico evento Exchange. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida di Exchange 2010.


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID


Event Source




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Microsoft Exchange could not find a certificate that contains the domain name %1 in the personal store on the local computer. Therefore, it is unable to support the STARTTLS SMTP verb for the connector %2 with a FQDN parameter of %1. If the connector's FQDN is not specified, the computer's FQDN is used. Verify the connector configuration and the installed certificates to make sure that there is a certificate with a domain name for that FQDN. If this certificate exists, run Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services SMTP to make sure that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service has access to the certificate key.


This Error event indicates that a certificate validation error has occurred with a domain that is configured for Domain Secure e-mail.

User Action

To resolve this error, you must perform one of the following tasks:

Disabling Domain Security

To disable Domain Security for the remote domain, you must remove the domain name from the TLSReceiveDomainSecureList parameter in the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet. If you have not configured dedicated Receive connectors for the domain, you can disable Domain Security for that domain by removing the domain name from the TransportConfig object.

If you are using dedicated Send connectors and Receive connectors for the domain-secured mail flow path, disable the connectors by setting the Enable parameter to $False using both the Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet and the Set-SendConnector cmdlet. Mail flow from this particular domain will then flow through your default Send connectors and Receive connectors.

For more information, see the following topics:

For More Information

Se necessario, eseguire gli strumenti disponibili in Exchange per aiutare gli utenti ad analizzare e risolvere i problemi dell'ambiente di Exchange. Oltre a permettere di verificare se la configurazione è conforme alle procedure consigliate di Microsoft, permettono di identificare e risolvere i problemi relativi alle prestazioni e di migliorare il flusso di posta. Per eseguire questi strumenti, accedere al nodo Casella degli strumenti di Exchange Management Console. Per ulteriori informazioni su questi strumenti, vedere Gestione degli strumenti nella Casella degli strumenti.