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Stroke.SetPoint Method

Stroke.SetPoint Method

Sets the Point Leave Site structure at the specified index in a Stroke object.


Visual Basic .NET Public Function SetPoint( _
ByVal index As Integer, _
ByVal point As Point _
) As Integer
C# public int SetPoint(
int index,
Point point
Managed C++ public: int* SetPoint(
int *index,
Point *point


index System.Int32. The zero-based index of the Point Leave Site structure to modify.
point System.Drawing.Point. The new Point Leave Site value for the point in the Stroke object at index.

Return Value

System.Int32. Returns the number of points changed. Generally, this method returns 1.



This C# example sets the first point of the Stroke object, theStroke, to the origin.

theStroke.SetPoint(0, new Point(0,0));


This Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET example sets the first point of the Stroke object, theStroke, to the origin.

theStroke.SetPoint(0, New Point(0,0))

See Also