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How to: Add a Custom Folder to a Group and Display it in Overlay Mode by Default

You can add custom navigation folders to a navigation group in Microsoft Outlook by using the Add method of the NavigationFolders collection for a NavigationGroup object. The Add method accepts a Folder object reference, to which the custom navigation folder is associated.

If the custom navigation folder is associated with a calendar folder, you can also use the IsSideBySide property of the NavigationFolder object to determine if the contents of the custom navigation folder are displayed in side-by-side or overlay mode.

This sample creates a new calendar folder for company events and adds a custom navigation folder for the new folder, configuring the custom navigation folder so that it is displayed by default in overlay mode.

The sample performs the following actions:

  1. The sample obtains a Folder object reference for the Calendar default folder for the current user, by using the GetDefaultFolder method of the NameSpace object.

  2. It then creates a new Folder object named "Company Events", representing the new calendar folder, in the Folders collection of the Calendar default folder.

  3. The sample then obtains a reference to the NavigationPane object for the active explorer and uses the GetNavigationModule method of the NavigationModules collection to obtain a CalendarModule object reference.

  4. It then uses the GetDefaultNavigationGroup method of the NavigationGroups collection for the CalendarModule to obtains a NavigationGroup object reference to the My Calendars navigation group.

  5. It then adds a new NavigationFolder object, based on the Folder object created earlier by the sample, to the navigation group by using the Add method of the NavigationGroups collection for that navigation group.

  6. The sample then sets the CurrentModule property of the NavigationPane object to the CalendarModule object reference, to ensure that the Calendar navigation module is currently displayed in the Navigation Pane.

  7. Finally, the sample then configures the navigation folder:

    • The sample sets the IsSelected property to True to display it in the active explorer.

    • The sample then sets the IsSideBySide property to False to display it by default in overlay mode.

Private Sub CreateCompanyEventsFolder() 
 Dim objNamespace As NameSpace 
 Dim objCalendar As Folder 
 Dim objFolder As Folder 
 Dim objPane As NavigationPane 
 Dim objModule As CalendarModule 
 Dim objGroup As NavigationGroup 
 Dim objNavFolder As NavigationFolder 
 On Error GoTo ErrRoutine 
 ' First, retrieve the default calendar folder. 
 Set objNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
 Set objCalendar = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) 
 ' Create a new calendar folder named "Company Events". 
 Set objFolder = objCalendar.Folders.Add("Company Events", olFolderCalendar) 
 ' Get the NavigationPane object for the 
 ' currently displayed Explorer object. 
 Set objPane = Application.ActiveExplorer.NavigationPane 
 ' Get the calendar module from the Navigation Pane. 
 Set objModule = objPane.Modules.GetNavigationModule(olModuleCalendar) 
 ' Get the "My Calendars" navigation group from the 
 ' calendar module. 
 With objModule.NavigationGroups 
 Set objGroup = .GetDefaultNavigationGroup(olMyFoldersGroup) 
 End With 
 ' Add a new navigation folder for the "Company Events" 
 ' folder in the "My Calendars" navigation group. 
 Set objNavFolder = objGroup.NavigationFolders.Add(objFolder) 
 ' Set the navigation folder to be displayed in overlay mode 
 ' by default. The IsSelected property can't be set to True 
 ' unless the CalendarModule object is the current module 
 ' displayed in the Navigation Pane. 
 Set objPane.CurrentModule = objModule 
 objNavFolder.IsSelected = True 
 objNavFolder.IsSideBySide = False 
 On Error GoTo 0 
 Set objNavFolder = Nothing 
 Set objFolder = Nothing 
 Set objGroup = Nothing 
 Set objModule = Nothing 
 Set objPane = Nothing 
 Set objNamespace = Nothing 
 Exit Sub 
 MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, _ 
 vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, _ 
End Sub