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SPHealthScoreCalculator.CalculateScore Method

When implemented in a derived class, translates a performance value into a health score from 0 to 10.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Available in Sandboxed Solutions: No


Public MustOverride Function CalculateScore ( _
    value As Double _
) As Integer
Dim instance As SPHealthScoreCalculator
Dim value As Double
Dim returnValue As Integer

returnValue = instance.CalculateScore(value)
public abstract int CalculateScore(
    double value


  • value
    Type: System.Double

    The value that is turned into a health score.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32
The health score from 0 and 10.


0 represents the healthiest of the possible return values, and 10 represents the least healthy.

See Also


SPHealthScoreCalculator Class

SPHealthScoreCalculator Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace