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PickerDialog Members

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Represents a dialog box in which the user can select items. This class is intended to be the base class for custom implementations.

The PickerDialog type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PickerDialog(PickerQueryControlBase, PickerResultControlBase, EntityEditorWithPicker) Initializes a new instance of the PickerDialog class with the specified query, results, and editor.
Public method PickerDialog(PickerQueryControlBase, PickerResultControlBase, EntityEditorWithPicker, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the PickerDialog class with the specified query, results, editor, and PeoplePicker.



  Name Description
Protected property Adapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public property AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public property BindingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ButtonAddTitle
Protected property ChildControlsCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ClientID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ClientIDSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property Context (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Controls (Inherited from Control.)
Public property CustomProperty Gets a custom property defined and maintained by the consumer of the class.
Public property Description Gets or sets the description.
Public property DescriptionLabel
Protected property DesignMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public property DialogTitle Gets or sets the title of the dialog box.
Public property EditorControl Gets or sets the EntityEditorWithPicker object that the PickerDialog uses.
Public property EnableTheming (Inherited from Control.)
Public property EnableViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ErrorLabel
Public property ErrorMessage Gets or sets the error message for the dialog box.
Protected property Events (Inherited from Control.)
Public property GetSelectedClientSideFunctionName
Protected property HasChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public property HtmlMessage Gets or sets the HTML message.
Public property HtmlMessageLabel
Public property ID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IdSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IsChildControlStateCleared (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IsTrackingViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property IsViewStateEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property LoadViewStateByID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property MultiSelect Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can select multiple entities.
Public property NamingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Page (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Parent (Inherited from Control.)
Public property QueryControl Gets a PickerQueryControlBase object that was used to construct this object.
Public property ResultControl Gets a PickerResultControlBase object that was used to construct this object.
Public property Results Gets or sets a value that is used to assign predetermined query results or to retrieve the current query results.
Public property Site (Inherited from Control.)
Public property SkinID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property TemplateControl (Inherited from Control.)
Public property TemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public property UniqueID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ViewStateIgnoresCase (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Visible (Inherited from Control.)



  Name Description
Protected method AddedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ApplyStyleSheetSkin (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method BuildProfileTree (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateControlCollection (Inherited from Control.)
Public method DataBind() (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBind(Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBindChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Dispose (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureID (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindControl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method FindControl(String, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Focus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetPickerDialogPage
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method HasEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method IsLiteralContent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MapPathSecure (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnDataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnInit (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnLoad (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnPreRender Initializes the user interface controls. This method is called whenever the PreRender event is raised. (Overrides Control.OnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnUnload (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OpenFile (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodStatic member PickerActivateScript
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodStatic member RegisterPickerReturnValueHiddenFields
Protected method RemovedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method Render (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ResolveAdapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveClientUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SetRenderMethodDelegate (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SetResults Sets an array of query results. In Claims mode, this method sets the result tree containing precalculated results.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method TrackViewState (Inherited from Control.)



  Name Description
Public event DataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Disposed (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Init (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Load (Inherited from Control.)
Public event PreRender (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Unload (Inherited from Control.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IControlBuilderAccessor.ControlBuilder (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IDataBindingsAccessor.DataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IExpressionsAccessor.Expressions (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IDataBindingsAccessor.HasDataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IExpressionsAccessor.HasExpressions (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetOwnerControl (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IControlDesignerAccessor.UserData (Inherited from Control.)


See Also


PickerDialog Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls Namespace