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Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls Namespace


  Class Description
Public class CookiesAuthenticationControl Specifies a control that is part of the Search Administration user interface (UI), used to set credentials for locations using cookie authentication.
Public class CoreResultsDatasource Represents the data source control used to retrieve the search results for the Core Search Results Web Part.
Public class CoreResultsDatasourceView Represents a view of the CoreResultsDatasource class.
Public class CoreResultsWebPart Specifies the user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query in the SharePoint Enterprise Search UI.
Public class FederatedResultsDatasource Represents the data source control used to retrieve the search results for the Federated Results Web Part.
Public class FederatedResultsDatasourceView Represents a view of the FederatedResultsDatasource class.
Public class FederatedResultsWebPart Specifies the user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query to a federated location.
Public class FilterCategory Represents information about a refinement filter category.
Public class FormsAuthenticationControl Specifies a control that is part of the Search Administration user interface (UI), used when setting credentials for locations configured that require forms authentication.
Public class ManagedPropertyCustomFilter Represents a mapping of values or ranges to a single custom filter value that is displayed in the user interface (UI).
Public class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator Generates refinement filters based on managed properties for a Refinement Panel Web Part.
Protected class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator.RefinementFilterCountComparer Defines a custom comparer that is used to sort the elements in an array on a filter value count in ascending order.
Protected class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator.RefinementFilterCountReverseComparer Defines a custom comparer that is used to sort the elements in an array on the filter value count in descending order.
Protected class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator.RefinementFilterNumericComparer Defines a custom comparer that is used to sort the elements in an array on the filter display value as numbers in ascending order.
Protected class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator.RefinementFilterNumericReverseComparer Defines a custom comparer that is used to sort the elements in an array on the numeric format of the filter display name in descending order.
Protected class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator.RefinementFilterStringComparer Defines a custom comparer that is used to sort elements in an array on the string format of the filter display name in ascending order.
Protected class ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator.RefinementFilterStringReverseComparer Defines a custom comparer that is used to sort the elements in an array on the string format of the filter display name in descending order.
Public class MetadataFilterValue Represents an object into which terms with the same name in the same filter category are merged.
Public class MetadataInfo Represents metadata information used for refinement.
Public class PrioritizedLocationPicker Represents the control displayed in the Top Federated Results Web Part’s tool pane, used to configure the multiple locations for the Web Part, in priority order.
Public class QuerySuggestionsDatasource Represents the data source control used to retrieve the query suggestions for the Query Suggestions Web Part.
Public class QuerySuggestionsDatasourceView Represents a view of the QuerySuggestionsDatasource class.
Public class QuerySuggestionsToolPart Represents the tool pane control that can be used to show and modify a Query Suggestions Web Part's properties.
Public class QuerySuggestionsWebPart Specifies the user interface (UI) control that displays the query suggestions for a search query in the SharePoint Enterprise Search UI.
Public class RankingModelFilterGenerator Defines a filter generator that refines the rankings.
Public class RefineLink Obsolete. Represents a refine search link on the Web control.
Public class RefinementDataElement Represents a data point of the refinement data.
Public class RefinementFilterConfigXmlConstants Defines constants for the refinement filter configuration.
Public class RefinementFilterGenerator Represents the base class for the refinement filter generators for the Refinement Panel Web Part.
Public class RefinementFilterResultsXmlConstants Represents constant values used to create the refinement filter result XML.
Public class RefinementHiddenObject Represents a hidden object in a search refinement.
Public class RefinementManager Configures the refinement calculation and merges different types of refinement filters before they are rendered in the Refinement Panel Web Part.
Public class RefinementWebPart Specifies the user interface (UI) for Search results refinement panel that helps the user to narrow down results by filtering on properties and enterprise content management (ECM) tags.
Public class RefineSearchResults Obsolete. Represents a Web control for refining search results.
Public class ResultSorting Represents a list of sort fields.
Public class SearchResultsBaseDatasource Provides the base class for the data source control used to retrieve search results for the SharePoint Enterprise Search results Web Parts.
Public class SearchResultsBaseDatasourceView Represents a view of the SearchResultsBaseDatasource class.
Public class SearchResultsBaseToolPart Represents the tool pane that can be used to show and modify a search results Web Part's properties.
Public class SearchResultsBaseWebPart Represents the base class for the SharePoint Enterprise Search results Web Parts.
Public class SharedQueryManager Represents the object that executes the query and returns the search results to the SharePoint Enterprise Search results Web Parts.
Public class SortXsltEntry Represents a sort option.
Public class SortXsltList Generates the dynamic sorting XML used for rendering with an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).
Public class TaxonomyFilterGenerator Generates refinement filters based on taxonomy for a Refinement Panel Web Part.
Public class TopAnswerToolPart Represents the tool pane for the Top Federated Results Web Part.
Public class TopFederatedResultsDatasource Represents the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the TopFederatedResultsWebPart Web Part.
Public class TopFederatedResultsDatasourceView Represents a view of the TopFederatedResultsDatasource class.
Public class TopFederatedResultsWebPart The user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query to a federated location.
Public class VisualBestBetToolPart This class exposes the configurable properties of the VisualBestBetWebPart class.
Public class VisualBestBetWebPart This class displays visual best bets, using Iframes. If there is no visual best bet, it will collapse.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuthMode Specifies the authentication mode for the authentication control Web Part.
Public enumeration QueryId Defines the Query identifier (ID) values for the queries displayed by the Web Part.
Public enumeration QueryLanguage Reserved for internal use.
Public enumeration RefineLinkModes Obsolete. Defines the refine link modes for the Mode property of the RefineLink Web Part.
Public enumeration ResultsView Defines the results sort views that are available for the View property of the CoreResultsWebPart class.