Where Element (Query)
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Used within the context of a query to specify a filter.
Attribute |
Description |
None |
N/A |
Child Elements
And, BeginsWith, Contains, DateRangesOverlap, Eq, Geq, Gt, IsNotNull, IsNull, Leq, Lt, Membership, Neq, Or |
Parent Elements
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1 |
The Where clause translates into the SQL SELECT statement. The format of the Where clause is a structured XML tree with a mixture of comparison operators, simple arithmetic operators, field (column) references, constant values, and predefined (Collaborative Application Markup Language, or CAML) constants.
In the following example, the Where element uses the Geq element as the filter in the query, returning cases where the date and time value in the Expires field is greater than today's date and time.
<FieldRef Name="Expires"/>
<Value Type="DateTime">
<FieldRef Name="Modified"/>