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Manage crawled and managed properties (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)(informazioni in lingua inglese)

Aggiornato: 10 febbraio 2011

The index schema and metadata

The index schema controls which managed properties are indexed, searchable, and available for viewing. Metadata can be structured content such as the title or the author from a Word document, or unstructured content based on the content of an item such as a detected language or extracted keywords. When managing metadata, you work with crawled properties and managed properties.

Crawled properties and categories

Crawled properties are metadata extracted from content sources when you run a crawler or connector. Crawled properties get sorted into categories, which indicate whether a new crawled property should automatically be mapped to the default full-text index or not, that is making it searchable or not. The index schema includes a mechanism for discovering new crawled properties and automatically making their content available for searching. This is done by mapping the contents of new crawled properties into the default full-text index at the lowest importance level. Hence, you do not have to have prior knowledge about the crawled properties and you do not have to create maps to managed properties to make the contents of newly crawled properties searchable.

Managed properties, full-text index and importance level

To make metadata searchable, you map one or more crawled properties to a managed property. The managed properties are mapped to a full-text index. The index schema manages the mapping of these managed properties into full-text indexes. When a search is performed, it searches in a full-text index. Relevance is tuned and improved by separating managed properties that map to the same full-text index into different importance levels. The ImportanceLevel property represents the perceived importance of a managed property within the full-text index as related to drilling (drilling works with a stop word threshold to ensure that the most relevant items are returned first when the stop word threshold is reached on a search against a full-text index (for more, see Change the Stop Word Threshold by using Windows PowerShell (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)(informazioni in lingua inglese). A high importance level indicates a higher importance of the managed property within the full-text index. For example, a search word hit in a title will receive a higher rank score than a hit in the body because the title property is mapped to a higher importance level than the body property. If you have high value metadata in your content (like editorial keywords), you should make that content searchable in the default full-text index and map it to a high importance level to improve relevance.

In this section:

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Cronologia delle modifiche

Data Descrizione Motivo

10 febbraio 2011


Aggiornamento contenuto

12 maggio 2010

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