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Plan the system backup and recovery strategy (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)(informazioni in lingua inglese)

Aggiornato: 5 agosto 2010

There are two kinds of recovery mechanisms for FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint:

  • Configuration backup and restore which only restores configuration data in the system

  • Full backup and restore which restores configuration and indexed data in the installed system to the state of the backup


This article discusses backup and restore plans for FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint. For information about SharePoint Server 2010 backup and recovery, see Pianificare il backup e il ripristino (SharePoint Server 2010).

As you plan your backup and recovery strategy, consider the following issues and limitations, and their effect on the system and users.

General limitations and considerations

  • The FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint administration database is backed up in both the configuration backup and the full backup. The database backup file is generated locally on the SQL Server, and is not stored with the backup of FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint. You must ensure that the SQL Server file is backed up, and that it is present on the target SQL Server during restore.

  • The FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint backup is sensitive to version differences between the backed up SQL Server and the restored SQL Server. The versions must be identical. If the SQL Server version changes, export the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint administration database to a canonical format and import it.

  • Backup procedures may interfere with the spell tuning process. If the spell tuner is not running during the time of a scheduled dictionary upload, it will not upload the new dictionaries when it is restarted later. Consider this scenario. You schedule a daily backup to run at 02:00:00, the backup runs for 10 minutes and stops the spell tuner for the duration. If you have also scheduled dictionary uploads to run at 02:05:00 (the default time), the new spell checking dictionaries will not be uploaded because backup has suspended the spell tuning process. To resolve this problem, you must run the spell tuner manually to update the dictionaries:

    1. Log on to the administration server as an administrator.

    2. Run the command: spelltuner -f --wordcount-threshold 100000 --spellcheck-threshold 13 --max-wordcount 10000000

    To avoid this situation, schedule regular backups and spell tuning runs so that they do not interfere with one another. By default, the spell tuner is scheduled to run at 2:05 AM; schedule the backup to run at a different time.

Limitations of a configuration backup and restore

  • If the backed up system and the restored system have different sets of managed properties, the content will not be searchable after a restore. If you encounter this problem, you must refeed all data to put the system in a consistent state. To avoid this problem, make sure that you run a new configuration backup when the set of managed properties changes.

Limitations of a full backup and restore

  • Full backups can only be restored to exactly the same set of servers that have the same server names. Therefore, system topology cannot change for the restore operation.

  • Full backups may require a large amount of storage space. The backup data volume will be equal to the sum of all installation directories on all servers. To help reduce space requirements, exclude the searchable index from the backup. This will reduce the required space by the equivalent of <FASTSearchFolder>\data\data_index.

  • Full backups will stop feeding and indexing during the backup process. The system will serve queries, but there will be no new items available in the index during the backup process.

  • Full backups require downtime to restore a system. The complete FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint system must be shut down during the restore process.

  • The certificates that authenticate FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint to Microsoft SharePoint Server are not covered by FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint backup and restore. You must perform a manual procedure if the certificates have changed. For example, this may occur if you are restoring on a reinstalled system. See Restore a certificate for more information.

  • A backup of FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePointmust be paired with a Microsoft SharePoint Server backup to ensure that both systems will work as expected after a restore operation.


The user inclusion and exclusion lists for company, location and person name property extraction, as well as the dictionaries of the custom properties extractors, are stored in the resource store and are not preserved by a configuration backup.

Downtime considerations when planning the system recovery strategy

Please refer to the Pianificare il backup e il ripristino (SharePoint Server 2010) article for business requirement definitions regarding backup and recovery strategies.

The Recovery time objective (RPO) that is targeted has implications for the strategy that should be chosen when planning the backup and recovery strategy for FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint.

The amount of downtime that is required during a system recovery depends on the complexity of the deployment, the amount of data, and whether the searchable index was included in the backup. You can limit downtime by using the following recovery strategies:

  • No downtime: Use a fully or partly redundant setup

  • One day to several days: Use the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint full data backup or a third-party backup solution

  • Days to weeks: Reinstall the setup from scratch by using a configuration backup and restore

The following table shows what you might choose to protect and what is covered by different options in the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint.

Component Config backup Full backup Full backup + FARM backup

Installer generated files



Config server files




SAM admin configuration




SPRel configuration




WebAnalyzer configuration




FAST Crawler configuration




Binaries and DLLs



Searchable index



FIXML files



Content SSA state


* Can be disabled with the –excludeindex parameter

Vedere anche


Backup and restore prerequisites (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)(informazioni in lingua inglese)

Altre risorse

Pianificare il backup e il ripristino (SharePoint Server 2010)

Cronologia delle modifiche

Data Descrizione Motivo

5 agosto 2010


Aggiornamento contenuto

12 maggio 2010

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