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Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment

Aggiornamento: ottobre 2008


Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2015-02-27

In this article:

  • Project Server 2007 architecture overview

  • Project Server 2007 installation roadmap

  • Verify that servers meet hardware and software requirements

  • Security account requirements

  • Prepare the database server

  • Project Server 2007 installation procedures

This article describes how to install Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment. You can deploy Office Project Server 2007 in a server farm environment if you are hosting a large number of sites, if you want the best possible performance, or if you want the scalability of a multi-tier topology. A server farm consists of one or more servers dedicated to running the Office Project Server 2007 application.

Because a deployment of Office Project Server 2007 in a farm environment is more complex than a stand-alone installation, we recommend that you plan your deployment before beginning. Planning your deployment can help you to gather the information you need and to make important decisions before beginning to deploy. For more information, see Pianificazione e architettura per Office Project Server 2007.

This article does not cover upgrading from previous versions of Project Server. For information on upgrading to Project Server 2007, see Guida alla migrazione per Office Project Server 2007.

Project Server 2007 architecture overview

[!NOTA] For more detailed information about Office Project Server 2007 architecture, see the chapter Plan EPM Solution architecture (Project Server).

Office Project Server 2007 installation includes these three main components:

  • Office Project Server 2007 Web tier

  • Office Project Server 2007 application tier

  • Office Project Server 2007 database tier (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with the most recent service pack, or Microsoft SQL Server 2005)

    Panoramica dell'architettura di Project Server 2007

The Office Project Server 2007 Web tier includes two components:

  • Microsoft Office Project Web Access is designed for use by all project team members, administrators, and anyone else who needs access to Project Server data. Office Project Web Access is essentially a set of Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 applications that use the Project Server Interface (PSI).

  • Windows SharePoint Services 3,0 is a Web-based team collaboration and document management application. Office Project Web Access is built on Windows SharePoint Services 3,0 for ease of use, improved administration, and ease of customization and integration with other applications.

    [!NOTA] For more information, see Pianificare il livello Web.

The Office Project Server 2007 application tier includes:

  • Project Server Interface (PSI): The Project Server Interface is the application programming interface (API) of Office Project Server 2007. The Project Server Interface object model exposes Project Server functionality to all external applications. Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, Office Project Web Access, line of business, and other third-party applications use the PSI to access Project Server data in the Draft, Published, and Archive databases.

  • Project Server platform: This platform includes the Project Server business objects accessed by users through the PSI.

  • Project Server services: These services include the Server Reporting service, the Server Eventing service, and the Server Queuing service.

    [!NOTA] For more information, see Pianificare il livello applicazione.

The Office Project Server 2007 database tier includes the following Project Server databases:

  • Draft: The Draft database contains tables for saving unpublished projects from Office Project Professional 2007. Project data in the Draft database is not accessible by using Office Project Web Access.

  • Published: The Published database contains all of the published projects. Published projects are viewable in Office Project Web Access. The Published database also contains tables that are specific to Office Project Web Access (timesheets, views, and so on) and global data tables (outline codes, security, and metadata).

  • Archive: The Archive database saves backed-up and older versions of projects.

  • Reporting: The Reporting database is the staging area for generating reports and OLAP cubes. Data in the Reporting database is comprehensive, optimized for read-only report generation, and is updated near real-time.

    [!NOTA] For more information, see Pianificare il livello di database.

Project Server 2007 installation roadmap

This section describes three examples of farm deployments for Office Project Server 2007. Each example includes a roadmap of, or high-level steps for, the installation process for your deployment. Identify the deployment roadmap in this article that most closely matches the architecture that you require for your organization, and then follow associated the procedures in to complete your installation. The high-level steps can be followed in more detail in the "Office Project Server 2007 Installation Procedures" section of this article.

[!NOTA] Office Project Server 2007 stand-alone installation will not be covered in this chapter. For information about installing Office Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer, see Installare Project Server 2007 in un computer autonomo.

Small farm installation

Office Project Server 2007 in a small farm is characterized by the front-end Web server and the application server residing on the same computer. A small farm deployment can support a small- to medium-sized organization and can be used by a large organization to test Office Project Server 2007. A small-scale deployment supports up to 500 users, but is not ideal for a large-scale production environment.

A small farm can exist in a one-tier or two-tier configuration:

  • One tier: The front-end Web server, application server, and the database server all reside on the same computer.

    Farm piccola a un livello

  • Two tier: The front-end Web server and application server reside together on the same computer, and the database server resides on another computer. If possible, the two-tier configuration is preferable, because database processing is removed from the server hosting the front-end Web server and application server.

    Farm piccola a due livelli

Deploying Office Project Server 2007 to a small farm requires installing both the Project Server front-end Web server and the application server to the same computer.

Install the farm on a single server

  1. Install the binary files.

    Select Complete for the server installation type.

  2. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard:

    • Create a new farm.

    • Create a new configuration database.

  3. Configure the farm services:

    Start the Project Application service.

  4. Create Web applications:

    • Create a Web application for the Project Web Access site content

    • Create a site collection for the Web application.

    • Create a Web application for the Shared Services Provider.

  5. Create the Shared Services Provider.

  6. Provision the Project Server 2007 site on the farm.

Medium farm installation

To meet the needs of a slightly larger organization, Office Project Server 2007 can be installed to a medium farm.

[!NOTA] For more information on capacity planning, see Panoramica del capitolo: pianificare le prestazioni e la capacità (Project Server).

Office Project Server 2007 in a medium farm topology is characterized by a three-tiered configuration. The Web tier, application tier, and database tier are all on separate computers. A basic medium-sized custom farm can consist of one or two front-end Web servers, a single application server, and one database server or two clustered database servers.

Topologia farm di medie dimensioni

Installing Office Project Server 2007 to a simple medium farm (a single application server and front-end Web server on separate computers) requires the steps in the table below. Perform the sequence of steps for the Application server before starting the steps for the front-end Web server.

Server A (for the application server) Server B (for the front-end Web server)

Install the binary files:

Select Complete for the server installation type.

Install the binary files:

Select Web Front End for the server installation type.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard:

  • Create a new farm.

  • Create a new Configuration database.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard:

Connect to the existing farm (created on Server A).

After installing the binary files and running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Wizard on both servers in your farm, you need to perform the following tasks through the SharePoint Central Administration Web site:

  1. Configure the farm services for the application server:

    • Start the Project Application service
  2. Create Web applications:

    • Create a Web application for the Project Web Access site content

    • Create a site collection for the Web application

    • Create a Web application for the Shared Services Provider

  3. Create the Shared Services Provider.

  4. Provision the Project Server 2007 site on the farm.

Large farm installation

A medium farm can be increased in size to meet the needs of a much larger company by adding additional servers on the Web and application tiers. The database tier can also be clustered with additional database servers or to include multiple clusters.

A farm can also be integrated with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and use other services such as Search, Index, or Servizi di calcolo Excel.

Topologia farm di grandi dimensioni

Adding additional front-end Web servers to the farm

You can add additional front-end Web servers to the farm. When you do this, the farm will replicate all available Web sites to the new server in order to make them available to users through the server.

[!NOTA] Multiple front-end Web servers can be configured to use Network Load Balancing to distribute the load across the servers. For more information on Network Load Balance options for front-end Web servers, see the "Plan front-end Web server availability" section in Pianificare la ridondanza (Office SharePoint Server).

To add an additional front-end Web server to your farm, you would need to do the following:

Add another front-end Web server to the farm

  1. Install the binary files.

    Select Web Front End for the server installation type.

  2. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard:

    Connect to the existing farm.

Adding additional application servers to the farm

The farm can also be scaled to add additional Office Project Server 2007 application servers. When more than one Office Project Server 2007 application server is available on the farm, requests from Web tiers are distributed to the application servers in a round-robin fashion. For example, in an environment in which two Project Server application servers exist, request #1 from the SharePoint Web Application service is first sent to application server A. The second request would be sent to application server B. The third request would go back to application server A again, and so on.

[!NOTA] Load balancing is handled internally between application servers in the farm. Application servers cannot be configured to use Network Load Balancing Services for Windows Server 2003.

To add an additional application server to the farm, you would need to do the following:

Add another application server to the farm

  1. Install the binary files.

    Select Complete for the server installation type.

  2. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard:

    Connect to the existing farm.

  3. Configure the farm services:

    • Start the Project Application service.

    • Stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service.

Verify that servers meet hardware and software requirements

Before installing Office Project Server 2007, verify that the computers meet the hardware and software requirements listed in the following tables.

Hardware requirements

Component Description


(Required) Dual processors with processor speed of 2.5 gigahertz (GHz) or faster.

(Recommended) Dual processors with processor speed of 3 gigahertz or faster.


  • Farm deployment: 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM.

  • Farm deployment in which the SQL Server resides on a front-end Web or application server: 4 GB RAM recommended.

Hard disk

3 GB of available hard disk


1024 ∝ 768 or higher resolution monitor

Network connection

Farm deployment: 100 megabits per second (Mbps) connection speed

Optical drive

DVD drive

Software requirements

Office Project Server 2007 has the following software requirements. It is important to note that because Office Project Server 2007 is built on Windows SharePoint Services 3,0, the requirements that apply to Windows SharePoint Services 3,0 also apply to Office Project Server 2007.

For additional information about hardware and software requirements for Office Project Server 2007, see Determine hardware and software requirements (Project Server).

Operating system

Office Project Server 2007 runs on Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later. We recommend that you apply all critical updates. You can use the following Windows Server 2003 editions:

  • Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

  • Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

  • Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

  • Windows Server 2003, Web Edition

Web browser

Internet Explorer 6.0 with the most recent service packs or Internet Explorer 7.0 is required.

Internet Information Services 6.0

Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 must be enabled on the computer. You also must configure the server to use worker process isolation mode. This is the default setting in new installations. However, if you have upgraded from IIS 5.0 on Windows Server 2000, then IIS 5.0 isolation mode is enabled and you must change this setting to worker process isolation mode. Worker process isolation mode takes advantage of the redesigned architecture for IIS 6.0 and uses the worker process core component.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download installs the required Windows Workflow Foundation component (Build 4203.2) needed for workflow functionality.

On the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download page, follow the instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0. There are separate downloads for x86-based computers and x64-based computers: be sure to download and install the appropriate version for your computer. The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 download installs the required Windows Workflow Foundation components.

Install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0

  1. In your Web browser, go to the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package download site (

  2. Click Download, and then click Run.

  3. On the Welcome to Microsoft. NET Framework Setup page, click Next.

  4. Select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement check box, and then click Install.

  5. When installation is done, click Finish.

After installing .NET Framework 3.0, you must verify that ASP.NET 2.0.50727 is enabled.

Enable ASP.NET 2.0.50727 in Internet Information Services (IIS)

  1. Click Start, and then click Run.

  2. In the Open box, type inetmgr, and then click OK.

  3. In the left pane of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select the computer on which you want to enable ASP.NET.

  4. In the right pane, double-click the Web Service Extensions folder.

  5. Right-click ASP.NET v2.0.50727, and then choose Allow.

Enable ASP.NET 2.0.50727 in (IIS) at the command prompt

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Change to the following directory: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\\Framework\v2.0.50727.

  3. Run the following command:

    aspnet_regiis.exe –i –enable

Notification requirements

If, in your deployment planning for Office Project Server 2007, you determined that you will need to send e-mail notifications, you need a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. If you need to receive e-mail notifications, you need a mail client that uses one of the following protocols to receive mail from the SMTP server, such as:

  • Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)

  • Internet Message Access Protocol 4 (IMAP4)

  • Alternatively, your mail client can receive e-mail notifications if you have Microsoft Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI)-compliant messaging software.

Security account requirements

During the installation and configuration, you must specify certain user accounts and passwords. For more information about administrative and security accounts, see Pianificare gli account amministrativi e di servizio (Project Server).

Prepare the database server

The database server computer must be running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with the most recent service pack.

The Office Project Server 2007 Setup program automatically creates the necessary databases when you install and configure Office Project Server 2007. Optionally, you can pre-install the required databases if your IT environment or policies require this.

For more information about prerequisites, see Determine hardware and software requirements (Project Server).

SQL Server 2005 surface area configuration settings

If you are using SQL Server 2005, you must also change the surface area configuration settings.

Configure surface area settings in SQL Server 2005

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.

  2. In the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration dialog box, click Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections.

  3. In the tree view, expand the node for your instance of SQL Server, expand the Database Engine node, and then click Remote Connections.

  4. Select Local and Remote Connections, select Using TCP/IP only, and then click OK.

SQL Server and database collation

The SQL Server collation must be configured as case-insensitive. The SQL Server database collation must be configured as case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, Kana-sensitive, and width-sensitive. This configuration ensures file name uniqueness consistent with the Windows operating system. For more information about collations, see "Selecting a SQL Collation" or "Collation Settings in Setup" in SQL Server Books Online.

Required accounts

The following table describes the accounts that are used to configure Microsoft SQL Server and to install Office Project Server 2007. For more information about the required accounts, including specific privileges required for these accounts, see Pianificare gli account amministrativi e di servizio (Project Server).

Account Purpose

SQL Server service account

SQL Server prompts for this account during Setup. This account is used as the service account for the following SQL Server services:



If you are not using the default instance, these services will be shown as:

  • MSSQL$InstanceName

  • SQLAgent$InstanceName

Setup user account

The user account that is used to run Setup on each server

Server farm account

This account is also referred to as:

  • Database access account

This account is:

  • The application pool account for the SharePoint Central Administration Web site

  • The process account for the Windows SharePoint Services Timer (SPAdmin) service

Preinstall databases (optional)

The Office Project Server 2007 databases are created automatically during the "provisioning Project Server 2007 sites on the farm" step of deployment. In many IT environments, database creation and management is handled by the database administrator (DBA). Security and other policies might require that the DBA create the databases required by Office Project Server 2007. This section provides details about how the DBA can create these databases before beginning the Office Project Server 2007 installation.

Create and configure the Project Server databases

  1. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to the database server and create the four Project Server databases:

    • ProjectServer_Published

    • ProjectServer_Working

    • ProjectServer_Archive

    • ProjectServer_Reporting

      [!NOTA] When creating the databases, make sure to adhere to the SQL Server collation requirements mentioned previously.

  2. Make sure that the database owner is the Setup user account for all databases.

  3. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, add the SSP Service account to the Users group and the db_owner role in each database.

After the four Project Server databases are created and configured, you can enter the database names in the "provisioning Project Server 2007 sites on the farm" step of the deployment process to connect to them.

For more information about preinstalling Windows SharePoint Services 3,0 databases, including detailed procedures, see Eseguire la distribuzione utilizzando database creati da amministratori di database (Windows SharePoint Services).

Project Server 2007 installation procedures

This section describes installation procedures required to install Office Project Server 2007 on a computer. Use them in conjunction with the type of installation you want to do in the "Office Project Server 2007 installation roadmap" section of this article.

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files

Installing the Office Project Server 2007 binary files allows you to select the installation type you want to install to the server.

  1. Navigate to the installation location, and then double-click the Setup.exe file to begin the Setup program.

  2. On the Enter Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and then click Continue.

  3. On the End User License Agreement page, view the terms of the agreement. Select I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

  4. On the Choose the Installation you Want page, click Advanced. This gives you the option to install Office Project Server 2007 to a farm installation.

    [!NOTA] The Basic option on this page installs the stand-alone installation. Stand-alone installation is also available through the Advanced option. The advanced version of Stand-alone installation allows you to install to a location other than the default location. The Basic version does not. For information about installing Office Project Server 2007 to a stand-alone computer, see Installare Project Server 2007 in un computer autonomo.

  5. On the next page, on the Server Type tab, select the type of installation you want to install to the computer:

    • Complete   Installs the front-end Web server and application server in a farm environment

    • Web Front End   Installs only the front-end Web server

    • Stand-alone   Installs the front-end Web server, application server, and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in a non-farm environment.

      [!NOTA] The stand-alone installation type cannot be scaled for more users added to an existing farm. For more information, see Installare Project Server 2007 in un computer autonomo.

    On the File Location tab, you can specify the location to which you want the binary files to be installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers.

    On the File Location tab, if you plan on using the Windows SharePoint Services Help Search Service, you can also specify the storage location on the local hard disk for the search index files.

    [!NOTA] For more information about the Windows SharePoint Service Help Search Service, see Pianificare la ricerca (Windows SharePoint Services).

    On the Feedback tab, you can elect to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. The default selection is I'll choose later. This option can be configured later through Central Administration.

    Click Install Now. The Office Project Server 2007 components will be installed onto the computer.

  6. When installation of the binary files is completed, the Setup Complete page is displayed and prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Verify that Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now is selected, and then click Close.

    [!NOTA] If you choose to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard at a later time, clear the check box, and then click Close. When you want to start the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office Server, and then click SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

This step, commonly referred to as post-setup configuration, runs the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to configure Windows SharePoint Services 3,0. Running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard allows you to do the following:

  • Create a new farm or connect to an existing one.

  • Create a new configuration database for the farm or use the configuration database of an existing farm to which you want to connect.

  • Create the SharePoint Central Administration Web site used to administer all servers and services in the farm. This starts the Central Administration service on the server.

Use the following instructions to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

  1. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, read about information that is required from you during configuration of the wizard. This includes:

    • Name of the database server and database where the server farm configuration data will be stored.

    • User name and password for the database access account that will administer the server farm.

    Click Next.

  2. Read the warning that alerts you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during the configuration. These will include:

    • Internet Information Services

    • SharePoint Administration Service

    • SharePoint Timer Service

    Click Yes.

  3. On the Connect to a Server Farm page, select either:

    • Yes, I want to connect to an existing farm — Select this option if you are adding this server to an existing farm.

    • No, I want to create a new server farm — Select this option if this is the first server in the farm.

    Click Next.

  4. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, use the information you gathered earlier to specify the name of the instance of SQL Server and the name of the configuration database, and to specify a Windows account that the computer will use to connect to the configuration database.

    1. In the Database server box, if you are creating a new farm, type the name of the instance of SQL Server on which the database will be created.

      If you are connecting to an existing farm, type the name of the instance of SQL Server on which the configuration database exists.

    2. In the Database name box, if you are creating a new farm, type the name that you want to give the configuration database. The default entry is SharePoint_Config.

      If you are connecting to an existing farm, click the Retrieve Database Names button. This will search for the configuration databases on the instance of SQL Server that you specified. The configuration database names on the server are then shown in the Database name list. Select the name of the configuration database for the existing farm.

    3. In the Specify Database Access Account section, in the Username box, type the name of the Server farm account.

      The server farm account is used to access your SharePoint configuration database. It also acts as the application pool identity for the SharePoint Central Administration application pool and it is the account under which the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service runs. The SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard adds this account to the SQL Server Logins, the SQL Server Database Creator server role, and the SQL Server Security Administrators server role. The user account that you specify as the service account must be a domain user account, but it does not need to be a member of any specific security group on your Web servers or your back-end database servers. We recommend that you follow the principle of least privilege and specify a user account that is not a member of the Administrators group on your Web servers or your back-end servers.
    4. In the Password box, type the password for this account.

    5. Click Next.

  5. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, configure the following options:

    1. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, select the Specify port number check box and type a port number if you want the SharePoint Central Administration Web application to use a specific port, or leave the Specify port number check box cleared if you do not care which port number the SharePoint Central Administration Web site uses. If you do not specify an available port number, one will be selected automatically.

    2. In the Configure Security Settings section, select NTLM authentication (the default) or Negotiate (Kerberos). If you are unsure which to choose, contact your network administrator. Then click Next.

      [!NOTA] In most cases, you should use the default setting (NTLM). Use Negotiate (Kerberos) only if Kerberos is supported in your environment. Using the Negotiate (Kerberos) option requires you to configure a Service Principal Name for the domain user account. To do this, you must be a member of the Domain Admins group. For more information about configuring Kerberos, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 832769: HOW TO: Configure Windows SharePoint Services to Use Kerberos Authentication.

  6. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, verify that your configuration settings are correct. If any settings are not correct, use the Back button to change the setting. Click Next.

  7. When configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful page appears. Click Finish. This will automatically open Central Administration.

    [!NOTA] If you are prompted for your user name and password, you might need to add Central Administration to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer. Instructions for configuring this setting are provided later in this article.

    [!NOTA] If you see a proxy server error message, you might need to configure your proxy server settings so that local addresses bypass the proxy server. Instructions for configuring this setting are provided later in this article.

Add the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to the list of trusted sites

  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

  2. On the Security tab, in the Select a Web content zone to specify its security settings box, click Trusted Sites, and then click Sites.

  3. Clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.

  4. In the Add this Web site to the zone box, type the URL for Central Administration, and then click Add.

  5. Select the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.

  6. Click Close to close the Trusted Sites dialog box.

  7. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Configure proxy server settings to bypass the proxy server for local addresses

  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

  2. On the Connections tab, in the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings area, click LAN Settings.

  3. In the Proxy Server area, select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box.

  4. Click OK to close the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box.

  5. Click OK again to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Configure the farm services

The following procedures use the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to enable or disable services based on your server role. The following table lists the services you need to start or stop on the computer depending on the type of server you had installed.

Server role Service configuration

Front-end Web server


Application server

  • Start the Project Application Service

  • Stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web application service

    [!NOTA] Stop the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service only if you do not want the server to serve content.

Application server and front-end Web server

  • Start the Project Application Service

To configure the farm services:

  1. On the top navigation of the Central Administration page, click Operations.

  2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, select Services on server.

  3. On the Services on Server page for this computer, in the section titled Select server role to display services you will need to start in the table below, select Custom (to list all farm services on the server).

  4. In the Start services in the table below list, find the service you would like to configure. In the same row under the Action column, click Start to enable the service. If you would like to disable the service, click Stop.

  5. To see whether the status has changed to its desired status, you might need to refresh the page.

Create Web applications

After you install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files, run post-setup configuration, and configure services in your server farm, you can create Web applications and a site collection.

For Office Project Server 2007, you will need to create Web applications for two sites:

  • The Project Web Access site

  • The Shared Services Provider home site

You will also need to create a site collection for the Web application (hosting the Project Web Access site). Doing so creates the top-level site in which the Project Web Access home site and Project workspaces reside.

Create the Web application to host the Project Web Access site

The following procedure allows you to create the Web application for Project Web Access. During this process you create a new Web site and create the site collection for the Project Web Access site and Project workspace sites. When finished, you will have a new top-level site for the site collection (although this site will contain no data at this point).

  1. On the top navigation of the Central Administration page, click Application Management.

  2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

  3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web Application section, select Create a new Web Application.

  4. On the Create New Web Application page, do the following:

    1. In the IIS Web Site section, choose either Use an existing IIS web site or Create a New IIS Web site.

      [!NOTA] When creating or specifying an existing site, it is preferable for the site to use port 80. If the site is using port 80, then host headers are not needed and users accessing the site do not need to remember to type the port number as a part of the URL.

    2. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider, select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM, depending on your network. If you are uncertain, contact your network administrator.

    3. In the Load Balanced URL section, specify the URL that will be used to access the Web application, or use the default entry. The URL should be in the format http://servername:port. If multiple zones have been configured on the server, you can optionally click a zone in the Zone list.

    4. In the Application Pool section, select Create new application pool.

    5. In the Application pool name box, a unique name is automatically generated based on the extended Web site you selected. You can use this entry or you can type another unique name.

    6. Select Configurable, and then, in the User name box, type the Windows account of the farm administrator. In the Password box, type the password for the account.

      [!NOTA] For more information on accounts, see Pianificare gli account amministrativi e di servizio (Project Server).

    7. Click OK.

    8. On the Application Created page that appears, select Create a new Windows SharePoint Services site collection.

      Creating a site collection allows you to configure the top-level site for the Web application.

  5. On the Create Site Collection page, do the following:

    1. In the Title and Description section, in Title, type a title for the new site.

    2. In Description, type a description of the site collection.

    3. In the Web Site Address section, specify the URL name and path to create new sites. In the URL list, select a managed path to append to the URL under which new sites will be created.

      [!NOTA] If you would like to add new paths to the list, click the Define Managed Paths link and enter the information in the Add a New Path section. For more information on Managed Paths, see Determine paths for sites (Project Server).

    4. In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, type the user name of the site collection administrator in the corresponding field. (You can do this for the secondary site administrator as well.)

      [!NOTA] You can use the Windows SharePoint Services service account as the user name.

    5. The Quota Template section is used to limit the amount of storage available on the site. The default template is No Quota. You can keep this option or choose from any additional quota templates you have created.

      [!NOTA] You can create additional quota templates and change this setting later through the SharePoint Central Administration site in the SharePoint Site Management section of Application Management.

    6. In the Template Selection section, in the Select a template list, select the template you want to use when the top-level site of the site collection is created, and then click OK.

  6. On the Top-Level Site Successfully Created page, the URL for the new, empty top-level site is displayed. Click OK to return to Central Administration.

Create the Web application to host the Shared Services Provider

The following procedure creates the Shared Services Provider Web application.

  1. On the top navigation of the Central Administration page, click Application Management.

  2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

  3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web Application section, click Create a new Web Application.

  4. On the Create New Web Application page, do the following:

    1. In the IIS Web Site section, select Create a new IIS web site. You can either use the default name and port, or you can specify different ones. However, make sure to note the port number associated with the new site. This will enable you to choose the correct site later when you are setting up the Shared Services Provider.

    2. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider, select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM, depending on your network configuration.

    3. In the Load Balanced URL section, you can specify the URL that will be used to access the Web application, or you can use the default entry. The URL should be in the format http://servername:port. If multiple zones have been configured on the server, you can optionally click a zone in the Zone list.

    4. In the Application Pool section, select Create new application pool.

    5. Select Configurable, and then, in the User name and Password boxes, type the user name and password of the user account that you want to act as the application pool identity for your Web application.

  5. Click OK. After the Web site is completed, the Application Created page will appear.

Create the Shared Services Provider

Office Project Server 2007 is completely dependent upon Windows SharePoint Services 3,0 to support its user interface, farm topology, and administration features. Office Project Server 2007 shares the same administration infrastructure as Windows SharePoint Services 3,0 and other Office SharePoint Server 2007 products. One of the core features of this infrastructure is the Shared Services Provider.

A Shared Services Provider groups shared services so that they can be used to share content among users across servers in the farm, multiple server farms, Web applications and site collections.

Office Project Server 2007 middle-tier services are contained inside a Shared Services Provider, while the front-end Web sites are managed in the associated Web applications.


The following procedures allow you to create the Shared Services Provider by using the Web application you created previously to host the Shared Services Provider.

  1. On the top navigation of the Central Administration page, click Application Management.

  2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or Configure this Farm's Shared Services.

  3. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, click New SSP.

  4. On the New Shared Services Provider page, do the following:

    1. In the SSP Name section, in the Web Application list, select the Web application that you created when you created the Web application to host the Shared Services Provider.

    2. In the SSP Service Credentials section, type the name and password for a Windows user who is the SSP administrator.

      [!NOTA] For more information on this account, see Pianificare gli account amministrativi e di servizio (Project Server).

    3. Each Shared Services Provider requires a database to store service-specific data. In the SSP Database section, the database server name by default will list the one hosting the configuration database. The database name will also be automatically generated for you. You can keep the default settings, or you can change them if needed.

  5. Click OK.

    [!NOTA] This process might take several minutes to complete.

  6. After the SSP is successfully created, the Success! page is displayed. Click OK to go to the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page needed for the next section.

Provision the Project Server 2007 site on the farm

This final procedure allows you to create the Project Server instance on the farm. During this process, you are able to specify the Project Server Administrator account, point to the database server that will be used to host the Office Project Server 2007 databases, and name the Office Project Server 2007 databases.

  1. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, in the SSP and associated Web applications list, click the Shared Services Provider you just created.

    [!NOTA] Make sure to click the Shared Services Provider and not a Web application listed under the Shared Services Provider. You can also open the Shared Services Provider through the Shared Services Administration section of the Quick Launch.

  2. On the home page for this core service, in the Project Server section, click Project Web Access Sites.

  3. On the Manage Project Web Access page, click Create Project Web Access Site.

  4. On the Create a New Project Web Access page, do the following:

    1. In the Project Web Access Site Location section, from the SharePoint Web Application to host PWA list, select the name of the extended Web site. Do not select the Web site being used for the Shared Services Provider.

    2. In the Project Web Access path box, the default name of the Project Web Access path appears. You can type a different name if you want.

    3. In the Administrator Account section, type the Windows user account that will be given administrative credentials to the Project Server instance.

      [!NOTA] For more information on this account, see Pianificare gli account amministrativi e di servizio (Project Server).

    4. In the Primary Database section, in the Primary Database Server field, enter the name of the instance of SQL Server on which the Publish, Draft, and Archive databases will be located. In the Published, Draft, and Archived database name fields, enter unique names for each Office Project Server 2007 database.

      [!NOTA] You can use the default database names. However, make sure they do not already exist on the SQL Server.

    5. In the Reporting Database section, if the instance of SQL Server that hosting the Reporting database is the same as the primary database server that you specified, select Use the primary database server. If it exists on a different instance of SQL Server, clear this option and then type the name of the instance of SQL Server in the Reporting database server field. In the Reporting database name field, type a unique name for the Reporting database.

      [!NOTA] You can use the default database name. However, make sure it does not already exist on the SQL Server.

  5. Click OK. The provisioning process starts.

  6. You will return to the Manage Project Web Access page. Click the Refresh Status button to update the status of the provisioning process. When provisioning is complete, an entry in the Status column will say Provisioned. When that happens, you can click the URL to go to the Project Web Access site.

    [!NOTA] Provisioning is an asynchronous process, so it might take a few minutes before the job is complete.

Create a site collection for project workspaces

We recommend that you create a site collection for your project workspaces that is in its own content database, separate from other site data. Using a site collection in a separate content database allows for easier migration should you decide to move your Project Server installation to a different farm in the future.

Create a managed path

The following procedure creates a managed path to be used with the new site collection:

  1. In Central Administration, click Application Management.

  2. Under SharePoint Web Application Management, click Define managed paths.

  3. On the Define Managed Paths page, under Web Application, select the web application you are using for your PWA site.

  4. Type a name for the path in the Path text box.

  5. From the Type dropdown list, select Explicit Inclusion.

  6. Click OK.

Create a site collection in a new content database

Once you have created the managed path, you can create a new site collection in a new content database. This must be done using the command line using the stsadm tool. Use the following command:

Stsadm -o createsiteinnewdb
-databasename <ContentDBName>
-owneremail <EmailAddress>
-ownerlogin <SiteOwnerDomainAccount>
-databaseserver <SQLInstance>
-sitetemplate pws#0
-url <ManagedPathURL>

Configure site provisioning settings

When the content database has been created with the new site collection, you must configure PWA to use the new site collection for project workspaces. Use the following procedure to configure PWA:

  1. In Project Web Access, click Server Settings.

  2. Under Operational Policies, click Project Workspace Provisioning Settings.

  3. On the Project Workspace Provisioning Settings page, in the Site URL text box, type the name of the managed path you created for the new site collection.

  4. Click Save.

Project workspaces will now be created in the new content database you created.