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Create, update, or delete a managed metadata service connection (SharePoint Server 2010)


Si applica a: SharePoint Server 2010

Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2016-11-30

A managed metadata service application publishes a term store and, optionally, content types; a managed metadata service connection consumes them. This topic provides instructions for working with connections to managed metadata service applications.

Procedures in this task:

  • Create a managed metadata service connection

  • Update a managed metadata service connection

  • Delete a managed metadata service connection

Task Requirements

The following is required to perform the procedures for this task:

Create a managed metadata service connection

Use this procedure to create a managed metadata service connection.

To create a managed metadata service connection by using Central Administration

  1. Ensure that you have the required permissions to perform this procedure. To create a managed metadata service application, you must be both a member of the Administrators group on the computer running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, and a member of the Farm Administrators group.

  2. On the home page of the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, under Application Management, select Manage service applications.

  3. Select the Service Applications tab.

  4. On the Ribbon, click Connect.

  5. On the Connect to a Remote Service Application page, in the Farm or Service Application address box, type the URL for the managed metadata service, and then click OK.


    The administrator of the service must provide the URL.

  6. Select the service application to connect to by clicking in the Name column of the appropriate row.

  7. To have a connection to this service created for all web applications in the farm, select Make this connection to be the default for all sites in my farm.

  8. Click OK.

  9. To provide a more descriptive name for the connection, type the name in the Connection Name box, and then click OK.

  10. When the connection has been created, click OK.

  11. Update the connection to define how the connection interacts with the managed metadata service. For more information about updating the connection, see Update a managed metadata service connection

To create a managed metadata service connection by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: vedere Add-SPShellAdmin.

  2. On the Start menu, click All Programs.

  3. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.

  4. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

  5. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command:

    New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Name "<ConnectionName>" -ServiceApplication "<ServiceApplicationName>" -ContentTypePushdownEnabled -ContentTypeSyndicationEnabled -DefaultKeywordTaxonomy -DefaultProxyGroup -DefaultSiteCollectionTaxonomy


    • <ConnectionName> is the name of the connection that you are creating.

    • <ServiceApplicationName> is the name of the managed metadata service that this connection connects to.


The previous procedure illustrates a common way of using the New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet to create amanaged metadata service application. You can also provide additional arguments to the cmdlet or provide fewer arguments to create a connection that is configured differently. For more information about the New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet, see New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy.

Update a managed metadata service connection

Use this procedure to update a managed metadata service connection.

To update a managed metadata service connection by using Central Administration

  1. Ensure that you have the required permissions to perform this procedure. To update a managed metadata service application, you must be both a member of the Administrators group on the computer running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, and a member of the Farm Administrators group.

  2. On the home page of the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, under Application Management, select Manage service applications.

  3. Select the row that corresponds to the connection to update.


    Do not select the row by clicking in the Name column. Clicking the name of the managed metadata service connection opens the Term Store Management Tool. Instead, click in another column in the same row.

  4. On the Ribbon, click Properties.

  5. To store new enterprise keywords in the term store associated with this connection, select the This service application is the default storage location for Keywords check box. To stop storing new enterprise keywords in the term store associated with this connection, clear the This service application is the default storage location for Keywords check box.


    Do not make more than one connection the default keyword location.


    If this connection is the default keyword location, the application pool account of the web application from which the connection is being created must have either restricted or full access to the managed metadata service. Read access is insufficient. For more information about granting access to the managed metadata service, see Grant permission to access the managed metadata service (SharePoint Server 2010).

  6. To store the term set that is created when you create a new managed metadata column in the term store associated with this connection, select This service application is the default storage location for column specific term sets.


    Do not make more than one connection the default location for column-specific term sets.


    If this connection is the default location for column-specific term sets, the application pool account of the web application from which the connection is being created must have either restricted or full access to the managed metadata service. Read access is insufficient. For more information about granting access to the managed metadata service, see Grant permission to access the managed metadata service (SharePoint Server 2010).

  7. To make the content types that are associated with this managed metadata service available to users of sites in this Web application, select Consumes content types from the Content Type Gallery at <URL>.


    This option is only available if the service provides access to a content type library.

  8. To update existing instances of the changed content types in subsites and libraries, select Push-down Content Type Publishing updates from the Content Type Gallery to sub-sites and lists using the content type.

  9. Click OK.

To update a managed metadata service connection by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: vedere Add-SPShellAdmin.

  2. On the Start menu, click All Programs.

  3. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.

  4. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

  5. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command:

    Set-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Identity "<ConnectionName>" -ContentTypeSyndicationEnabled:$false -ContentTypePushdownEnabled:$false


    • <ConnectionName> is the name of the connection that you are modifying.


The preceding procedure illustrates a common way of using the Set-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet to modify a connection to a managed metadata service application. You also can provide additional arguments to the cmdlet, or provide fewer arguments to update different aspects of the connection. For more information about the Set-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet, see Set-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy.

Delete a managed metadata service connection

Use this procedure to delete a managed metadata service connection.

To delete a managed metadata service connection by using Central Administration

  1. Ensure that you have the required permissions to perform this procedure. To delete a managed metadata service application, you must be both a member of the Administrators group on the computer running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, and a member of the Farm Administrators group.

  2. On the home page of the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, under Application Management, select Manage service applications.

  3. Select the row that corresponds to the connection to delete.


    Do not select the row by clicking in the Name column. Clicking the name of the managed metadata service connection opens the Term Store Management Tool. Instead, click in another column in the same row.

  4. On the ribbon, click Delete.

  5. Do not select Delete data associated with the service application connections. Selecting this option has no effect.

  6. Click OK.


Click OK again after the connection has been deleted.

See Also




Informazioni sull'applicazione di servizio metadati
Create, update, publish, or delete a managed metadata service application (SharePoint Server 2010)

Other Resources

Resource Center: Managed Metadata and Taxonomy in SharePoint Server 2010