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Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace

Provides administrative types and members that can be used to manage a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation deployment.


  Class Description
Public class DelveEmbedClickLog
Public class IisWebServiceApplicationBackupBehaviorAttribute Specifies that a subclass of objects that derive from theSPIisWebServiceApplication class participate in backup and restore. This is done by applying this attribute to the class.
Public class IisWebServiceApplicationProxyBackupBehaviorAttribute The attribute used to describe the backup and restore behavior for an SPIisWebServiceApplicationProxy object.
Public class IisWebServiceBackupBehaviorAttribute The base class attribute used to describe the backup and restore behavior of an object in the shared services framework.
Public class InsertedSignals
Public class LaunchOnBehalfOfPrivilegeAttribute Specifies if a service is marked with the LaunchOnBehalfOfPrivilegeAttribute its user account will get the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME and SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privileges.
Public class PeopleSearchInstrumentation
Public class PersistedAttribute Indicates that the attributed property should be stored in the configuration database.
Public class PJContentDatabaseVersionLog
Public class Program
Public class ProjectDataAnalytics
Public class ProjectDataDiagnostics
Public class ProjectDiagnosticAssert
Public class ProjectDiagnosticTimephased
Public class ProjectLicenseCheckLog
Public class ProjectUsageData
Public class PSCacheLog
Public class ReadPerformanceCounterPrivilegeAttribute Specifies if a service is marked with ReadPerformanceCounterPrivilegeAttribute its user account is added to the performance logging user group.
Public class SearchTopologyInvocationStatistics
Public class SearchTopologyRemotingStatistics
Public class ServiceCallHeaderInfo Represents an abstract class that holds the necessary data to start an SPRequestUsageMonitoredScope when processing a request in another process without losing the SPMonitoredScope parent/child relationship.
Public class SignalStoreDatabaseStatistics
Public class SPAce<T> Represents an access control entry in an access control list (ACL).
Public class SPAcl<T> Represents an access control list (ACL).
Public class SPActionLink Represents an action that is displayed for a service on the Services on Server page in the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.
Public class SPAdministrationLink SPAdministrationLink represents the administration page for a specific service application that the user views when they click manage on that application.
Public class SPAdministrationServiceJobDefinition A specialized timer job definition that invokes the SharePoint Administration Service.
Public class SPAdministrationWebApplication Represents an SPWebApplication object with additional settings that are specific to SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPAllSitesJobDefinition This job iterates through all the sites in a Web application. It supports pause and resume if the timer is restarted or stopped while the job is running.
Public class SPAlternateUrl Represents an incoming URL and the zone with which it is associated.
Public class SPAlternateUrlCollection Represents a collection of SPAlternateUrl objects.
Public class SPAlternateUrlCollectionManager Provides methods that can be used to perform operations on all the SPAlternateUrlCollection objects in the farm.
Public class SPAnalyticsUsageDefinition Specifies the usage definition for the SPAnalyticsUsageEntry.
Public class SPAnalyticsUsageEntry Creates a usage entry used to log data for analytics processing for custom usage event types.
Public class SPAntivirusSettings Represents a collection of antivirus settings.
Public class SPApp Represents an app loaded onto Microsoft SharePoint Server and ready to be installed.
Public class SPAppCatalog Represents all of the SPAppInstance objects installed on an instance of Microsoft SharePoint Server. It provides querying capabilities for discovering installations.
Public class SPAppDisplayData Represents the data needed for a SharePoint feature to be displayed as a SharePoint app in the store front.
Public class SPAppDomain
Public class SPAppInstance Represents an SPApp object installed to a specific SPWeb site.
Public class SPAppInstanceErrorDetails
Public class SPApplicationPool Represents an Internet Information Services (IIS) application pool.
Public class SPApplicationPoolCollection Represents a collection of SPApplicationPool objects.
Public class SPAppPermissionProvider Represents an app permission provider.
Public class SPAppPermissionRequestContext Provides the context of the app permission request.
Public class SPAppPermissionRequestEventArgs Represents app permission request event args.
Public class SPAppRequestDiagnosticSettings
Public class SPAppUsageEntry Provides usage information for monitoring the current app.
Public class SPAuthenticationProvider An abstract base class that represents an authentication provider.
Public class SPAutoSerializingObject Serves as the base class for all topology objects that provide automatic serialization of fields with the appropriate attributes.
Public class SPAvailabilityGroup
Public class SPAvailabilityGroupCollection
Public class SPBackgroundFileSyncThrottlingSettings Provides settings to control resource tracking for background file synchronizations.
Public class SPBandwidthUsageDefinition This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. This restriction is specifically for on-premises installations of SharePoint 2013.Provides the usage definition for bandwidth request.
Public class SPBandwidthUsageEntry This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. This restriction is specifically for on-premises installations of SharePoint 2013.Encapsulates usage data logged for page requests.
Public class SPBandwidthUsageMonitoredScope Monitors performance bandwidth usage for a specified section of code.
Public class SPBdcConnectionPermissionsManager This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class SPCapability
Public class SPCircuitBreakerClient
Public class SPClickthroughUsageDefinition Obsolete. Used for Assistance Platform team analytics logging.
Public class SPClickthroughUsageEntry Obsolete. Contains data about the mouse-clicks made on entities in the system.
Public class SPClientCallableProxyLibrary Represents a proxy library that is used by the server runtime to invoke server APIs.
Public class SPClientCallableSettings Provides settings that control client callable behaviors.
Public class SPClientRequestServiceSettings Represents settings that control behaviors of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service, client.svc, which provides the client object model.
Public class SPClientServiceActionUsageDefinition Provides the usage definition for a client-side object model action.
Public class SPClientServiceActionUsageEntry Encapsulates usage data logged for client-side object model actions.
Public class SPClientServiceRequestUsageDefinition Provides the usage definition for a client-side object model request.
Public class SPClientServiceRequestUsageEntry Encapsulates usage data logged for client-side object model requests.
Public class SPConcurrencyException Represents an exception that is thrown to prevent overwriting settings when changes made to administration on one computer within a server farm conflict with settings on another computer.
Public class SPConfigDatabase Obsolete. Represents the configuration database in a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services deployment.
Public class SPConfigurationChangeEventArgs Provides data for the SPConfigurationChangeEventHandler event.
Public class SPContentDatabase Represents a content database in the SharePoint Foundation deployment.
Public class SPContentDatabaseCollection A collection of references to content databases that are used by a single Web application.
Public class SPContentDatabaseConsts
Public class SPContentDatabaseExtension
Public class SPContentDatabaseExtensionCollection
Public class SPContentDatabaseExtensionTypeCollection
Public class SPContentDatabaseJobDefinition This job is executed by all WFE servers in the farm. Each content database is processed by only one job so that work is distributed across all the running jobs.
Public class SPCorruptedDocument
Public class SPCorruptionChecker
Public class SPDatabase Encapsulates access to Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Public class SPDatabaseCollection Represents a collection of SPDatabase objects.
Public class SPDatabaseException Represents a database exception that is thrown when Microsoft SQL Server returns an error of any kind, including errors that occur in SharePoint Foundation business logic that is running in SQL Server.
Public class SPDatabaseParameters Represents the parameters for creating new SPDatabase objects.
Public class SPDatabaseService Represents a farm-wide service that stores settings for all instances of SQL Server.
Public class SPDatabaseServiceCollection Represents a collection of SPDatabaseService objects.
Public class SPDatabaseServiceInstance Represents a named SQL Server instance.
Public class SPDatabaseServiceInstanceCollection Represents a collection of SPDatabaseServiceInstance objects.
Public class SPDatabaseWaitStatisticsEntry
Public class SPDatabaseWaitStatisticsProvider
Public class SPDataRetrievalProvider Represents data-retrieval service settings for a Web application.
Public class SPDeletedConcurrencyException Represents an exception that is thrown when attempting to update an object that has been deleted.
Public class SPDeletedSite Represents a deleted site.
Public class SPDeletedSiteCollection Represents a collection of SPDeletedSite objects.
Public class SPDeletedSiteLookupInfo Represents information about a deleted site collection, such as its content database, subscription, and web application.
Public class SPDeletedSiteQuery Represents information about deleted sites that is used to find the deleted sites.
Public class SPDeleteJobHistoryJobDefinition Deletes old job history entries.
Public class SPDeveloperDashboardSettings Monitors and reports on the performance of the SharePoint farm.
Public class SPDiagnosticsArea Represents a logical container of one or more SPDiagnosticsCategories objects, and is used to implement a custom diagnostic service.
Public class SPDiagnosticsCategory Contains the EventSeverity and TraceSeverity properties for a specific category.
Public class SPDiagnosticsCollection<T> Represents a collection of SPDiagnosticsItems, which contain collections of SPDiagnosticsCategory or SPDiagnosticsArea objects.
Public class SPDiagnosticsCondition Specifies a condition under which the Unified Logging Service (ULS) verbosity level should be boosted for the duration of the request.
Public class SPDiagnosticsConditions Represents the collection of conditions under which the Unified Logging Service (ULS) verbosity level should be boosted for the duration of the request.
Public class SPDiagnosticsItem Base class for SPDiagnosticsCategory and SPDiagnosticsArea to store the properties common to both classes.
Public class SPDiagnosticsService Provides a diagnostic-logging category manager for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPDiagnosticsServiceBase Provides a diagnostic logging category manager for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPDocumentConverter Represents a document converter, or document transformer, that is installed in a SharePoint Web application.
Public class SPDocumentConverterCollection Represents a collection of SPDocumentConverter objects that are available to a Web application.
Public class SPDocumentParser Base class that supports property promotion and demotion for HTML documents.
Public class SPDuplicateContentType
Public class SPDuplicateObjectException Represents an exception that is thrown when creating an object that has the same properties as another object.
Public class SPElementDefinition Serves as the base class for implementing element types within SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPElementDefinitionCollection Represents a collection of SPElementDefinition objects.
Public class SPEncryptedString Represents an encrypted string.
Public class SPEncryptedStringCollection Represents a collection of SPEncryptedString objects.
Public class SPExternalApplicationProvider When implemented in a derived class, represents an external application provider (EAP).
Public class SPExternalApplicationSettings Represents configuration information for how an SPWebService manages external applications.
Public class SPFarm Represents a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation farm.
Public class SPFarmConfigurationWizardSettings Contains a reference to a default Web application which is used in the evaluation-mode configuration in the PSConfig.exe utility.
Public class SPFarmCreationEventArgs
Public class SPFarmFactory
Public class SPFarmInitializationSettings
Public class SPFarmJoinEventArgs
Public class SPFarmManagedAccountCollection Represents the collection of managed accounts in the farm.
Public class SPFeatureActivationContext
Public class SPFeatureDefinition Contains the base definition of a feature, including its name, ID, scope, and version.
Public class SPFeatureDefinitionCollection Represents a collection of SPFeatureDefinition objects.
Public class SPFeatureUsageDefinition Usage definition for feature/licensing.
Public class SPFeatureUsageEntry Represents data logged for Feature usage.
Public class SPFeatureUseEntry
Public class SPFeatureUseProvider
Public class SPFileNotFoundErrorThrottlingSettings
Public class SPFileUsageDefinition Provides the usage definition for file operation statistics.
Public class SPFilteredSitesJobDefinition
Public class SPFirstAvailableServiceJobDefinition An abstract base class for a timer job that will be run on the first available server where the specified service is provisioned.
Public class SPFollowableList Represents a list that can be followed via Followable.
Public class SPFollowableListCollection Represents a collection of the SPFollowableList objects contained in a content database that are sorted by the LastItemModifiedDate
Public class SPFormDigestSettings Represents the settings that are related to Web page security validation.
Public class SPFormsAuthenticationProvider Specifies settings that are used to support ASP.NET forms-based authentication.
Public class SPGlobalAdmin Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPGlobalAdmin represented the top-level object for administration of a deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Use the new SPFarm and SPWebService classes instead, to manage a SharePoint Foundation deployment.
Public class SPGlobalConfig Obsolete. Use the new SPWebApplication and SPWebService classes instead, to define configuration settings.
Public class SPHealthReportCreationData Represents data used to create a health report.
Public class SPHealthReportStore Represents a persisted object used to store the SQL queries that generate a health report.
Public class SPHtmlTransformSettings Represents a collection of HTML viewer settings.
Public class SPHttpStrictTransportSecuritySettings
Public class SPIisSettings Represents the Internet Information Services (IIS) authentication settings that are shared across all of the web servers for a specific URL zone, which can be modified and propagated by re-provisioning the web application.
Public class SPIisWebService The abstract base class for a Web service hosted by Internet Information Services 7.0.
Public class SPIisWebServiceApplication The abstract base class for a Web service application hosted by Internet Information Services 7.0.
Public class SPIisWebServiceApplicationPool Represents an Internet Information Services (IIS) Web service application pool in a server farm.
Public class SPIisWebServiceApplicationProxy The abstract base class for an Internet Information Services 7.0 web service application proxy.
Public class SPIisWebServiceEndpoint Represents the endpoint for a service that allows clients of the service to find and communicate with the service.
Public class SPIisWebServiceEndpointCollection Represents a collection of SPIisWebServiceEndpoint objects.
Public class SPIisWebServiceInstance Abstract class that derived classes can use to represent an instance of a Web service that is installed on a single server in a server farm.
Public class SPIisWebServiceProxy Abstract class that derived classes can use to represent a Web service proxy installed in a server farm.
Public class SPIisWebSite Represents an Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site.
Public class SPIncomingEmailService Represents the service that is used in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation for incoming e-mail timer jobs.
Public class SPIncomingEmailServiceInstance Represents an instance of the incoming e-mail service that is used in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation for incoming e-mail timer jobs.
Public class SPInvalidCollationException Reserved for internal use.
Public class SPIrmSettings Represents Information Rights Management (IRM) settings that are used in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation to help protect the use and distribution of documents.
Public class SPJobDefinition Represents a job definition.
Public class SPJobDefinitionCollection A collection of SPJobDefinition objects. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class SPJobHistory Provides information about a job run by the timer service.
Public class SPJobState Provides access to properties that will be saved when a job is paused.
Public class SPJobStateManager
Public class SPListItemLastModifiedDate Represents the last time stamp when an SPListItem was modified in a list.
Public class SPListItemLastModifiedDateCollection Represents a collection of SPListItemLastModifiedDate objects.
Public class SPListItemLastModifiedDateQuery Specifies a collection of lists to query for their SPListItemLastModifiedDate.
Public class SPLoadBalancerServiceInstance Base class that is used for load balancers in document conversions.
Public class SPLogEventUsageEntry
Public class SPMaintenanceWindow
Public class SPManagedAccount Manages the password of an account.
Public class SPMetabaseManager Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the ServerManager class instead. Provides methods for managing the Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase.
Public class SPMetabaseObject Represents an object that is persisted in the Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration store (previously referred to as ‘metabase’).
Public class SPMigratableSiteCollection Obsolete. Represents a collection of site collections that can be migrated in a gradual upgrade.
Public class SPMigrateEntitiesOperationParameters
Public class SPMigrationEntity
Public class SPMigrationMappingData
Public class SPMigrationWorkItemPayload
Public class SPMimeMapping Defines a MIME mapping override for files that match a particular extension and ProgId combination.
Public class SPMimeMappingCollection A collection of MIME mapping entries for files.
Public class SPMissingSecurityScope
Public class SPMobileDocumentViewer Represents an application that can view documents of a specified type on a mobile device.
Public class SPObjectModelType Object used to manage restricted SharePoint type information.
Public class SPObjectModelTypeCollection Represents a SharePoint Foundation type information collection.
Public class SPOrphanWeb
Public class SPOutboundMailService Represents a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service that is used in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation to send outbound mail.
Public class SPOutboundMailServiceInstance Represents an instance of a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service that is used in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation to send outbound mail.
Public class SPOutboundMailServiceInstanceCollection Represents a collection of SPOutboundMailServiceInstance objects.
Public class SPPatchableUnitInfo Version information for one patchable unit.
Public class SPPatchInfo Version info for one patch.
Public class SPPausableJobDefinition Represents a job definition that can be paused. This is an abstract class deriving from [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPJobDefinition] class.
Public class SPPeoplePickerSearchActiveDirectoryDomain Represents an Active Directory domain forest that is searched by the People Picker control within the SharePoint Foundation user interface.
Public class SPPeoplePickerSettings Represents settings that are used in the People Picker control to select users, distribution lists, and security groups within the SharePoint Foundation user interface.
Public class SPPersistedChildCollection<T> Represents a collection of SPPersistedObject objects that have a common parent.
Public class SPPersistedColumnDefinition
Public class SPPersistedColumnDefinitionCollection
Public class SPPersistedCustomWebTemplate Represents a custom Web template that is persisted.
Public class SPPersistedCustomWebTemplateCollection Represents a collection of persisted custom Web templates that share a Web service or Web application as parent object.
Public class SPPersistedDependencyCollection<T> Represents a collection of persisted objects that depend on a common object.
Public class SPPersistedFile Represents a file stored in the configuration store that is used for administration and deployment.
Public class SPPersistedObject Provides the methods for an object to automatically serialize its state, persist that state in a permanent store, retrieve it at a later time, and deserialize it back into an in-memory object.
Public class SPPersistedObjectCollection<T> Provides a base class for collections that manage SPPersistedObject objects.
Public class SPPersistedObjectStatisticsEntry
Public class SPPersistedObjectStatisticsProvider
Public class SPPersistedTypeCollection Template class definition for collections of Persisted objects that are or derive from a specific type.
Public class SPPersistedTypeCollection<T> Represents a collection of all SPPersistedObject objects that are stored in the configuration database and that are of a specified type or derive from a specified type.
Public class SPPersistedTypeDescription For a persisted object that is derived from a specific type, represents a description of the type.
Public class SPPersistedUpgradableObject Represents a persisted object that implements the IUpgradable interface.
Public class SPPolicy Represents the policy that is assigned to a user or external group.
Public class SPPolicy.SPPolicyRoleBindingCollection Represents the collection of policy roles through which each user or group is bound to a policy.
Public class SPPolicyCollection Represents a collection of SPPolicy objects.
Public class SPPolicyRole Defines the rights granted and denied to a single policy role.
Public class SPPolicyRoleCollection Represents a collection of SPPolicyRole objects.
Public class SPPrefix Represents a specified relative URL that is used to determine segments of the URL under which SPSite objects may be created.
Public class SPPrefixCollection Represents a collection of SPPrefix objects.
Public class SPPrejoinedFarm Represents an opened but not yet joined farm object. This object should only be used by an upgrade sequence, which needs to manipulate farm data before it can be joined.
Public class SPProcessAccount Represents a Windows process account.
Public class SPProcessIdentity Represents a process identity, which specifies an Internet Information Services (IIS) application pool or Windows service account.
Public class SPProcessIdentityCollection Represents a collection of SPProcessIdentity objects.
Public class SPProduct This class has version, upgrade, and patch information for one product installation.
Public class SPProductVersionJobDefinition This class represents the product version timer job definition.
Public class SPProductVersions Manages product version data among site servers.
Public class SPQueryUsageDefinition Obsolete. Query usage definition for application analytics logging.
Public class SPQueryUsageEntry Obsolete. Captures SQL query usage data logged for timer jobs.
Public class SPQuota Represents a quota that limits the system resources that are allocated to users.
Public class SPQuotaJobHelper
Public class SPQuotaTemplate Represents a reusable definition of a quota that is applied to SharePoint sites in the deployment.
Public class SPQuotaTemplateCollection Represents a collection of SPQuotaTemplate objects.
Public class SPRatingUsageDefinition Obsolete. Rating usage definition for Assistance Platform analytics logging.
Public class SPRatingUsageEntry Obsolete. Encapsulates rating usage data that is logged for timer jobs.
Public class SPRemoteBlobStorageSettings For internal use only.
Public class SPRemoteEventServiceSettings
Public class SPReplica
Public class SPRequestManagementRule Represents an abstract class that defines the properties for a rule that can be used to match against a request.
Public class SPRequestManagementRuleCollection<T> Represents a persisted collection of rules.
Public class SPRequestManagementRuleCriteria Represents the object that can be used to read a particular header value from a request, and match that value against a value using a specified match type.
Public class SPRequestManagementService Represents a service that determines if request management is run for a machine.
Public class SPRequestManagementServiceInstance Represents an instance of a service that determines if request management is run for a machine.
Public class SPRequestManagementSettings Represents the entry point into the request management feature and is stored as an SPPersistedObject and is associated with an SPWebApplication object.
Public class SPRequestUsageDefinition Represents the definition of the request for usage statistics.
Public class SPRequestUsageEntry Encapsulates usage data logged for page requests.
Public class SPRequestUsageMonitoredScope Monitors performance and resource use for a specified section of code.
Public class SPResourceMeasure Encapsulates the administrative thresholds and logic that regulates how a server/OS resource participates into global server resource usage.
Public class SPResourceMeasureCollection Encapsulates a static collection of resource measures that contain the GUIDs and the limits associated with the data to monitor for user code.
Public class SPResourceMeasureConstants Contains string constants for the names of SPResourceMeasure objects in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Public class SPResourceTrackingRule Represents a rule controlling resource tracking.
Public class SPResourceTrackingRuleCollection Represents an IEnumerable instance of the SPResourceTrackingRule object.
Public class SPResourceTrackingSettings Settings controling resource tracking.
Public class SPRestrictedObjectModel Container for the restricted object model settings.
Public class SPRoutingCustomMachineInfo This class defines the attributes for a routing target that is a machine found outside of the farm. NOTE: this class is mainly used to differentiate children on the [SPRequestManagementSettings] object (farm vs custom machines)
Public class SPRoutingFarmMachineInfo This class defines the attributes for a routing target that is a machine found inside of the farm. NOTE: this class is mainly used to differentiate children on the [SPRequestManagementSettings] object (farm vs custom machines)
Public class SPRoutingMachineInfo Contains routing machine information
Public class SPRoutingMachinePool
Public class SPRoutingMachinePoolCollection
Public class SPRoutingRule Rule for determining what set of machines apply to a request
Public class SPRoutingRuleCollection Collection of routing rules
Public class SPRunningJob A running job object is created for every instance of the job that is executing, at the rate of one per server.
Public class SPRunningJobCollection Represents a collection of SPRunningJob objects.
Public class SPScenarioContext Provides a context object for interacting with the administrator scenario framework by providing methods to persist session data and enable transitions across various states in the scenario.
Public class SPSecureBinding Represents a server binding for a site that uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS).
Public class SPSecureDBCredential
Public class SPServer Represents a physical computer in the server farm.
Public class SPServerBinding Represents a server binding for an Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site, which includes at least one of the following: IP address, port, or host name.
Public class SPServerCollection Represents a collection of SPServer objects.
Public class SPServerJobDefinition This job definition is executed on a specific server within the SharePoint farm.
Public class SPServerProductInfo Product version information for one server.
Public class SPService Represents a farm-wide service.
Public class SPServiceApplication Represents the abstract base class for an application that is installed for a service application.
Public class SPServiceApplicationCollection Represents a collection that contains the applications that are associated with a service.
Public class SPServiceApplicationProxy The abstract base class for a service application proxy.
Public class SPServiceApplicationProxyCollection Represents the collection of service application proxies that are associated with a service proxy.
Public class SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup Represents a group of references for service application proxies.
Public class SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupCollection Represents the collection of service application proxy groups that are associated with a service proxy.
Public class SPServiceCallUsageEntry Represents an entry in the service call usage table.
Public class SPServiceCollection Represents a collection of SPService objects.
Public class SPServiceDataMap
Public class SPServiceDsnObjectProvider
Public class SPServiceDsnObjectProviderCollection
Public class SPServiceInstance Represents a single instance of a service that runs on a server.
Public class SPServiceInstanceCollection Represents a collection of SPServiceInstance objects.
Public class SPServiceInstanceDependencyCollection Represents a collection of service instances that are dependent on a service.
Public class SPServiceInstanceJobDefinition Represents a SPJobDefinition that is associated with a SPServiceInstance object.Job definitions must be associated with a service or web application. This job definition object associates the job with an instance of an SPService, and adds scheduling information such as how often to run the job, or how many instances of the job can run on multiple farm servers simultaneously.
Public class SPServiceJobDefinition A timer job that runs on every server in the farm where the service is provisioned.
Public class SPServiceProvisioningContext Provides consumable information for service applications to use when they are provisioned..
Public class SPServiceProxy Represents a service proxy installed in a server farm.
Public class SPServiceProxyCollection Represents a collection of SPServiceProxy objects.
Public class SPSharedServiceApplicationInfo Represents a SPServiceApplication which has been shared out by a given farm.
Public class SPSimpleUsageEvent
Public class SPSimpleUsageEventConstants
Public class SPSimpleUsageEventDataAccess
Public class SPSimpleUsageEventLog
Public class SPSimpleUsageEventLogConfiguration
Public class SPSimpleUsageEventNames
Public class SPSimpleUsagePropertyNames
Public class SPSimpleUsageValidate
Public class SPSiteAdministration Provides an abstraction for operations that require administrator access to the content space of a site collection.
Public class SPSiteCollection Represents a collection of SPSite objects or site collections that are associated with a particular Web application, including a top-level Web site and all its sub-sites. Each SPSite object, or site collection, is represented within an SPSiteCollection objects that consists of the collection of all site collections in the Web application.
Public class SPSiteCollectionAddParameters
Public class SPSiteCollectionPropertyCache A thread-safe cache that may be used to store very small amounts of data associated with this [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite]. Fetch an instance from [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.Cache].
Public class SPSiteCreationParameters Represents the base information used to create a site collection.
Public class SPSiteCreationProvider The base class that defines the required functionality to implement a site creation provider.
Public class SPSiteInfo
Public class SPSiteInfoCollection
Public class SPSiteInfoUsageDefinition
Public class SPSiteInfoUsageEntry
Public class SPSiteInventoryCollectionJobDefinition Obsolete. Site inventory usage data collection timer job definition.
Public class SPSiteInventoryUsageEntry Obsolete. Encapsulates data logged for site inventory usage.
Public class SPSiteInventoryUsageProvider Obsolete. Usage provider for site inventory.
Public class SPSiteLookupInfo Maps a site collection identifier to its containers, for example, to its content database, subscription, or Web application.
Public class SPSiteLookupProvider Represents a site lookup provider that uses the URL or identifier of a site collection to identify the content database that holds the data for the site collection.
Public class SPSiteMultiUrlLookupInfo This class is used to for host named sites with multiple urls. It contains the siteId and zone for a specified site url.
Public class SPSiteQuery
Public class SPSiteUpgradeThrottleSettings This class stores the throttle settings for Large Site Upgrade.
Public class SPSocialActionLog
Public class SPSocialDeletePost
Public class SPSocialFollowing
Public class SPSocialGetFeed
Public class SPSocialLikePost
Public class SPSocialNewPost
Public class SPSolution Represents a solution on a farm.
Public class SPSolutionCollection Represents a collection of SPSolution objects.
Public class SPSolutionLanguagePack Represents a language pack for a solution.
Public class SPSolutionLanguagePackCollection Represents a collection of language packs associated with a solution.
Public class SPSqlExceptionsUsageDefinition Usage definition for SQL exceptions tracking.
Public class SPSqlExceptionsUsageEntry The usage provider that stores telemetry data related to SQL exceptions.
Public class SPSqlIoUsageDefinition Usage definition for SQL IO tracking.
Public class SPSqlIoUsageEntry The usage provider that stores telemetry data for SQL IO
Public class SPSqlLatencyUsageDefinition Usage definition for SQL exceptions tracking.
Public class SPSqlLatencyUsageEntry The usage provider that stores telemetry data for SQL Server latency.
Public class SPTaskUsageAggregatedMonitoredScope
Public class SPTaskUsageDefinition Usage definition for Tasks.
Public class SPTaskUsageEntry Encapsulates usage data logged for page requests.
Public class SPTaskUsageMonitoredScope Monitors performance and resource use for a specified asynchronous task
Public class SPTenantLogUtility A utility class with helper functions to write and read tenant-scoped logs.
Public class SPThrottlingRule Rule for removing targets based on health
Public class SPThrottlingRuleCollection Collection of routing rules
Public class SPTimerJobUsageDefinition Usage definition for timer jobs.
Public class SPTimerJobUsageEntry Encapsulates usage data logged for timer jobs.
Public class SPTimerService Implements a timer service to support the use of timer jobs.
Public class SPTimerServiceInstance Provides an instance of a timer service that runs on a specified server. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class SPTimerServiceInstanceCollection This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class SPTracingService Represents a farm scoped Windows service that enables Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 diagnostic tracing.
Public class SPTracingServiceInstance Represents an instance of a farm installed SPTracingService.
Public class SPTracingServiceInstanceCollection Contains a collection of SPTracingServiceInstance objects
Public class SPTrustedAuthenticationProvider Represents an authentication provider that is trusted.
Public class SPUncleanDatabaseException This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class SPUpdatedConcurrencyException Represents an exception in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation that occurs when running code on multiple front-end Web servers that modifies the same object, or when the servers use a mix of object model code, from different versions of the product that is now called Microsoft SharePoint Foundation, that modifies the same object.
Public class SPUpgradeJobDefinition Represents a SharePoint Foundation upgrade job definition.
Public class SPUsage Provides a property to return the localized names of the report types that are used in usage reports.
Public class SPUsageApplication Exposes shared functionality for the usage service.
Public class SPUsageApplicationProxy This class derives from SPServiceApplicationProxy and provides a usage service application proxy.
Public class SPUsageDatabase Stores settings for usage logging and processing in a SharePoint Services deployment.
Public class SPUsageDefinition An abstract class that is the common interface for defining a usage type. A corresponding SPUsageEntry class is used for doing the actual usage logging.
Public class SPUsageDefinitionCollection A SPPersistedChildCollection<T> list of SPUsageDefinition objects.
Public class SPUsageEntry An abstract class that is the common interface for logging usage entries to the system. This class has a small number of fields applicable to all usage types.
Public class SPUsageIdentityTable Obsolete. Defines the search string categories of identities of usage report components, for example, the browser or operating system.
Public class SPUsageImportJobDefinition Usage data import job definition.
Public class SPUsageMaintenanceJobDefinition
Public class SPUsageManager The public properties of the SPUsageManager class define the configuration settings for the usage system.
Public class SPUsageProcessingJobDefinition Usage data import job definition.
Public class SPUsageProvider Common public abstract class for defining a usage type that is hosted in the logging database.
Public class SPUsageReceiver Public base class for all objects that want to receive usage events from an installed usage definition.
Public class SPUsageReceiverDefinition Encapsulates information about a usage receiver and how to instantiate it. This class is sealed and cannot be inherited.
Public class SPUsageReceiverDefinitionCollection A collection of usage receiver definitions.
Public class SPUsageReceiverProperties Contains properties that are passed to usage definition receivers when usage events are fired.
Public class SPUsageService Settings for usage logging and processing in a SharePoint Services deployment.
Public class SPUsageServiceInstance A usage service application instance class.
Public class SPUsageServiceProxy Usage web service proxy.
Public class SPUsageSettings Obsolete. Settings for usage analysis and logging in a SharePoint Services deployment.
Public class SPUsageUserCodeRequests Represents a usage provider that is used to log all sandboxed solution usage requests.
Public class SPUsageUserCodeRequestsEntry Represents the metadata for sandboxed solution requests that are logged in the usage database.
Public class SPUsageUserCodeRequestsMonitoredData Represents a usage provider that logs the monitored data for all sandboxed requests.
Public class SPUsageUserCodeRequestsMonitoredDataEntry Represents the metadata for the information logged in the usage database for each sandboxed solution request.
Public class SPUserCodeActivationSiteInfo Describes the activation site where the sandboxed solution request should be executed.
Public class SPUserCodeAssemblyFileDefinition Represents a file in a user assembly group.
Public class SPUserCodeAssemblyGroupId Identifies a user assembly group.
Public class SPUserCodeCachedAssemblyGroup Represents a group of user assemblies that are cached on the local file system.
Public class SPUserCodeExecutionTier Represents a set of one or more sandbox worker processes that contain the app domains for sandboxed solutions that fell below a specified level of resource usage the preceding day.
Public class SPUserCodeExecutionTierCollection Represents a sorted collection of SPUserCodeExecutionTier objects.
Public class SPUserCodeLoadBalancerProvider Defines the base class which all pluggable load-balancing providers must implement.
Public class SPUserCodePopularityLoadBalancerProvider Represents a load balancer that assigns a request for a sandboxed solution to an instance of the user code host service, giving preference to instances that already have an app domain for the solution.
Public class SPUserCodeProvider Defines the base class for all sandboxed solution providers, including assembly group providers and load balancer providers.
Public class SPUserCodeRandomLoadBalancerProvider Represents a load balancer that randomly chooses an instance of the user code host service to run a requested sandboxed solution.
Public class SPUserCodeService Manages the settings and features for the service that executes sandboxed solutions.
Public class SPUserCodeServiceInstance Represents an instance of the user code (sandboxed solution) service on a server.
Public class SPUserCodeWrapper Manages the process of running certain functions, such as Web parts or events, that exist within the restricted privilege user code process.
Public class SPUserEngagement
Public class SPUserMigratorElement This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public class SPUserProfileADImportUsageDefinition Usage definition for User Profile Active Directory import. One row is generated per import of a DC.
Public class SPUserProfileADImportUsageEntry The usage provider that stores telemetry data for User Profile Active Directory Import feature.
Public class SPUserProfilePage
Public class SPUserSettingsProvider Provide access to external user settings provider.
Public class SPUserSettingsProviderDefinition Provides description of a SPUserSettingsProvider.
Public class SPUserSettingsProviderFeatureReceiver Abstract class for provisioning and unprovisioning a single User Settings Provider.
Public class SPUserSettingsProviderManager Provides access to SPUserSettingsProvider object(s).
Public class SPVirtualServer Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SPWebApplication class or the SPIisSettings class instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the SPVirtualServer class represented the top-level object for a virtual server in SharePoint Foundation, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Public class SPVirtualServerCollection Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SPWebApplicationCollection class instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the SPVirtualServerCollection class represented a collection of SPVirtualServer objects, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Public class SPVirtualServerConfig Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SPWebApplication class or the SPIisSettings class instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the SPVirtualServerConfig class represented the configuration settings for a virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Public class SPWcfServiceSettings Provides settings that control the behavior of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.
Public class SPWebApplication Represents an Internet Information Services (IIS) load-balanced Web application that is installed on a server farm.
Public class SPWebApplication.SPMigrateUserCallbackConstants
Public class SPWebApplication.SPMigrateUserParameters
Public class SPWebApplicationBuilder Creates an SPWebApplication object, which provides default settings for all the required values; that way, the caller must only change the property values that vary from the default.
Public class SPWebApplicationCollection Represents a collection of SPWebApplication objects.
Public class SPWebConfigModification Holds modifications that are made to the web.config.
Public class SPWebInfoCollection
Public class SPWebInfoUsageDefinition
Public class SPWebInfoUsageEntry
Public class SPWebQuery
Public class SPWebServer Represents a front-end Web server in a server farm.
Public class SPWebServerCollection Represents a collection of SPWebServer objects.
Public class SPWebService Represents a Web service that contains one or more Web applications. This Web service allows a Web browser to access the content in SharePoint sites.
Public class SPWebServiceCollection Represents a collection of SPWebService objects.
Public class SPWebServiceInstance Represents an instance of a SharePoint Foundation Web service running on a particular server.
Public class SPWebServiceInstanceCollection Represents a collection of SPWebServiceInstance objects.
Public class SPWellKnownAppPrincipal
Public class SPWellKnownAppPrincipalCollection
Public class SPWindowsAuthenticationProvider A Windows Authentication provider class for a SharePoint application.
Public class SPWindowsService Represents a Windows service that is installed on one or more servers in the server farm.
Public class SPWindowsServiceCollection Represents a collection of SPWindowsService objects.
Public class SPWindowsServiceInstance Represents an instance of a Windows service that runs on a particular server.
Public class SPWindowsServiceInstanceCollection Represents a collection of SPWindowsServiceInstance objects.
Public class SPWorkItemJobDefinition Serves as the base class for deriving definitions of work-item timer jobs. This class works with the timer job (SPTimerService) to process work items (SPWorkItem instances).
Public class StackTraceHash
Public class StackTraceLog
Public class StartEventTraceSessionPrivilegeAttribute If a service is marked with the StartEventTraceSessionPrivilegeAttribute its user account will be added to the PerformanceMonitoring user group
Public class SupportedServiceApplicationAttribute An attribute that describes a supported service application.
Public class TaxonomyCacheStatisticsLog
Public class UserEngagement


  Structure Description
Public structure SPColumnDefinition Defines a column in the data store in order to define the provider schema.
Public structure SPRotationStatus


  Interface Description
Public interface IDiagnosticsLevel Obsolete. Provides an interface through which developers can expose a single trace log category to assign to trace log messages for a given application.
Public interface IDiagnosticsManager Obsolete. Provides an interface through which developers can expose to SharePoint Foundation the categories to assign to trace log messages for a given application.
Public interface ILoggingProvider Represents common functionality across logging providers.
Public interface IMembershipProviderEnhancedValidateUserMethod
Public interface IMigratable Obsolete. Provides support for gradual upgrade by migrating paired objects from Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Public interface IMigrateEntityForWebApplicationCallback
Public interface ISerializableUsageEntry Allows an object to control its own serialization and deserialization.
Public interface IServiceAdministration Administrative support for managing services.
Public interface IServiceApplicationStaticDeployment
Public interface IServiceEndpoint Defines which methods of the service class will be accessible via the endpoint; each endpoint may expose a different set of methods.
Public interface IServiceProxyAdministration Administrative support for creating and connecting proxies to remote service applications.
Public interface IServiceStaticDeployment
Public interface IServiceStaticDeploymentMultiple
Public interface ISharedServiceApplication Provides properties for sharing a service application with remote server farms.
Public interface ISPGroupMigrator Public interface for migrating groups from one name to another.
Public interface ISPSiteLookupProvider15
Public interface ISPSiteLookupProvider16
Public interface ISPSiteLookupProviderEvalSites
Public interface ISPSiteLookupProviderHostHeaderMultiUrl
Public interface ISPSiteLookupProviderRecycleBin This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code.
Public interface ISPUserCodeExecutionHostProxy Interface to functionality that redirects remoting of the [Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode.SPUserCodeExecutionHost] class.
Public interface ISPUserMigrator Provides support for migrating user accounts from one login name to another.
Public interface IUpgradable Provides members for managing an upgradable object.
Public interface IUpgradable2 Supplements the IUpgradable interface with an additional property that indicates backward compatibility.
Public interface SPWebApplication.IMigrateUserCallback


  Delegate Description
Public delegate SPConfigurationChangeEventHandler Provides an event handler for when an SPPersistedObject object changes.
Public delegate SPPersistedObject.CodeToRunWithRetries
Protected delegate SPUsageProvider.TryParse<T>


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration EventSeverity Indicates the severity of events written to the Windows event log.
Public enumeration HttpErrorsExistingResponseOptions Specifies whether Internet Information Services (IIS) overwrites SharePoint Foundation error messages.
Public enumeration IdentityType Specifies the process identity type used by a Web application.
Public enumeration PersistedAttributeMergeType Indicates whether a persisted field on a SPAutoSerializingObject can be restored when the object as whole is restored.
Public enumeration PreviewSiteRequestStatus Tracks the state of preview site creation request
Public enumeration ServiceExtensionOption
Public enumeration ServiceExtensionType
Public enumeration SPActionLinkType Specifies the type of action provided for a service that is displayed on the Services on Server page within the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.
Public enumeration SPActivateFeatureOnSiteMaster
Public enumeration SPAnalyticsEventTypeId Specifies the event type for an event.
Public enumeration SPAnonymousPolicy Specifies a security policy to use for anonymous users
Public enumeration SPAppInstanceErrorSource Identifies the deployment component where the error is detected.
Public enumeration SPAppInstanceErrorType Specifies the classification of the encountered error.
Public enumeration SPAppInstanceStatus Represents the lifecycle status of an app instance.
Public enumeration SPAppJobOperation Represents the work that a SharePoint app job is doing.
Public enumeration SPAppSource Indicates where the app package originated from. This is useful, for example, in checking for updates.
Public enumeration SPAppSourceState
Public enumeration SPBandwidthAccessType Provides an enumeration of bandwidth access types that indicate the type of service used to access or exchange data.
Public enumeration SPBandwidthUserComponentId Provides an enumeration of the bandwidth user component ID.
Public enumeration SPCapabilityStatus
Public enumeration SPClickthroughUsageDefinition.ClickType Obsolete. Enumeration of click types supported by the click-through logging system.
Public enumeration SPContentDatabaseExtension.PostOperationResult
Public enumeration SPCreateApplicationOptions Defines whether a service application is created and provisioned in single-click (eval) installations and the farm configuration wizard.
Public enumeration SPCustomAnalyticsEventTypeId
Protected enumeration SPDatabase.DatabaseOptions Specifies a Microsoft SQL Server database option that is used in a Transact-SQL statement.
Public enumeration SPDatabaseMigrationOptions
Public enumeration SPDatabaseParameterOptions Specifies options for database parameters.
Public enumeration SPDatabaseServiceInstanceAuth
Public enumeration SPDatabaseValidation Specifies database validation options.
Public enumeration SPDeveloperDashboardLevel Enumerator used to specify behavior aspects of the developer dashboard. Behavior is either Off, On, or On Demand.
Public enumeration SPDiagnosticsConditionField Provides an enumeration of the HTTP field on which the pattern is to be matched.
Public enumeration SPFeatureActivationPhase
Public enumeration SPFileOperationSetting Obsolete. Specifies direct-to-shredded store settings for all websites in this service.
Public enumeration SPIdentifierType Specifies how a principal is authenticated.
Public enumeration SPIisWebServiceBindingType Specifies the protocol for binding to a Web service.
Public enumeration SPIisWebSite.SPIisServerState Indicates the state of the server that runs Internet Information Services (IIS).
Public enumeration SPJobLockType Specifies the lock type for a given timer job definition.
Public enumeration SPLogType
Public enumeration SPMaintenanceWindowType
Public enumeration SPManagedAccount.EventProcessingOptions Defines the type of processing events to send.
Public enumeration SPManagedAccount.EventType Indicates the type of password change event.
Public enumeration SPMembershipUserKeyType In Forms authentication mode, whether to use UserName or ProviderUserKeyas the underlying mechanism to identify a user.
Public enumeration SPMigrateEntityCallbackResult
Public enumeration SPObjectStatus Specifies the status of a service that runs within a SharePoint Foundation deployment.
Public enumeration SPPersistedObjectChangeEvent An enumerator object that indicates a type of change to a [T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPersistedObject.]
Public enumeration SPPersistedObjectOperation
Public enumeration SPPolicyPermissions Defines the base permissions (see SPBasePermissions) for the read and write permissions that are applied through policies to a SharePoint Web application.
Public enumeration SPPolicyRoleType Specifies a policy role type to apply globally in a SharePoint Web application to a user or group.
Public enumeration SPPrefixType Specifies which part of a URL namespace that is used in this Web application belongs to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Public enumeration SPProductVersions.ProductProperty An enumerator indicating server status.
Public enumeration SPRequestManagementRuleMatchType Enumerates a list of allowed matching algorithms used in matching criteria to a request header value.
Public enumeration SPRequestManagementRulePropertyType Enumerates a list of allowed properties to use in matching criteria.
Public enumeration SPRequestRoutingMode Specifies method for determining the scheme of host named site collections. Replaces EnableHostHeaderSiteBasedSchemeSelection.
Public enumeration SPRoutingMachineAvailability Availability of a machine
Public enumeration SPRoutingOutgoingScheme Defines a set of outgoing routing schemes to use when making a connection with a routing target
Public enumeration SPRoutingScheme Routing schemes
Public enumeration SPRunningJobStatus Contains values that specify the status of a solution deployment job.
Public enumeration SPServerProductInfo.StatusType Enumerator of server status types.
Public enumeration SPServerRole Specifies the role of the server with respect to the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation deployment.
Public enumeration SPServiceInstanceJobKind
Public enumeration SPSiteInventoryUsageEntry.SiteMetric Obsolete. An enumeration type that represents the type of data logged for site inventory usage.
Public enumeration SPSiteMasterMode
Public enumeration SPSolutionDeploymentJobType Provides values to specify the type of deployment operation.
Public enumeration SPSolutionDeploymentState Contains values that indicate the deployment status of the solution.
Public enumeration SPSolutionOperationResult Provides enumeration members that are used to represent the result of the last operation. This enumeration is additionally used in the IsOperationResultError method.
Public enumeration SPUrlZone Specifies the originating zone of a request received by Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.
Public enumeration SPUsagePeriodType Specifies the time interval on which a usage report for a Web site is based.
Public enumeration SPUsageReportType Specifies the type of information returned in a usage report for a SharePoint site.
Public enumeration SPUserSettingsProperty Enum representing user's settings property.
Public enumeration SPVirtualServerState Specifies the status of a virtual server relative to a deployment of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Public enumeration SPWebApplication.AuthenticationMethod An enumerator describing authentication method.
Public enumeration SPWebApplication.SPCustomPage Specifies the application page to replace.
Public enumeration SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType Specifies the type of web.config modification.
Public enumeration TimerJobSelectionMode Enumerates views supported by the Timer Job History page. For internal use only; do not use.
Public enumeration TraceSeverity Specifies the level of trace information that is written to the trace log file.