Condividi tramite

BatchImported Event

Questa funzionalità verrà rimossa in una delle prossime versioni di Microsoft SQL Server. Evitare di utilizzare questa funzionalità in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e prevedere interventi di modifica nelle applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.

The BatchImported event occurs when a bulk copy transaction is committed.


Private Sub
Message as String


  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
  • Message
    String that contains descriptive message text.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT BatchImported(SQLDMO_LPCSTR Message);


The BatchImported event is raised only when the BulkCopy object is used as a parameter of the ImportData method of the Table object.

The Microsoft SQL Server bulk copy process can copy large amounts of data from an external data file to a SQL Server table. By default, all rows in the external data file are inserted in a single transaction when a data import operation is performed by using the BulkCopy object.

SQL Server does not guarantee data integrity until and unless a bulk copy transaction is committed.

Use the ImportRowsPerBatch property of the BulkCopy object to adjust the size of the bulk copy transaction.

Applies To:

BulkCopy Object

Vedere anche


ImportRowsPerBatch Property

Guida in linea e informazioni

Assistenza su SQL Server 2005