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Raising Events in the Script Task

Data aggiornamento: 14 aprile 2006

Events provide a way to report errors, warnings, and other information, such as task progress or status, to the containing package. The package provides event handlers for managing event notifications. The Script task can raise events by calling methods on the Events property of the Dts object. For more information about how Integration Services packages handle events, see Gestori di eventi in Integration Services.

Events can be logged to any log provider that is enabled in the package. Log providers store information about events in a data store. The Script task can also use the Log method to log information to a log provider without raising an event. For more information about how to use the Log method, see Logging in the Script Task.

To raise an event, the Script task calls one of the following methods exposed by the Events property:

Event Description


Raises a user-defined custom event in the package.


Informs the package of an error condition.


Provides information to the user.


Informs the package of the progress of the task.


Returns a value that indicates whether the package needs the task to shut down prematurely.


Informs the package that the task is in a state that warrants user notification, but is not an error condition.

Events Example

The following example demonstrates how to raise events from within the Script task. The example uses a native Windows API function to determine whether an Internet connection is available. If no connection is available, it raises an error. If a potentially volatile modem connection is in use, the example raises a warning. Otherwise, it returns an informational message that an Internet connection has been detected.

Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet" _
    (ByRef dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long

Private Enum ConnectedStates
    LAN = &H2
    Modem = &H1
    Proxy = &H4
    Offline = &H20
    Configured = &H40
    RasInstalled = &H10
End Enum

Public Sub Main()

    Dim dwFlags As Long
    Dim connectedState As Long
    Dim fireAgain as Boolean

    connectedState = InternetGetConnectedState(dwFlags, 0)

    If connectedState <> 0 Then
        If (dwFlags And ConnectedStates.Modem) = ConnectedStates.Modem Then
            Dts.Events.FireWarning(0, "Script Task Example", _
                "Volatile Internet connection detected.", String.Empty, 0)
            Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, "Script Task Example", _
                "Internet connection detected.", String.Empty, 0, fireAgain)
        End If
        ' If not connected to the Internet, raise an error.
        Dts.Events.FireError(0, "Script Task Example", _
            "Internet connection not available.", String.Empty, 0)
    End If

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Change History

Release History

14 aprile 2006

Changed content:
  • Corrected the use of the ByRef parameter fireAgain in the code sample.

Vedere anche

Altre risorse

Gestori di eventi in Integration Services
Creazione di gestori di eventi per i pacchetti

Guida in linea e informazioni

Assistenza su SQL Server 2005