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Classe TransferSqlServerObjectsTask

Contains the methods and properties that allow you to copy various SQL Server objects from one server to another. This class cannot be inherited.

Gerarchia di ereditarietà

System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime. . :: . .DtsObject
    Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime. . :: . .Task

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferSqlServerObjectsTask
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferSqlServerObjectsTask (in Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferSqlServerObjectsTask.dll)


<GuidAttribute("A3859AE1-B057-465e-B106-51CAA03F8532")> _
Public NotInheritable Class TransferSqlServerObjectsTask _
    Inherits Task _
    Implements ITransferSqlServerObjectsTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend, IDTSComponentPersist
Dim instance As TransferSqlServerObjectsTask
public sealed class TransferSqlServerObjectsTask : Task, 
    ITransferSqlServerObjectsTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend, IDTSComponentPersist
public ref class TransferSqlServerObjectsTask sealed : public Task, 
    ITransferSqlServerObjectsTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend, IDTSComponentPersist
type TransferSqlServerObjectsTask =  
        inherit Task
        interface ITransferSqlServerObjectsTask
        interface IDTSBreakpointSite
        interface IDTSSuspend
        interface IDTSComponentPersist
public final class TransferSqlServerObjectsTask extends Task implements ITransferSqlServerObjectsTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend, IDTSComponentPersist

Nel tipo TransferSqlServerObjectsTask sono esposti i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico TransferSqlServerObjectsTask Initializes a new instance of the TransferSqlServerObjectsTask class.

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  Nome Descrizione
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllDefaults Gets or sets a Boolean indicating that the transfer includes the SQL Server defaults.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllDRIObjects Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the task copies all objects that are related to declarative referential integrity (DRI).
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllLogins Obsoleto. Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all the SQL Server logins are copied from the source database to the target database in the transfer operation, or only the specified logins.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllObjects Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server database objects are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified objects. The following SQL Server database objects can be transferred: defaults, rules, stored procedures, tables, triggers, user-defined data types, and views.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllPartitionFunctions Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server partitions are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified partitions.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllPartitionSchemes Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server partition schemes are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified partition schemes.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllRules Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server rules are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified rules.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllSchemas Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server schemas are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified schemas.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllSqlAssemblies Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server assemblies are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified assemblies.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllStoredProcedures Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server stored procedures are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified stored procedures.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllTables Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server tables are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified tables.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllUserDefinedAggregates Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all user-defined aggregates are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified user-defined aggregates.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllUserDefinedDataTypes Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all user-defined data types are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified user-defined data types.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllUserDefinedFunctions Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all user-defined functions are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified user-defined functions.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllUserDefinedTypes Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all user-defined types are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified user-defined types.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllUsers Obsoleto. Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all the SQL Server database users are copied from the source database to the target database, or only the specified users.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllViews Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all SQL Server views are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified views.
Proprietà pubblica CopyAllXmlSchemaCollections Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether all XML schema collections are transferred from the source to the target database, or only the specified XML schema collections.
Proprietà pubblica CopyData Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether data is included as part of the transfer of tables and views from the SQL Server source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyDatabaseRoles Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether database roles are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyDatabaseUsers Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether database users are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyForeignKeys Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether foreign keys are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyFullTextIndexes Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether full-text properties are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyIndexes Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether indexes are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyObjectLevelPermissions Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether securable objects are included in the transfer from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyPrimaryKeys Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether primary keys are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopySchema Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies whether the schema is copied in the transfer operation. This property is only available for SQL Server 2005 or later versions.
Proprietà pubblica CopySqlServerLogins Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether SQL Server logins are included in the transfer from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica CopyTriggers Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether triggers are included in the transfer from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica DebugMode Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether a task should determine whether breakpoints are enabled.
Proprietà pubblica DefaultsList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the default objects to transfer when the CopyAllDefaults is set to false.
Proprietà pubblica DestinationConnection Gets or sets a String containing the name of the SMO connection manager for the destination database.
Proprietà pubblica DestinationDatabase Gets or sets a String containing the name of the destination database.
Proprietà pubblica DestinationTranslateChar Gets or sets a Boolean indicating the value of AutoTranslate in the OLE DB destination connection string.
Proprietà pubblica DropObjectsFirst Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the objects that have been selected for transfer from the source are dropped first on the destination server before the transfer begins.
Proprietà pubblica ExecutionValue Returns an object containing the count of the number of objects transferred. Esegue l'override di Task. . :: . .ExecutionValue.
Proprietà pubblica ExistingData Gets or sets a value from the ExistingData enumeration to determine whether data should be appended to existing data, or have the existing data replaced by being overwritten.
Proprietà pubblica GenerateScriptsInUnicode Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the script generated is in Unicode format.
Proprietà pubblica IncludeDependentObjects Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the dependent objects are included in the transfer.
Proprietà pubblica IncludeExtendedProperties Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether extended properties are transferred from the source to the target database.
Proprietà pubblica LoginsList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the SQL Server logins to transfer from the source database to the destination database when CopyAllLogins is false.
Proprietà pubblica PartitionFunctionsList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the partition functions to transfer from the source database to the destination database when the CopyAllPartitionFunctions is false.
Proprietà pubblica PartitionSchemesList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the partition schemes to transfer from the source database to the destination database when CopyAllPartitionSchemes is false.
Proprietà pubblica RulesList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the rules to transfer from the source database to the destination database when CopyAllRules is false.
Proprietà pubblica SchemasList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the list of schemas to transfer from the source database to the destination database when CopyAllSchemas is false.
Proprietà pubblica SourceConnection Gets or sets a String containing the name of the SMO connection manager for the source database.
Proprietà pubblica SourceDatabase Gets or sets a String containing the name of the database from which objects will be transferred.
Proprietà pubblica SourceTranslateChar Gets or sets a Boolean indicating the value of AutoTranslate in the OLE DB source connection string.
Proprietà pubblica SqlAssembliesList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the SQL Server assemblies to transfer when CopyAllSqlAssemblies is false.
Proprietà pubblica StoredProceduresList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the stored procedures to transfer when CopyAllStoredProcedures is false.
Proprietà pubblica SuspendRequired Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether tasks should suspend when they encounter a breakpoint. This value is set by the run-time engine for tasks and containers when a breakpoint is encountered.
Proprietà pubblica TablesList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the tables to transfer when CopyAllTables is false.
Proprietà pubblica UseCollation Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether the transfer should use collations.
Proprietà pubblica UserDefinedAggregatesList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the user-defined aggregates to transfer when CopyAllUserDefinedAggregates is false.
Proprietà pubblica UserDefinedDataTypesList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the user-defined data types to transfer when CopyAllUserDefinedDataTypes is false.
Proprietà pubblica UserDefinedFunctionsList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the user-defined functions to transfer when CopyAllUserDefinedFunctions is false.
Proprietà pubblica UserDefinedTypesList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the user-defined types to transfer when CopyAllUserDefinedTypes is false.
Proprietà pubblica UsersList Gets or sets a StringCollection containing the SQL Server database users to transfer from the source database to the destination database when CopyAllUsers is false.
Proprietà pubblica Version *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    Returns the version of the task. This property is read-only. Ereditato da Task.
Proprietà pubblica ViewsList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the views to transfer when CopyAllViews is false.
Proprietà pubblica XmlSchemaCollectionsList Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the XML schema collections to transfer when CopyAllXmlSchemaCollections is false.

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  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico AcceptBreakpointManager Passes a BreakpointManager to a task. This method is called by the runtime and is not used in code.
Metodo pubblico CanUpdate *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    A Boolean that indicates whether the new package XML can update the old package XML. Ereditato da Task.
Metodo pubblico Equals Determines whether two object instances are equal. Ereditato da DtsObject.
Metodo pubblico Execute Runs the task. Esegue l'override di Task. . :: . .Execute(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents, IDTSLogging, Object).
Metodo protetto Finalize Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico GetConnectionID Gets a String containing the ID of the connection. Ereditato da Task.
Metodo pubblico GetConnectionName Gets a String containing the name of the connection. Ereditato da Task.
Metodo pubblico GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. Ereditato da DtsObject.
Metodo pubblico GetType Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico InitializeTask Initializes the properties associated with the task. This method is called by the runtime and is not used in code. Esegue l'override di Task. . :: . .InitializeTask(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSInfoEvents, IDTSLogging, EventInfos, LogEntryInfos, ObjectReferenceTracker).
Metodo pubblico LoadFromXML This method is not callable by your application code. To load a package saved as .xml, use the Application..::..LoadPackage method.
Metodo protetto MemberwiseClone Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico ResumeExecution Resumes execution of the task after pausing. The task or container is resumed by the run-time engine.
Metodo pubblico SaveToXML This method is not callable by your application code. To save a package as .xml, use the Application..::..SaveToXml method.
Metodo pubblico SuspendExecution Indicates that the executable needs to suspend. This method is called by the run-time engine.
Metodo pubblico ToString Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico Update *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    This method updates the old package XML with the new package XML if CanUpdate is set to true. Ereditato da Task.
Metodo pubblico Validate Verifies that the task is properly configured. Esegue l'override di Task. . :: . .Validate(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents, IDTSLogging).

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