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Membri IDTSBLOBObject100

Used to read and write bytes to a column in an IDTSBuffer100 object.

Il tipo IDTSBLOBObject100 espone i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico AddData Adds bytes to an IDTSBLOBObject100 object.
Metodo pubblico GetData Retrieves the specified number of bytes from an IDTSBLOBObject100 object.
Metodo pubblico GetStream Gets an IStream object that can be used to read or write bytes in an IDTSBLOBObject100.
Metodo pubblico PutData Adds bytes in a specific location in the IDTSBLOBObject100
Metodo pubblico ResetData Empties the bytes stored by an IDTSBLOBObject100.
Metodo pubblico SetFromStream Adds bytes to an IDTSBLOBObject100 from an ISequentialStream object.

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  Nome Descrizione
Proprietà pubblica Length Gets the number of bytes stored in an IDTSBLOBObject100.
Proprietà pubblica SpoolThreshold Gets or sets the number of bytes to store in memory before writing to a temporary file.

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