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JoinClause (MDStore Interface)


  Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire dalla prossima versione di Microsoft SQL Server. Non utilizzare questa caratteristica in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e modificare non appena possibile le applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.

The JoinClause property of the MDStore interface contains the list of join conditions currently defined for an MDStore object.

Applies To:clsAggregation, clsCube (excluding virtual cubes), clsPartition

Data Type





The JoinClause property stores the list of join conditions for the data source in the format used to define an SQL INNER JOIN clause for the data source provider.


  You must separate the table and column names with the delimiters that are appropriate to the source database. You can use the CloseQuoteChar and OpenQuoteChar properties of the DataSource object to determine the correct quoting characters.


    ' Assume the existence of a clsCube object named dsoCube.
    dsoCube.JoinClause = """FactTable"".""CustomerId""=" & _
        """CustTable"".""CustomerId"" AND " & _

The previous code example sets the JoinClause property to the following string:

"FactTable"."CustomerId"="CustTable"."CustomerId" AND "FactTable"."ProductId"="ProductTable"."SKU"

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