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HasIdentityNotForReplColumn Property

Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire da una delle prossime versioni di Microsoft SQL Server. Evitare di utilizzare questa funzionalità in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e prevedere interventi di modifica nelle applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.

The HasIdentityNotForReplColumn property specifies whether a table has an identity column with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option set.




  • object
    An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetHasIdentityNotForReplColumn(LPBOOL pRelVal);


The HasIdentityNotForReplColumnproperty returns TRUE if a table contains an identity column with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option set.

The NOT FOR REPLICATION option is used by Microsoft SQL Server replication to implement ranges of identity values in a partitioned environment. The NOT FOR REPLICATION option is especially useful in transactional or merge replication when a published table is partitioned with rows from various sites.

Applies To: