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Membri FileConnectionManagerUIArgs

Provides the context of arguments that the SSIS Designer displays in the File Connection Manager Editor when creating or editing File connection managers.

Il tipo FileConnectionManagerUIArgs espone i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico FileConnectionManagerUIArgs() () () () Initializes a new instance of the FileConnectionManagerUIArgs class.
Metodo pubblico FileConnectionManagerUIArgs(ICollection) Initializes a new instance of the FileConnectionManagerUIArgs class using a collection of usage types specific to this connection.
Metodo pubblico FileConnectionManagerUIArgs(String) Initializes a new instance of the FileConnectionManagerUIArgs class using a String to specify what file types are valid for this connection.
Metodo pubblico FileConnectionManagerUIArgs(String, ICollection) Initializes a new instance of the FileConnectionManagerUIArgs class, initializing both the file type filter and the usage types.

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  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico Equals (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo protetto Finalize (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico GetHashCode (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico GetType (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo protetto MemberwiseClone (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico ToString (Ereditato da Object).

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  Nome Descrizione
Proprietà pubblica FileFilter Gets or sets a pipe-delimited String containing the file types that are valid for the connection.
Proprietà pubblica SupportedUsageTypes Gets or sets a collection containing the available usage types. Valid usage types are defined in DTSFileConnectionUsageType.

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