SQLServerConnection Methods
The following tables list the methods that are exposed by the SQLServerConnection class.
Name | Description |
Clears all warnings that are reported for this SQLServerConnection object. |
Releases this SQLServerConnection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released. |
Makes all changes made since the previous commit or rollback permanent, and releases any database locks currently held by this SQLServerConnection object. |
Creates a java.sql.Blob object without any data. |
Creates a java.sql.Clob object without any data. |
Creates a java.sql.NClob object without any data. |
Creates a SQLServerStatement object for sending SQL statements to the database. |
Creates a java.sql.SQLXML object without any data. |
Retrieves the current auto-commit mode for this SQLServerConnection object. |
Retrieves this SQLServerConnection object's current catalog name. |
Retrieves information regarding the client information properties supported by the JDBC driver. |
Retrieves the current holdability of SQLServerResultSet objects that are created by using this SQLServerConnection object. |
Retrieves a SQLServerDatabaseMetaData object that contains metadata about the database to which this SQLServerConnection object represents a connection. |
Retrieves the current transaction isolation level for this SQLServerConnection object. |
Retrieves the Map object that is associated with this SQLServerConnection object. |
Retrieves the first warning that is reported by calls on this SQLServerConnection object. |
Indicates whether this SQLServerConnection object has been closed. |
Indicates whether this SQLServerConnection object is in read-only mode. |
Indicates whether this SQLServerConnection object has not been closed and is still valid. |
Converts the given SQL statement into the native SQL grammar of the database server. |
Creates a SQLServerCallableStatement object for calling database stored procedures. |
Creates a SQLServerPreparedStatement object for sending parameterized SQL statements to the database. |
Removes the given SQLServerSavepoint object from the current transaction. |
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any database locks currently held by this SQLServerConnection object. |
Sets the auto-commit mode for this SQLServerConnection object to the given state. |
Sets the specified catalog name to select a subspace of this SQLServerConnection object's database in which to work. |
Sets the value of the client information properties. |
Changes the holdability of SQLServerResultSet objects that are created by using this SQLServerSavepoint object to the given holdability. |
Puts this SQLServerConnection object in read-only mode as a hint to the JDBC driver to enable database optimizations. |
Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and returns the new SQLServerSavepoint object that represents it. |
Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this SQLServerConnection object to the one given. |
Installs the specified TypeMap object as the type map for this SQLServerConnection object. |
Inherited Methods
Class inherited from: | Methods |
java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait |
java.sql.Wrapper |
isWrapperFor, unwrap |