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Letters to the Editors

More Interop!

It's about time that a tech magazine showed the "how to" and "why" for Windows administrators. I'd like to see issues that cover Application Center in detail in the future. Also, please show ways to integrate Windows Active Directory and Novell eDirectory. Leave the Novell bashing to the marketing guys.

David James

Thanks for the tips. We know what it's like out there in the real world, and we're going to make sure that interoperability is a key component of TechNet Magazine.

Hands Off My Copy

I am reading this first issue cover to cover again and I am amazed at how much info it offers concerning security. I took my copy to a meeting in our state capital today and almost lost it. So many of the members of the meeting wanted it for its content that I almost didn't get it back.

Jim Vaughan

While we are as committed to reducing governmental waste as the next magazine, there are three simple solutions for colleagues who are clamoring for your copy of TechNet Magazine. First, they can go to and fill out a qualification form. Second, they can look for it on a quality newsstand (which we define as "any newsstand that carries TechNet Magazine"). Third, if they are a TechNet program subscriber in the United States, they can receive a copy at no charge.

First Time for Everything

I received your TechNet premiere issue and I want to thank you for the first magazine that has provided me with useful information.

Bill Depew

Thanks for the kind words, but we can't believe you've never received any useful information from any magazine before. We sometimes go a full month eating only recipes first printed in Highlights for Children.

Anatomy of a Hack

In the article "How A Criminal Might Infiltrate Your Network" by Jesper Johansson, I had some trouble reproducing some of the commands that were used—"discoverHosts" for example. Are these custom tools you guys created?

I'm asking because I was using the information in the article to test out the security of our own network. I just assumed I would be able to reproduce the steps Mr. Johansson had clearly written.

Alexander Klein

Jesper responds: Yes, you are correct that discoverHosts is a custom tool that I wrote for the article. There are a number of them throughout the article, and to avoid making life too easy on criminals, I cannot give those away. Glad to hear you liked the article, though. Make sure you have permission to test the security of your network before you do anything that is done in the article.

Where's DAVE?

In looking through Jay Shaw's article on securing your Mac on a Windows network, I only saw sparse coverage of DAVE. I wish this was put to the forefront a little more for a Classic Mac solution, given that SFM is difficult to use for several reasons. You cannot use existing share structure, you compromise security with weaker password encryption, and you require either registry tweaks or group policy updates to get it working in Windows Server 2003.

Joaquin Menchaca

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Jay responds: I tried to cover as much as I could in the article. I do think that DAVE is an excellent solution. It provides support for DFS and allows a Classic Mac to act as an SMB file/print server on Windows networks, and truth be told it is more secure than Services for Macintosh (SFM). Still, I like AdmitMac a little better because of its integration into Active Directory. WhileDAVE does support Active Directory, it does not require a domain login. Of course, ifyou're supporting the Classic Mac you can't use AdmitMac.

I like SFM mainly because it's free, but you're right in that it can be a little tricky to administrate. DAVE certainly does make life a little easier. Most companies upgrading Macintosh systems these days are also moving to OS X, so why not use AdmitMac? DAVE does work with both platforms but, if you're going to spend the budget, why not go all the way?

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