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@ ... SCROLL Command

Moves an area of the main Microsoft Visual FoxPro window or a user-defined window up, down, left, or right.

@ nRow1, nColumn1 TO nRow2, nColumn2 SCROLL   
[UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT]   [BY nMoveAmount]


  • @ nRow1, nColumn1 TO nRow2, nColumn2 SCROLL
    Moves a rectangular area whose upper-left corner is at nRow1,nColumn1 and lower-right corner is at nRow2, nColumn2.
    Specifies the direction in which rectangular area is moved. If you omit a direction clause, the area is moved upward.
  • BY nMoveAmount
    Specifies the number of rows or columns the rectangular area is moved. If you omit BY nMoveAmount, the region is moved by one row or column.

See Also

SCROLL Command | Scrolled Event