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Active Document Security

The /security option for the Vfp7run.exe Visual FoxPro run time makes it possible for you to set security levels for Active Documents and other application (.app) files. Executing Vfp7run.exe /security displays the Application Security Settings dialog box where you can set security levels for Active Documents and other .app files.

The following options are available in the Application Security Settings dialog box:


Choose this application mode setting to specify a security level for an Active Document or application (.app) that is run from an Active Document container such as Internet Explorer.


Choose this application mode setting to specify a security level for an Active Document or application (.app) that is run from the Window Explorer by double-clicking its icon, or is run with the Visual FoxPro Vfp7run.exe run time.

High (most secure)

Choose this setting to prevent an Active Document or application (.app) from being run.

Medium (more secure)

Choose this setting to display a warning before an Active Document or application (.app) is run. Medium is the default setting for non-hosted Active Documents and applications.

Low (no security)

Choose this setting to run an Active Document or application (.app) without displaying a warning. Low is the default setting for hosted Active Documents and applications.


Restores the default security level for the currently selected application mode (hosted or non-hosted).


Saves the settings you choose in the dialog box.

Internet Explorer Notes

To increase performance, Internet Explorer 3.0 caches in memory the last four pages visited. This means that an Active Document can fall out of the Internet Explorer 3.0 cache, causing the ContainerRelease event to occur. Internet Explorer 4.0 does not have a page cache, so the ContainerRelease event occurs as soon as you navigate from an Active Document.

See Also

Running Active Documents | Running an Active Document Sample | Interoperability and the Internet | Active Documents