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Report Output Application

The Report Output Application provides ReportListener object references to the Visual FoxPro Report System at run time. You designate an application or program for this purpose by supplying its filename in the _REPORTOUTPUT system variable. The file, located in the main Visual FoxPro directory, provides Visual FoxPro 9's default implementation of the Report Output Application.

The requirements a Report Output Application must fulfill are simple. For a full listing of these requirements, and for further recommendations, see _REPORTOUTPUT System Variable. fulfills this responsibility and showcases Visual FoxPro's ability to provide enhanced output, in the following ways:

  • Managing a cache of Listener object references.

  • Providing new output results, by supplying references to ReportListener XML Foundation Class and ReportListener HTML Foundation Class. For more information, see ReportListener Foundation Classes.

  • Providing enhanced run-time feedback for “traditional” print and preview output types, by supplying references to ReportListener User Feedback Foundation Class.

  • Managing a registry of output types for user-added extensions and new output results.

This section covers the features of the default Report Output Application (

In This Section

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_REPORTOUTPUT System Variable

Understanding Visual FoxPro Object-Assisted Reporting

Considerations for Creating New Report Output Types