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Component Gallery Class Library (Vpfgallery.vcx)

The Component Gallery class library, Vpfgallery.vcx, provides the item types as classes.

Item type Description
Class (_ClassItem) The generic item type for any Visual FoxPro class. This can be either from .vcx or .prg files.
File (_FileItem) This is any file. Visual FoxPro reads the Registry for shell functions and adds them to the menu. The gallery includes a look up routine that checks for specific extensions and redirects the item type.

The gallery supports UNC naming conventions for team development (sharing of Catalogs across networks).

ActiveX (_ActiveXItem) This is an ActiveX Control or Server such as an .ocx created by Visual Basic CCE or .exe/.dll created by Visual FoxPro.
Data (_DataItem) This is a Visual FoxPro datasource (.dbc, .dbf, View, and so forth.).
Image (_ImageItem) This is a File Item Type whose file has an image file extension such as .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .ico, .cur, .ani, and so on.
Sound (_SoundItem) This is a File Item Type whose file has either a .wav or .rmi extension.
Video(_VideoItem) This is a File Item Type whose file has a .avi extension.
URL (_UrlItem) This is a Web Item Type and includes Web and local documents such as HTML files or Visual FoxPro Active Documents.
Sample (_SampleItem) This is a File Item Type for files that run in Visual FoxPro and can be an executable Visual FoxPro file such as .app, .exe, .prg, .scx, or .frx files.
Template (_TemplateItem) This is a Script Item Type that opens a builder for the Visual FoxPro element represented by the type of the highlighted item, including forms and reports.
Catalog (_CatalogItem) This is a Component Gallery type that allows you to Add and Open Visual FoxPro catalogs.
Form(_FormItem) This is a type for Visual FoxPro forms (.scx).
Report (_ReportItem) This is a type for Visual FoxPro reports (.frx).
Menu (_MenuItem) This is a type for Visual FoxPro menus (.mnx).
Program (_ProgramItem) This is a type for Visual FoxPro programs (.prg).
Project (_ProjectItem) This is a type for Visual FoxPro projects (.pjx).

You can use the Class Browser to examine the details of any of these classes.

For details on other classes used in the Component Gallery, see the Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes topic in Help or use the Class Browser to examine the libraries in the Ffc folder.

See Also

Component Gallery Object Members | Component Gallery Table Structure | Development Productivity Tools | Coverage Profiler Application | Starting with the Component Gallery