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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AccessCheckException Exception that is thrown for an access check error.
Public class AccessControlEntry
Public class AccessControlList
Public class AccessMapping
Public class AccessMappingNotRegisteredException Thrown when an access mapping is not registered.
Public class AceExtendedInformation Holds the inherited and effective permission information for a given AccessControlEntry.
Public class ActionDefinition Definition for an action.
Public class ActionDeniedBySubscriberException Exception for an action that was denied by the subscriber.
Public class AddGroupMemberIllegalMemberException Thrown when an illegal member is added to a group.
Public class AddGroupMemberOverLicenseLimitException Thrown when the number of members in a group exceeds license limitations.
Public class AddMemberCyclicMembershipException Thrown when adding a member to a group to which it already has cyclic membership.
Public class AddMemberEveryoneException Thrown when attempting to add the Everyone member to a group.
Public class AddMemberGroupMissingException Thrown when attempting to add a member to a missing group.
Public class AddMemberIdentityAlreadyMemberException Thrown when adding a member to a group of which it is already a member.
Public class AddMemberIdentityMissingException Thrown when attempting to add a member that has a missing identity.
Public class AddMemberNoGroupException Thrown when adding a member without a group specified.
Public class AddProjectGroupProjectMismatchException Thrown for a mismatch when adding a project group.
Public class AddProjectGroupToGlobalGroupException Thrown when attempting to add a project group to a global group.
Public class AnalysisServiceConnectionException Thrown when an error occurs with the analysis service connection.
Public class ArtifactKindAlreadyExistsException Thrown when an artifact kind already exists.
Public class ArtifactKindRestrictedException Thrown when the artifact kind is restricted.
Public class ArtifactKindsMustBeUniformException Thrown when artifact kinds must be uniform.
Public class ArtifactPropertyValue Represents a property-value pair that has a user-defined name (moniker). The moniker can be optionally versioned by using a version number.
Public class ArtifactSpec Represents a Team Foundation property user-defined name (moniker) specification.
Public class AttachCollectionException Thrown when an error occurs when attempting to attach a collection.
Public class BadChecksumException Thrown when a bad checksum is encountered.
Public class CannotAccessIdentitiesAfterDetachException Thrown when you cannot map collection identities after a Detach before an Attach.
Public class CannotUpdateDefaultCollectionException Thrown when you cannot update the default collection.
Public class CatalogChangeContext
Public class CatalogChangeResult
Public class CatalogDependencyGroup
Public class CatalogNode
Public class CatalogNodeDoesNotExistException Thrown when a catalog node does not exist.
Public class CatalogResource
Public class CatalogResourceDoesNotExistException Thrown when a catalog resource does not exist.
Public class CatalogResourceType Describes the type of a catalog resource.
Public class CatalogResourceTypeDoesNotExistException Thrown when a catalog resource type does not exist.
Public class CollectionDoesNotExistException Thrown when a collection does not exist.
Public class CollectionMisconfiguredException Thrown when a collection is misconfigured.
Public class CollectionPropertyException Thrown because an error occurs in a collection property.
Public class CollectionServicingException Thrown when collection servicing encounters an error.
Public class CollectionServicingJobDidNotSucceedException Thrown when a collection servicing job did not succeed.
Public class DatabaseCategoryNotRegisteredException Thrown when a database category is not registered.
Public class DatabaseConfigurationException Thrown for an error in database configuration.
Public class DatabaseConnectionException Thrown because an error occurs in the database connection.
Public class DatabaseFullException Thrown when the database is full.
Public class DatabaseInstanceException Thrown for an error that occurs with a database instance.
Public class DatabaseOperationCanceledException Thrown when a database operation is canceled.
Public class DatabaseOperationTimeoutException Thrown when a database operation times out.
Public class DatabaseRuntimeException Thrown for a database runtime error.
Public class DatabaseSchemaException Thrown for an error that occurs with a database schema.
Public class DateTimeShiftDetectedException Thrown when a shift is detected in DateTime objects.
Public class DBResultDeadlockException Thrown when the database result is in deadlock.
Public class DeliveryPreference Describes an event delivery preference.
Public class DuplicateJobIdException Thrown when a duplicate job ID is encountered.
Public class DuplicateJobScheduleException Thrown when a duplicate job is scheduled.
Public class DuplicateLocationMappingException Thrown for a duplicate location mapping.
Public class EventException Thrown for an error in event handling.
Public class ExecutingUnassignedJobException Thrown when an unassigned job is executed.
Public class FileIdNotFoundException Thrown when a file ID is not found.
Public class FindGroupNameDoesNotExistException Thrown when a group name does not exist.
Public class FindGroupSidDoesNotExistException Thrown when a security identifier for a group does not exist.
Public class GroupCreationException Thrown for an error during group creation.
Public class GroupRenameException Thrown when an error occurs during a group rename.
Public class GroupScopeCreationException Thrown when an error occurs during group scope creation.
Public class GroupScopeDoesNotExistException Thrown when the group scope does not exist.
Public class GroupWellKnownDescriptors Contains string constants for well-known group descriptors.
Public class HostAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the host already exists.
Public class HostCannotBeDeletedException Thrown when the host cannot be deleted.
Public class HostDoesNotExistException Thrown when a host does not exist.
Public class HostInstanceDoesNotExistException Thrown when the host instance does not exist.
Public class HostManagementException Thrown for an error that occurs with host management.
Public class HostMustBeTopLevelException Thrown when the host must be top level.
Public class HostShutdownException Thrown for an error that occurs because the host is shutting down.
Public class HostStatusChangeException Thrown because of an error that occurs when the host status changes.
Public class IdentityDescriptor Wrapper for an identity type and a unique identifier.
Public class IdentityDescriptorComparer Compares IdentityDescriptor objects.
Public class IdentityDomainDoesNotExistException Thrown when an identity domain does not exist.
Public class IdentityDomainMismatchException Thrown when a mismatch occurs with the identity domain.
Public class IdentityHelper Helper class to manage Team Foundation identity descriptors.
Public class IdentityNotFoundException Thrown when an identity is not found.
Public class IdentityProviderUnavailableException Thrown when an identity provider is unavailable.
Public class IdentitySyncException Thrown when an error occurs in identity synchronizing.
Public class IllegalDeleteSelfReferenceServiceDefinitionException Thrown when attempting to delete a self-referencing service.
Public class IllegalIdentityException Thrown for an illegal identity.
Public class IncompatibleCompressionFormatException Thrown for an incompatible compression format.
Public class IncompleteUploadException Thrown because of an incomplete upload.
Public class IncorrectSizeException Thrown when a thread of execution discovers an incorrectly sized object.
Public class InvalidAccessPointException Thrown because of an invalid access point.
Public class InvalidCatalogDeleteNodeException Thrown when the thread of execution encounters an invalid catalog during a DeleteNode method call.
Public class InvalidCatalogNodeMoveException Thrown because of an invalid catalog during a NodeMove method call.
Public class InvalidCatalogNodePathException Thrown because of an invalid catalog node path.
Public class InvalidCatalogSaveNodeException Thrown because of an invalid catalog save node.
Public class InvalidCatalogSaveResourceException Thrown because of an invalid catalog save resource.
Public class InvalidRegistryException Thrown because of an invalid registry.
Public class InvalidRequestContextHostException Thrown for an invalid request context host.
Public class InvalidSecurityNamespaceDescriptionException Thrown because an invalid security namespace description occurs.
Public class InvalidSecurityNamespaceException Thrown for an invalid security namespace.
Public class InvalidSecurityTokenException Thrown because of an invalid security token.
Public class InvalidServiceDefinitionException Thrown for an invalid service definition.
Public class InvalidServicingStepTypeException Thrown for an invalid servicing step type.
Public class JobCannotBePausedException Thrown when a job cannot be paused.
Public class JobCannotBeResumedException Thrown when a job cannot be resumed.
Public class JobCannotBeStoppedException Thrown when a job cannot be stopped.
Public class JobDidntPauseException Thrown when a job did not pause.
Public class JobIntervalNotSupportedException Thrown when a job interval is not supported.
Public class KeyValueOfStringString Represents the key-value of a string.
Public class LocationMapping
Public class LocationMappingDoesNotExistException Thrown when a location mapping does not exist.
Public class LocationServerMapCache
Public class ModifyEveryoneGroupException Thrown when a thread of execution attempts to modify the everyone group.
Public class NotApplicationGroupException Thrown when a thread of execution attempts an action without application group privileges.
Public class NotASecurityGroupException Thrown when a thread of execution attempts an action without security group privileges.
Public class ParseException Thrown because of an error in parsing.
Public class ProjectNotFoundException Thrown when the thread of execution fails to look up a project.
Public class PropertyServiceException Thrown when an error occurs in the property service.
Public class PropertyValue Represents a property and its value.
Public class RegistryAuditEntry Represents a registry audit entry.
Public class RegistryEntry
Public class RegistryEntryCollection
Public class RegistryPathException Thrown for a registry path that is not valid.
Public class RegistryPathPatternException Thrown when an error occurs in the registry path pattern.
Public class RemoveAccessMappingException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove an access mapping.
Public class RemoveGroupMemberException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a group member.
Public class RemoveGroupMemberNotMemberException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a group member that is not a member.
Public class RemoveLastAdminGroupMemberException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove the last member of the administrator group.
Public class RemoveLastLicensedAdminException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove the last licensed administrator.
Public class RemoveMemberGroupMissingException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a member from a missing group.
Public class RemoveMemberIdentityMissingException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a member by using a missing identity.
Public class RemoveMemberServiceAccountException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a member that is a service account.
Public class RemoveNonexistentGroupException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a nonexistent group.
Public class RemoveSpecialGroupException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to remove a special group.
Public class RequestCanceledException Thrown when a request is cancelled.
Public class RequestFilterException Thrown when an error occurs with a request filter.
Public class ResourceStreamNotFoundException Thrown when a resource stream is not found.
Public class SecurityNamespace Class to manage and enforce security for a set of AccessControlList objects.
Public class SecurityNamespaceAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the thread of execution attempts to create a security namespace when it already exists.
Public class SecurityNamespaceDescription Represents a description for a SecurityNamespace.
Public class ServiceDefinition
Public class ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException Thrown when a service definition does not exist.
Public class ServicingDisabledException Thrown when servicing is disabled.
Public class ServicingExecutionHandlerData Represents data for a servicing execution handler.
Public class ServicingJobDetail
Public class ServicingOperation Represents a servicing operation.
Public class ServicingOperationAlreadyExistsException Thrown when a servicing operation already exists.
Public class ServicingOperationNotFoundException Thrown when a servicing operation was not found.
Public class ServicingStep
Public class ServicingStepDetail Describes a servicing step detail.
Public class ServicingStepGroup
Public class ServicingStepGroupAlreadyExistsException Thrown when a servicing step group already exists.
Public class ServicingStepGroupDependencyException Thrown when a dependency exists on another servicing step group.
Public class ServicingStepGroupInUseException Thrown when a servicing step group is being used.
Public class ServicingStepGroupNotFoundException Thrown when a servicing step group is not found.
Public class ServicingStepLogEntry Represents a log entry that is made by a servicing step.
Public class ServicingStepStateChange Represents a change to a servicing step state.
Public class SidDescriptor Represents a security ID descriptor.
Public class StepPerformerNotFoundException Thrown when a step performer is not found.
Public class Subscription Describes an event subscription.
Public class TeamFoundationCatalogServiceException Thrown when an error occurs with the Team Foundation Server catalog service.
Public class TeamFoundationIdentity
Public class TeamFoundationIdentityServiceException Thrown because an exception occurs in the identity service for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationJobDefinition
Public class TeamFoundationJobHistoryEntry Represents a job history entry on Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationJobSchedule Represents a job schedule on Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationJobService Represents a job service in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationJobServiceException Thrown when an error occurs with the Team Foundation Server job service.
Public class TeamFoundationLocationServiceException Thrown when an error occurs with the location service of Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationLockException Thrown for an error that occurs with a Team Foundation Server lock.
Public class TeamFoundationRequestInformation Represents additional information about a Team Foundation request.
Public class TeamFoundationSecurityServiceException Thrown for an error that occurs with the Team Foundation Server security service.
Public class TeamFoundationServiceException Thrown when an error occurs with any service of Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationServiceHostActivity Represents a Team Foundation Server service host activity.
Public class TeamFoundationValidationException Thrown when an error occurs with a validation operation in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamProjectCollection
Public class TooManyItemsException Thrown when too many items are present.
Public class UnexpectedDatabaseResultException Thrown because of an unexpected database result.
Public class UpdateGroupException Thrown when an error occurs during an update operation on a group.
Public class VirtualPathMappingException Thrown when an error occurs with a virtual path mapping.
Public class VirtualPathsConflictException Thrown for an error that is caused by conflicting virtual paths.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAdministrationService Interface for an administration service.
Public interface ICatalogService
Public interface IEventService
Public interface IIdentityManagementService
Public interface ILocationService
Public interface IPropertyService
Public interface ISecurityService
Public interface ITeamFoundationJobService Interface for a job service of Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
Public interface ITeamFoundationRegistry
Public interface ITeamProjectCollectionService
Public interface ITeamProjectCollectionServicing


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DeliverySchedule Describes the delivery schedule.
Public enumeration DeliveryType Describes the delivery type.
Public enumeration ServiceHostFilterFlags Describes the filters to apply when you call ITeamProjectCollectionService.GetCollections.
Public enumeration ServicingJobResult Describes the result of a servicing job.
Public enumeration ServicingJobStatus Describes the status of a servicing job.
Public enumeration ServicingStepDetailFilterOptions Describes the filters to apply when you call GetServicingDetails.