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Procedura: creare un form MDI con controlli ToolStripPanel

È possibile creare un form MDI (Multiple Document Interface, interfaccia a documenti multipli) racchiuso tra controlli ToolStrip disposti su tutti i lati.


Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito viene illustrato come utilizzare controlli ToolStripPanel ancorati per racchiudere una finestra MDI tra quattro controlli ToolStrip.

Nell'esempio, il metodo Join associa i controlli ToolStrip ai controlli ToolStripPanel corrispondenti.

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing


' This code example demonstrates how to use ToolStripPanel
' controls with a multiple document interface (MDI).
Public Class Form1
   Inherits Form

   Public Sub New()
      ' Make the Form an MDI parent.
      Me.IsMdiContainer = True

      ' Create ToolStripPanel controls.
      Dim tspTop As New ToolStripPanel()
      Dim tspBottom As New ToolStripPanel()
      Dim tspLeft As New ToolStripPanel()
      Dim tspRight As New ToolStripPanel()

      ' Dock the ToolStripPanel controls to the edges of the form.
      tspTop.Dock = DockStyle.Top
      tspBottom.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
      tspLeft.Dock = DockStyle.Left
      tspRight.Dock = DockStyle.Right

      ' Create ToolStrip controls to move among the 
      ' ToolStripPanel controls.
      ' Create the "Top" ToolStrip control and add
      ' to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
      Dim tsTop As New ToolStrip()

      ' Create the "Bottom" ToolStrip control and add
      ' to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
      Dim tsBottom As New ToolStrip()

      ' Create the "Right" ToolStrip control and add
      ' to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
      Dim tsRight As New ToolStrip()

      ' Create the "Left" ToolStrip control and add
      ' to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
      Dim tsLeft As New ToolStrip()

      ' Create a MenuStrip control with a new window.
      Dim ms As New MenuStrip()
      Dim windowMenu As New ToolStripMenuItem("Window")
      Dim windowNewMenu As New ToolStripMenuItem("New", Nothing, New EventHandler(AddressOf windowNewMenu_Click))
      CType(windowMenu.DropDown, ToolStripDropDownMenu).ShowImageMargin = False
      CType(windowMenu.DropDown, ToolStripDropDownMenu).ShowCheckMargin = True

      ' Assign the ToolStripMenuItem that displays 
      ' the list of child forms.
      ms.MdiWindowListItem = windowMenu

      ' Add the window ToolStripMenuItem to the MenuStrip.

      ' Dock the MenuStrip to the top of the form.
      ms.Dock = DockStyle.Top

      ' The Form.MainMenuStrip property determines the merge target.
      Me.MainMenuStrip = ms

      ' Add the ToolStripPanels to the form in reverse order.

      ' Add the MenuStrip last.
      ' This is important for correct placement in the z-order.
    End Sub

   ' This event handler is invoked when 
   ' the "New" ToolStripMenuItem is clicked.
   ' It creates a new Form and sets its MdiParent 
   ' property to the main form.
    Private Sub windowNewMenu_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim f As New Form()
        f.MdiParent = Me
        f.Text = "Form - " + Me.MdiChildren.Length.ToString()
    End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;


// This code example demonstrates how to use ToolStripPanel
// controls with a multiple document interface (MDI).
public class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
        // Make the Form an MDI parent.
        this.IsMdiContainer = true;

        // Create ToolStripPanel controls.
        ToolStripPanel tspTop = new ToolStripPanel();
        ToolStripPanel tspBottom = new ToolStripPanel();
        ToolStripPanel tspLeft = new ToolStripPanel();
        ToolStripPanel tspRight = new ToolStripPanel();

        // Dock the ToolStripPanel controls to the edges of the form.
        tspTop.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
        tspBottom.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
        tspLeft.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
        tspRight.Dock = DockStyle.Right;

        // Create ToolStrip controls to move among the 
        // ToolStripPanel controls.

        // Create the "Top" ToolStrip control and add
        // to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
        ToolStrip tsTop = new ToolStrip();

        // Create the "Bottom" ToolStrip control and add
        // to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
        ToolStrip tsBottom = new ToolStrip();

        // Create the "Right" ToolStrip control and add
        // to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
        ToolStrip tsRight = new ToolStrip();

        // Create the "Left" ToolStrip control and add
        // to the corresponding ToolStripPanel.
        ToolStrip tsLeft = new ToolStrip();

        // Create a MenuStrip control with a new window.
        MenuStrip ms = new MenuStrip();
        ToolStripMenuItem windowMenu = new ToolStripMenuItem("Window");
        ToolStripMenuItem windowNewMenu = new ToolStripMenuItem("New", null, new EventHandler(windowNewMenu_Click));
        ((ToolStripDropDownMenu)(windowMenu.DropDown)).ShowImageMargin = false;
        ((ToolStripDropDownMenu)(windowMenu.DropDown)).ShowCheckMargin = true;

        // Assign the ToolStripMenuItem that displays 
        // the list of child forms.
        ms.MdiWindowListItem = windowMenu;

        // Add the window ToolStripMenuItem to the MenuStrip.

        // Dock the MenuStrip to the top of the form.
        ms.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

        // The Form.MainMenuStrip property determines the merge target.
        this.MainMenuStrip = ms;

        // Add the ToolStripPanels to the form in reverse order.

        // Add the MenuStrip last.
        // This is important for correct placement in the z-order.

    // This event handler is invoked when 
    // the "New" ToolStripMenuItem is clicked.
    // It creates a new Form and sets its MdiParent 
    // property to the main form.
    void windowNewMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Form f = new Form();
        f.MdiParent = this;
        f.Text = "Form - " + this.MdiChildren.Length.ToString();

Compilazione del codice

Per questo esempio sono necessari i seguenti requisiti:

  • Riferimenti agli assembly System.Drawing e System.Windows.Forms.

Per informazioni sulla compilazione di questo esempio dalla riga di comando per Visual Basic o Visual C#, vedere Building from the Command Line (Visual Basic) o Compilazione dalla riga di comando con csc.exe. È anche possibile compilare questo esempio in Visual Studio incollando il codice in un nuovo progetto. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere Procedura: compilare ed eseguire un esempio di codice Windows Form completo tramite Visual Studio e Procedura: compilare ed eseguire un esempio di codice Windows Form completo tramite Visual Studio e Procedura: compilare ed eseguire un esempio di codice Windows Form completo tramite Visual Studio e Procedura: compilare ed eseguire un esempio di codice Windows Form completo tramite Visual Studio e Procedura: compilare ed eseguire un esempio di codice Windows Form completo tramite Visual Studio.

Vedere anche







Altre risorse

Controllo ToolStrip (Windows Form)