Retrieves the map element at rNextPosition, then updates rNextPosition to refer to the next element in the map.
void GetNextAssoc(
POSITION& rPosition,
KEY& rKey,
VALUE& rValue
) const;
Specifies a reference to a POSITION value returned by a previous GetNextAssoc or BASE_CLASS**::GetStartPosition** call.KEY
Template parameter specifying the type of the map's keys.rKey
Specifies the returned key of the retrieved element.VALUE
Template parameter specifying the type of the map's values.rValue
Specifies the returned value of the retrieved element.
This function is most useful for iterating through all the elements in the map. Note that the position sequence is not necessarily the same as the key value sequence.
If the retrieved element is the last in the map, then the new value of rNextPosition is set to NULL.
This inline function calls BASE_CLASS**::GetNextAssoc**.
Header: afxtempl.h
See Also