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IIdentityManagementService2.ReadIdentities Method

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  Name Description
Public method ReadIdentities(array<Guid[], MembershipQuery) Read identities by Team Foundation Id. Note - performance will be fastest when no membership information is requested. (Inherited from IIdentityManagementService.)
Public method ReadIdentities(array<IdentityDescriptor[], MembershipQuery, ReadIdentityOptions) Read identities for given descriptors. First try IMS store. If not found, optionally try source like AD. Note - performance will be fastest when no membership information is requested. (Inherited from IIdentityManagementService.)
Public method ReadIdentities(IdentitySearchFactor, array<String[], MembershipQuery, ReadIdentityOptions) Read identities based on search factor. First read from IMS store, and then (optionally) read from source like AD. (Inherited from IIdentityManagementService.)
Public method ReadIdentities(array<Guid[], MembershipQuery, ReadIdentityOptions, IEnumerable<String>, IdentityPropertyScope) Read identities by Team Foundation ID. Note that performance will be fastest when no membership information is requested.
Public method ReadIdentities(array<IdentityDescriptor[], MembershipQuery, ReadIdentityOptions, IEnumerable<String>, IdentityPropertyScope) Read identities for given descriptors. First try information management system (IMS) store. If not found, optionally try a source like Active Directory. Note that performance will be fastest when no membership information is requested.
Public method ReadIdentities(IdentitySearchFactor, array<String[], MembershipQuery, ReadIdentityOptions, IEnumerable<String>, IdentityPropertyScope) Read identities based on search factor. First read from IMS store, and then optionally read from a source like Active Directory.


See Also


IIdentityManagementService2 Interface

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client Namespace