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Bitflags Used by Specific Commands


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The behavior of a number of functions in the Source Control Plug-in API can be modified by setting one or more bits in a single value. These values are known as bitflags. The various bitflags used by the Source Control Plug-in API are detailed here, grouped by the function that uses them.

Checked Out Flag

This flag can be set for either the SccAdd or SccCheckin.

Flag Value Description
SCC_KEEP_CHECKEDOUT 0x1000 Keep the file checked out.

Add Flags

These flags are used by the SccAdd.

Flag Value Description
SCC_FILETYPE_AUTO 0x00 The source control plug-in is expected to automatically detect whether the file is text or binary.
SCC_FILETYPE_TEXT 0x01 File type is text.
SCC_FILETYPE_BINARY 0x04 File type is binary. Note: SCC_FILETYPE_TEXT and SCC_FILETYPE_BINARY flags are mutually exclusive. Set exactly one or neither.
SCC_ADD_STORELATEST 0x02 Store latest version only (no deltas).

Diff Flags

The SccDiff uses these flags to define the scope of a diff operation. The SCC_DIFF_QD_xxx flags are mutually exclusive. If any one of them is specified, then no visual feedback is to be given. In a "quick diff" (QD), the plug-in does not determine how the file is different, only if it is different. If none of these flags is specified, a "visual diff" is done; detailed file differences are computed and displayed. If the requested QD is not supported, the plug-in moves to the next best one. For instance, if the IDE requests a checksum, and the plug-in does not support it, the plug-in does a full-contents check (still much faster than a visual display).

Flag Value Description
SCC_DIFF_IGNORECASE 0x0002 Ignore case differences.
SCC_DIFF_IGNORESPACE 0x0004 Ignore white-space differences. Note: The SCC_DIFF_IGNORECASE and SCC_DIFF_IGNORESPACE flags are optional bitflags.
SCC_DIFF_QD_CONTENTS 0x0010 QD by comparing entire file contents.
SCC_DIFF_QD_CHECKSUM 0x0020 QD by checksum.
SCC_DIFF_QD_TIME 0x0040 QD by file date/time stamp.
SCC_DIFF_QUICK_DIFF 0x0070 This is a mask used to check all the QD bitflags. It should not be passed into a function; the three QD bitflags are mutually exclusive. QD always means no display of UI.

PopulateList Flag

This flag is used by the SccPopulateList in the fOptions parameter.

Flag Value Description
SCC_PL_DIR 0x00000001L The IDE is passing directories, not files.

PopulateDirList Flags

These flags are used by the SccPopulateDirList in the fOptions parameter.

Option Value Value Description
SCC_PDL_ONELEVEL 0x0000 Examine only one level of directories for directories (this is the default).
SCC_PDL_RECURSIVE 0x0001 Recursively examine all directories under each given directory.
SCC_PDL_INCLUDEFILES 0x0002 Include file names in the examination process.

OpenProject Flags

These flags are used by the SccOpenProject in the dwFlags parameter.

Option Value Value Description
SCC_OP_CREATEIFNEW 0x00000001L If project doesn't exist in source control, create it. If this flag is not set, prompt user for project to create (unless SCC_OP_SILENTOPEN flag is specified).
SCC_OP_SILENTOPEN 0x00000002L Do not prompt user to create a project; just return SCC_E_UNKNOWNPROJECT.

Get Flags

These flags are used by the SccGet and the SccCheckout.

Flag Value Description
SCC_GET_ALL 0x00000001L The IDE is passing directories, not files: Get all files in these directories.
SCC_GET_RECURSIVE 0x00000002L The IDE is passing directories: Get these directories and all their subdirectories.

nOption Values

These flags are used by the SccSetOption in the nOption parameter.

Flag Value Description
SCC_OPT_EVENTQUEUE 0x00000001L Set status of the event queue.
SCC_OPT_USERDATA 0x00000002L Specify user data for SCC_OPT_NAMECHANGEPFN.
SCC_OPT_HASCANCELMODE 0x00000003L The IDE can handle cancel
SCC_OPT_NAMECHANGEPFN 0x00000004L Set a callback for name changes.
SCC_OPT_SCCCHECKOUTONLY 0x00000005L Disable source control plug-in UI checkout and do not set working directory.
SCC_OPT_SHARESUBPROJ 0x00000006L Add from the source control system to specify a working directory. Try to share into the associated project if it is a direct descendant.

dwVal Bitflags

These flags are used by the SccSetOption in the dwVal parameter.

Flag Value Description Used by nOption value
SCC_OPT_EQ_DISABLE 0x00L Suspends event queue activity. SCC_OPT_EVENTQUEUE
SCC_OPT_EQ_ENABLE 0x01L Enables event queue logging. SCC_OPT_EVENTQUEUE
SCC_OPT_HCM_NO 0L (Default) Has no cancel mode; plug-in must supply if desired. SCC_OPT_HASCANCELMODE
SCC_OPT_SCO_NO 0L (Default) OK to check out from plug-in UI; working directory is set. SCC_OPT_SCCCHECKOUTONLY
SCC_OPT_SCO_YES 1L No plug-in UI checkout, no working directory. SCC_OPT_SCCCHECKOUTONLY

See Also

Source Control Plug-ins