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scanf, wscanf

Read formatted data from the standard input stream.

intscanf(constchar*format [,argument]...);

intwscanf(constwchar_t*format [,argument]...);

Routine Required Header Compatibility
scanf <stdio.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT
wscanf <stdio.h> or <wchar.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


LIBC.LIB Single thread static library, retail version
LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version
MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version

Return Value

Both scanf and wscanf return the number of fields successfully converted and assigned; the return value does not include fields that were read but not assigned. A return value of 0 indicates that no fields were assigned. The return value is EOF for an error or if the end-of-file character or the end-of-string character is encountered in the first attempt to read a character.



Format control string


Optional arguments


The scanf function reads data from the standard input stream stdin and writes the data into the location given by argument. Each argument must be a pointer to a variable of a type that corresponds to a type specifier in format. If copying takes place between strings that overlap, the behavior is undefined.

wscanf is a wide-character version of scanf; the format argument to wscanf is a wide-character string. wscanf and scanf behave identically otherwise.

Generic-Text Routine Mappings

TCHAR.H Routine _UNICODE & _MBCS Not Defined _MBCS Defined _UNICODE Defined
_tscanf scanf scanf wscanf

For more information, see Format Specification Fields — scanf functions and wscanf Functions.


 /* SCANF.C: This program uses the scanf and wscanf functions
  * to read formatted input.

#include <stdio.h>

void main( void )
   int   i, result;
   float fp;
   char  c, s[81];
   wchar_t wc, ws[81];

   printf( "\n\nEnter an int, a float, two chars and two strings\n");

   result = scanf( "%d %f %c %C %s %S", &i, &fp, &c, &wc, s, ws );
   printf( "\nThe number of fields input is %d\n", result );
   printf( "The contents are: %d %f %c %C %s %S\n", i, fp, c, wc, s, ws);

   wprintf( L"\n\nEnter an int, a float, two chars and two strings\n");

   result = wscanf( L"%d %f %hc %lc %S %ls", &i, &fp, &c, &wc, s, ws );
   wprintf( L"\nThe number of fields input is %d\n", result );
   wprintf( L"The contents are: %d %f %C %c %hs %s\n", i, fp, c, wc, s, ws);


Enter an int, a float, two chars and two strings
Byte characters

The number of fields input is 6
The contents are: 71 98.599998 h z Byte characters

Enter an int, a float, two chars and two strings
Wide characters

The number of fields input is 6
The contents are: 456 92.300003 y n Wide characters

Floating-Point Support Routines, Stream I/O Routines, Locale Routines

See Also   fscanf, printf, sprintf, sscanf