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Guida introduttiva: Gestione degli appuntamenti (HTML)

[ Questo articolo è rivolto agli sviluppatori per Windows 8.x e Windows Phone 8.x che realizzano app di Windows Runtime. Gli sviluppatori che usano Windows 10 possono vedere Documentazione aggiornata ]

Tramite lo spazio dei nomi Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments, puoi creare e gestire gli appuntamenti in un'app calendario dell'utente. In questo argomento mostreremo come creare un appuntamento, aggiungerlo a un'app calendario, sostituirlo nell'app e rimuoverlo dall'app. Mostreremo anche come visualizzare un intervallo di tempo per un'app calendario e creare un oggetto AppointmentRecurrence. La gestione degli appuntamenti è supportata a partire da Windows 8.1.

In questo argomento facciamo riferimento all'esempio di API per gli appuntamenti. Questo esempio illustra come gestire gli appuntamenti tramite l'API dello spazio dei nomi Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments dalle app di Windows Runtime.


  • Consigliamo di avere già familiarità con Microsoft Visual Studio e i modelli associati.
  • Consigliamo di avere già familiarità con lo sviluppo in JavaScript.

Creare un appuntamento e applicarvi i dati

Crea un oggetto Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment e assegnalo a una variabile. Applica quindi a Appointment le proprietà dell'appuntamento fornite da un utente tramite l'interfaccia utente.

    function createAppointment() {
        var isAppointmentValid = true;
        var appointment = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment();

        // StartTime
        var startTime = document.querySelector('#startDatePicker').winControl.current;
        var time = document.querySelector('#startTimePicker').winControl.current;
        appointment.startTime = startTime;

        // Subject
        appointment.subject = document.querySelector('#subjectInput').value;

        if (appointment.subject.length > 255) {
            isAppointmentValid = false;
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The subject cannot be greater than 255 characters.";

        // Location
        appointment.location = document.querySelector('#locationInput').value;;

        if (appointment.location.length > 32768) {
            isAppointmentValid = false;
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The location cannot be greater than 32,768 characters.";

        // Details
        appointment.details = document.querySelector('#detailsInput').value;

        if (appointment.details.length > 1073741823) {
            isAppointmentValid = false;
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The details cannot be greater than 1,073,741,823 characters.";

        // Duration
        if (document.querySelector('#durationSelect').selectedIndex === 0) {
            // 30 minute duration is selected
            appointment.duration = (30 * 60 * 1000);
        } else {
            // 1 hour duration is selected
            appointment.duration = (60 * 60 * 1000);

        // All Day
        appointment.allDay = (document.querySelector('#allDayCheckBox').checked);

        // Reminder
        if (document.querySelector('#reminderCheckBox').checked) {
            switch (document.querySelector('#reminderSelect').selectedIndex) {
                case 0:
                    appointment.reminder = (15 * 60 * 1000);
                case 1:
                    appointment.reminder = (60 * 60 * 1000);
                case 2:
                    appointment.reminder = (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

        //Busy Status
        switch (document.querySelector('#busyStatusSelect').selectedIndex) {
            case 0:
                appointment.busyStatus = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentBusyStatus.busy;
            case 1:
                appointment.busyStatus = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentBusyStatus.tentative;
            case 2:
                appointment.busyStatus =;
            case 3:
                appointment.busyStatus = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentBusyStatus.outOfOffice;
            case 4:
                appointment.busyStatus = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentBusyStatus.workingElsewhere;

        // Sensitivity
        switch (document.querySelector('#sensitivitySelect').selectedIndex) {
            case 0:
                appointment.sensitivity = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentSensitivity.public;
            case 1:
                appointment.sensitivity = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentSensitivity.private;

        // Uri
        var uriValue = document.querySelector('#uriInput').value;
        if (uriValue.length > 0) {
            try {
                appointment.uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(uriValue);
            catch (e) {
                isAppointmentValid = false;
                document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The Uri provided is invalid.";

        // Organizer
        // Note: Organizer can only be set if there are no invitees added to this appointment.
        if (document.querySelector('#organizerRadioButton').checked) {
            var organizer = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentOrganizer();

            // Organizer Display Name
            organizer.displayName = document.querySelector('#organizerDisplayNameInput').value;

            if (organizer.displayName.length > 256) {
                isAppointmentValid = false;
                document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The organizer display name cannot be greater than 256 characters.";
            } else {
                // Organizer Address (e.g. Email Address)
                organizer.address = document.querySelector('#organizerAddressInput').value;

                if (organizer.address.length > 321) {
                    isAppointmentValid = false;
                    document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The organizer address cannot be greater than 321 characters.";
                } else if (organizer.address.length === 0) {
                    isAppointmentValid = false;
                    document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The organizer address must be greater than 0 characters.";
                } else {
                    appointment.organizer = organizer;

        // Invitees
        // Note: If the size of the Invitees list is not zero, then an Organizer cannot be set.
        if (document.querySelector('#inviteeRadioButton').checked) {
            var invitee = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentInvitee();

            // Invitee Display Name
            invitee.displayName = document.querySelector('#inviteeDisplayNameInput').value;

            if (invitee.displayName.length > 256) {
                isAppointmentValid = false;
                document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The invitee display name cannot be greater than 256 characters.";
            } else {
                // Invitee Address (e.g. Email Address)
                invitee.address = document.querySelector('#inviteAddressInput').value;

                if (invitee.address.length > 321) {
                    isAppointmentValid = false;
                    document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The invitee address cannot be greater than 321 characters.";
                } else if (invitee.address.length === 0) {
                    isAppointmentValid = false;
                    document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The invitee address must be greater than 0 characters.";
                } else {
                    // Invitee Role
                    switch (document.querySelector('#inviteeRoleSelect').selectedIndex) {
                        case 0:
                            invitee.role = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantRole.requiredAttendee;
                        case 1:
                            invitee.role = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantRole.optionalAttendee;
                        case 2:
                            invitee.role = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantRole.resource;

                    // Invitee Response
                    switch (document.querySelector('#inviteeResponseSelect').selectedIndex) {
                        case 0:
                            invitee.response = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantResponse.none;
                        case 1:
                            invitee.response = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantResponse.tentative;
                        case 2:
                            invitee.response = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantResponse.accepted;
                        case 3:
                            invitee.response = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantResponse.declined;
                        case 4:
                            invitee.response = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantResponse.unknown;


        if (isAppointmentValid) {
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The appointment was created successfully and is valid.";

Aggiungere un appuntamento al calendario dell'utente

Crea un oggetto Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment e assegnalo a una variabile. Chiama quindi il metodo AppointmentManager.ShowAddAppointmentAsync(Appointment, Rect, Placement) per visualizzare l'interfaccia utente per l'aggiunta degli appuntamenti del provider di appuntamenti predefinito, in modo da consentire all'utente di aggiungere un appuntamento. Se l'utente fa clic su Add, l'esempio stampa l'identificatore dell'appuntamento restituito da ShowAddAppointmentAsync.

    function addAppointment(e) {
        // Create an Appointment that should be added the user's appointments provider app.
        var appointment = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment();

        // Get the selection rect of the button pressed to add this appointment
        var boundingRect = e.srcElement.getBoundingClientRect();
        var selectionRect = { x: boundingRect.left, y:, width: boundingRect.width, height: boundingRect.height };

        // ShowAddAppointmentAsync returns an appointment id if the appointment given was added to the user's calendar.
        // This value should be stored in app data and roamed so that the appointment can be replaced or removed in the future.
        // An empty string return value indicates that the user canceled the operation before the appointment was added.
        Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentManager.showAddAppointmentAsync(appointment, selectionRect, Windows.UI.Popups.Placement.default)
            .done(function (appointmentId) {
                if (appointmentId) {
                    document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment Id: " + appointmentId;
                } else {
                    document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment not added";

Sostituire un appuntamento nel calendario dell'utente

Crea un oggetto Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment e assegnalo a una variabile. Chiama quindi il metodo AppointmentManager.ShowReplaceAppointmentAsync appropriato per visualizzare l'interfaccia utente per la sostituzione degli appuntamenti del provider di appuntamenti predefinito, in modo da consentire all'utente di sostituire un appuntamento. L'utente specifica anche l'identificatore dell'appuntamento che vuole sostituire. Questo identificatore è stato restituito da AppointmentManager.ShowAddAppointmentAsync. Se l'utente fa clic su Replace, l'esempio stampa un messaggio per confermare che l'identificatore dell'appuntamento è stato aggiornato.

    function replaceAppointment(e) {
        // The appointment id argument for ReplaceAppointmentAsync is typically retrieved from AddAppointmentAsync and stored in app data.
        var appointmentIdOfAppointmentToReplace = document.querySelector('#appointmentIdInput').value;

        if (!appointmentIdOfAppointmentToReplace) {
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The appointment id cannot be empty";
        } else {
            // The Appointment argument for ReplaceAppointmentAsync should contain all of the Appointment's properties including those that may have changed.
            var appointment = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment();

            // Get the selection rect of the button pressed to replace this appointment
            var boundingRect = e.srcElement.getBoundingClientRect();
            var selectionRect = { x: boundingRect.left, y:, width: boundingRect.width, height: boundingRect.height };

            // ReplaceAppointmentAsync returns an updated appointment id when the appointment was successfully replaced.
            // The updated id may or may not be the same as the original one retrieved from AddAppointmentAsync.
            // An optional instance start time can be provided to indicate that a specific instance on that date should be replaced
            // in the case of a recurring appointment.
            // If the appointment id returned is an empty string, that indicates that the appointment was not replaced.
            if (document.querySelector('#instanceStartDateCheckBox').checked) {
                // Replace a specific instance starting on the date provided.
                var instanceStartDate = document.querySelector('#startTimeDatePicker').winControl.current;

                     appointmentIdOfAppointmentToReplace, appointment, selectionRect, Windows.UI.Popups.Placement.default, instanceStartDate)
                    .done(function (updatedAppointmentId) {
                        if (updatedAppointmentId) {
                            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Updated Appointment Id: " + updatedAppointmentId;
                        } else {
                            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment not replaced";
            } else {
                // Replace an appointment that occurs only once or in the case of a recurring appointment, replace the entire series.
                     appointmentIdOfAppointmentToReplace, appointment, selectionRect, Windows.UI.Popups.Placement.default)
                    .done(function (updatedAppointmentId) {
                        if (updatedAppointmentId) {
                            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Updated Appointment Id: " + updatedAppointmentId;
                        } else {
                            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment not replaced";

Rimuovere un appuntamento dal calendario dell'utente

Chiama il metodo AppointmentManager.ShowRemoveAppointmentAsync appropriato per visualizzare l'interfaccia utente per la rimozione degli appuntamenti del provider di appuntamenti predefinito, in modo da consentire all'utente di rimuovere un appuntamento. L'utente specifica anche l'identificatore dell'appuntamento che vuole rimuovere. Questo identificatore è stato restituito da AppointmentManager.ShowAddAppointmentAsync. Se l'utente fa clic su Delete, l'esempio stampa un messaggio per confermare la rimozione dell'appuntamento corrispondente all'identificatore specificato.

    function removeAppointment(e) {
        // The appointment id argument for ShowRemoveAppointmentAsync is typically retrieved from AddAppointmentAsync and stored in app data.
        var appointmentId = document.querySelector('#appointmentIdInput').value;

        // The appointment id cannot be empty.
        if (!appointmentId) {
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The appointment id cannot be empty";
        } else {
            // Get the selection rect of the button pressed to remove this appointment
            var boundingRect = e.srcElement.getBoundingClientRect();
            var selectionRect = { x: boundingRect.left, y:, width: boundingRect.width, height: boundingRect.height };

            // ShowRemoveAppointmentAsync returns a boolean indicating whether or not the appointment related to the appointment id given was removed.
            // An optional instance start time can be provided to indicate that a specific instance on that date should be removed
            // in the case of a recurring appointment.
            if (document.querySelector('#instanceStartDateCheckBox').checked) {
                // Remove a specific instance starting on the date provided.
                var instanceStartDate = document.querySelector('#startTimeDatePicker').winControl.current;

                     appointmentId, selectionRect, Windows.UI.Popups.Placement.default, instanceStartDate)
                    .done(function (removed) {
                        if (removed) {
                            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment removed";
                        } else {
                            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment not removed";
            } else {
                // Remove an appointment that occurs only once or in the case of a recurring appointment, remove the entire series.
                 appointmentId, selectionRect, Windows.UI.Popups.Placement.default)
                .done(function (removed) {
                    if (removed) {
                        document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment removed";
                    } else {
                        document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "Appointment not removed";

Visualizzare un intervallo di tempo per il provider di appuntamenti

Chiama il metodo AppointmentManager.ShowTimeFrameAsync per visualizzare un intervallo di tempo specifico per l'interfaccia principale del provider di appuntamenti predefinito, se l'utente fa clic su Show. L'esempio stampa un messaggio per indicare che sullo schermo è visualizzato il provider di appuntamenti predefinito.

    // Show the appointment provider app at the current date and time with a 1 hour duration
    function showTimeFrame() {
        var dateToShow = new Date();
        Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentManager.showTimeFrameAsync(dateToShow, (60 * 60 * 1000))
            .done(function () {
                document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The default appointments provider should have appeared on screen.";

Creare un oggetto AppointmentRecurrence e applicarvi i dati

Crea un oggetto Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrence e assegnalo a una variabile. Applica quindi a AppointmentRecurrence le proprietà relative alla ricorrenza fornite da un utente tramite l'interfaccia utente.

    function createRecurrence() {
        var isRecurrenceValid = true;
        var recurrence = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrence();

        // Unit
        switch (document.querySelector('#unitSelect').selectedIndex) {
            case 0:
                recurrence.unit = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.daily;
            case 1:
                recurrence.unit = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.weekly;
            case 2:
                recurrence.unit = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.monthly;
            case 3:
                recurrence.unit = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.monthlyOnDay;
            case 4:
                recurrence.unit = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.yearly;
            case 5:
                recurrence.unit = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.yearlyOnDay;

        // Occurrences
        // Note: Occurrences and Until properties are mutually exclusive.
        if (document.querySelector('#occurrencesRadioButton').checked) {
            recurrence.occurrences = document.querySelector('#occurrencesRange').valueAsNumber;

        // Until
        // Note: Until and Occurrences properties are mutually exclusive.
        if (document.querySelector('#untilRadioButton').checked) {
            recurrence.until = document.querySelector('#untilDatePicker').winControl.current;

        // Interval
        recurrence.interval = document.querySelector('#intervalRange').valueAsNumber;

        // Week of the month
        switch (document.querySelector('#weekOfMonthSelect').selectedIndex) {
            case 0:
                recurrence.weekOfMonth = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentWeekOfMonth.first;
            case 1:
                recurrence.weekOfMonth = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentWeekOfMonth.second;
            case 2:
                recurrence.weekOfMonth = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentWeekOfMonth.third;
            case 3:
                recurrence.weekOfMonth = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentWeekOfMonth.fourth;
            case 4:
                recurrence.weekOfMonth = Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentWeekOfMonth.last;

        // Days of the Week
        // Note: For Weekly, MonthlyOnDay or YearlyOnDay recurrence unit values, at least one day must be specified.
        if (document.querySelector('#sundayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.sunday; }
        if (document.querySelector('#mondayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.monday; }
        if (document.querySelector('#tuesdayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.tuesday; }
        if (document.querySelector('#wednesdayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.wednesday; }
        if (document.querySelector('#thursdayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.thursday; }
        if (document.querySelector('#fridayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.friday; }
        if (document.querySelector('#saturdayCheckBox').checked) { recurrence.daysOfWeek |= Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.saturday; }

        if (((recurrence.unit === Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.weekly)       ||
             (recurrence.unit === Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.monthlyOnDay) ||
             (recurrence.unit === Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit.yearlyOnDay)) &&
            (recurrence.daysOfWeek === Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek.none)) {
            isRecurrenceValid = false;
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The recurrence specified is invalid. For Weekly, MonthlyOnDay or YearlyOnDay recurrence unit values, 
                                                           at least one day must be specified.";

        // Month of the year
        recurrence.month = document.querySelector('#monthOfYearRange').valueAsNumber;

        // Day of the month = document.querySelector('#dayOfMonthRange').valueAsNumber;

        if (isRecurrenceValid)
            document.querySelector('#result').innerText = "The recurrence specified was created successfully and is valid.";

Riepilogo e passaggi successivi

Ora hai acquisito le conoscenze di base su come gestire gli appuntamenti. Scarica l'esempio di API per gli appuntamenti dalla raccolta di codice per vedere l'esempio completo relativo a come gestire gli appuntamenti.

Argomenti correlati

Esempio di API per gli appuntamenti