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Adding SUS to a Run-Time Image

Your run-time images must include the Windows Update Agent for Software Update Services Pack 1 (SUS) components to support downloading updates from your internal SUS server. The Windows Update Agent components are new for Service Pack 2.

To add SUS support to your configuration:

  1. Open your configuration in Target Designer.

  2. Increase the Target Designer component visibility to 200, as follows:

    1. From the Tools menu, select Options. The Options dialog box appears.
    2. Under the Advanced Tab, type 200 in the Minimum Visibility field.
    3. Choose OK.
  3. Add the following SUS support components to your configuration:

    • Windows Update Agent
    • Windows Update Agent for SUS 1.0 Servers

    Note   The Windows Update Agent components do not include any configurable component settings. The Windows Update Agent is configured by using the Group Policy settings after your run-time image is deployed.

  4. If you want to be able to change the SUS group policy settings directly on your run-time image, add the Group Policy Core Administration MMC Snap-In component. If you do not include this component, you must configure the SUS settings on your run-time image using Group Policy settings in your Active Directory environment.

  5. Check dependencies and resolve any conflicts.

  6. Build and deploy your run-time image.

See Also

Software Update Services (SUS) | Configuring SUS Policies on a Run-Time Image

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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